Shirk TWW Shadow (Updated 17/01)


Updated again with talent changes to kill dead spots in the sequence. Calling it V4 but it’s basically V2 with some small changes. Shadowfiend/Mindbender is on auto cast now, with a 1min cd and minimal impact I think we can get away with that.

I share my macros as I use them, you’ll need to adjust them or find another if you want it to be fully automated. I don’t like to automate defensives or burst CD’s.

Alt to apply Shadow Crash.
Ctrl for Power Infusion

Currently getting, averaged out, around 90% to sim on AOE and 86% on ST. Priest is significantly more difficult to automate compared to other classes I play.



I use this macro to select my PI target, just click the person, click the macro and it’s set for whatever you’re doing until the group disbands. You can reapply it to someone else the same way.

/run local n=UnitName("target") or "player" if not InCombatLockdown() then EditMacro(GetMacroIndexByName("PI"),nil,nil,"#showtooltip\n/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@"..n..",exists,nodead][] Power Infusion\n/use 13") print("PI Updated to "..n) end

I use this hobbled together WA to track Vampiric Touch in AOE and Shadow Crash cooldown.




Enjoy, please comment if you manage to use this. Performance suggestions always welcome.


Very nice layout, but there is a flaw on the Shadow Crash that makes it unusable. Set @CURSOR in the brackets, this will make the spell be used in whatever the cursor is pointing. I did it and it fixed your macro, that is pretty good I gonna tell you. Nice work.

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Thank you. The flaw was actually in the talents. I’ve found using targeted shadow crash much simpler when things get crazy. This is why shadow crash only refreshes once at the very start of the rotation and I apply it manually the majority of the time as the packs change and move.

Thank you!
I fixed Shadow Crash with talents as mentioned, fit me a lot better.
To add a modifier for single Vampiric Touch, would that be to add a similar line as SC to the blocks, with another modbutton?

Hi, Shirk.

Thank you a lot for this. Best s.priest sequence I’ve seen so far. Fires quick without hiccups and packs a punch. I am too using the talent that casts on the mob instead of where I am pointing, I find it better this way.

Overall, great sequence, thank you!

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Yes, just add to each action with your chosen modifier.

Just wanted to add, I’m new to priest, the last time I played priest was in vanilla 19 years ago and I basically just sat in MC and mind controlled people into the lava, a simpler time :joy:.

Please let me know if there is anything fundamental missing from the rotation.

thanks for letting us know how to fix Shadow Crash!

605 ilvl and only averaging 450k dps overall per Mythic +2. Feels low??

So many variables. How’s your dummy dmg vs sim?

How long do you hit on the dummy for to match up to the sim? Should I go for 5 minutes?

I typically sim for 3 mins, no buffs. Single target on top of the pillar at in Dorn and multi the 5 targets down the bottom.

the macro do this
|cffddaaff/targetenemy|r [noharm][dead]
|cffddaaff/cast|r |cff55cc55[nochanneling,mod:alt]|r |cff88bbddShadow Crash|r
|cffddaaff/cast|r |cff55cc55[nochanneling]|r |cff88bbddHalo|r

I think I found part of the problem. I am using Auto Hot Key and it does not cast shadow crash. Is there a way to make it cast at where the pointer is automatically?

Unsure what this is about, something on your side for sure. Start again with the addon and import imo.

I get the same thing as well when I import the macro. theres 2 blocks that have a bunch of jumbled characters in it. I wanted to make Shadow crash @cursor if possible instead of it being cast @player but I dont think it will work because of the two blocks being like that. I attached a picture below so you can see what it looks like from a fresh import.
I was messing with it and rewrote the block since you can see what its suppose to to the right but soon as you save it, it goes back to looking like the picture. it’s superweird lol

I’ll take a look this evening and see why this might be happening.

@cursor if you’re using untargeted crash.

I’ve re-exported the sequence and my talents and updated the top post. Let me know if that works please.

I’ll go ahead and test it. I forgot to post an update to my original issue. I ended up swapping to the patreon version of GSE and for some reason that fixed those 2 blocks for me.