Update: Working again!
Quick addition here.
This is not a 1 button macro, if you import the ST/AOE macro and attack a dummy with one button you’re going to have a bad time. Read the thread, understand the process and use this if you want to. Otherwise there are simpler macros available.
I’m making these macros for myself and sharing my learnings along the way. I’m basically starting from scratch. I’m not super interested in tailoring them to someone’s specific needs or talents. You’re welcome to import them and modify of course, please share your successes here so that we can all benefit.
After getting some tips from @Deezyl_Fizzlepop and thoroughly studying the forum and other people’s macros I have just simplified the crap out of my own and am getting good ST and AOE performance. This will likely be updated daily until I get it to a point I’m satisfied. Again, I’m doing this for me, adjust it as you wish.
ST macro adjusted to include a timer for arcane shots (Via arcane shot macro below), you can adjust how often they fire off by changing the pause command in the sequence box. Fiddle with it until you get it to match your haste value, as it stands it’s working very well for me but we’re all beautiful individual flowers and not one size fits everyone. I did this because I spent far too much time trying to get arcane shots to fire off well within the priority list of the main macro, I kept either focus capping or just running out entirely while it blasted off 4 arcanes in a row. Using a time means it’s very consistent.
I am now using a second macro to pull and for trueshot window burst. You can have this on another button and switch to it when Trueshot is up or do what I’m doing and use quick switch bars. I basically push a button on my keyboard to switch the bar for burst/pull and switch back for normal rotation. This means I can just use the same button for both. I took this off the modifier because it was highly inconsistent and was skipping wild spirits and some spells no matter what I did to try and correct it. I’ve now actually grown to prefer this method and it bursts pretty hard, no rogue spells going off in that crucial section of the fight.
Switching between Lock and Load and Volley depending on content, Chimaera however is constant for me because it lines up much better with the rotation on the macro.
Main single target macro, this is what ticks over between burst windows, it casts priority spells and maintains reasonable focus.
Single Target MM Macro - Night Fae 11x2x32
Ctrl Modifier: Activiate Volley/TS/RF Macro (Hold the button down until RF has gone off) Needs second VOLLEYPUMP macro imported to work
Use second Opener macro to pull and in Trueshot burst windows
For ST I use Lock and Load, for everything else I get more out of Volley personally but you can use your own initiative there.
ST Macro
Volley macro required if you’re using the modifier (Hold ctrl) IMPORTANT, you only need this once, so if you’ve already imported it for AOE you don’t need to do it again. You don’t need this in your bars.
Required Arcane timer macro
Arcane Shot addon macro to compliment Single Target MM Macro
This will time out arcane shots throughout the fight, adjust the seconds pause in the sequence to tailor it to your haste, you don’t need this in your bars.
Opener/Burst macro for pulling and in the Trueshot window (Second button or bar switch)
AOE MM Macro - Night Fae 11x2x33
Ctrl Modifier: Activiate Volley/AS/RF Macro (Hold the button down until RF has gone off) Needs second VOLLEYPUMP macro imported to work
Alt Modifier: Casts Wild Spirits and Trueshot at cursor
If you’re not using Volley (read in the comments below why I am personally using it) just remove the modifier line or ignore it and blast away.
AOE Macro
Volley macro required if you’re using the modifier (Hold ctrl) IMPORTANT, you only need this once, so if you’ve already imported it for ST you don’t need to do it again. You don’t need this in your bars.