Shirk TWW Shadow (Updated 17/01)

I see that you have the sequence posted twice up there - not sure if you meant to post the talents and the sequence. Just thought I’d point it out. Also I appreciate you sharing this with the community here without requiring me to join or follow some other site. I think as you do about that - I’m not keen about it.

My mistake, I’m just in a M+ on another toon, will update it asap.

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I’ve been using your macro for the last hour or so and it works quite well - the talent workaround for shadow crash is a big help and I did try to run the macro with that added but it doesn’t work correctly for me when I do that so I just cast it manually. Great work with this and thanks!

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Talents pasted correctly in the main post.

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Macro completely overhauled, please try it out and let me know how you get on. @Leena I’d appreciate your feedback.


The moment I get home from work I will test it! Keep up with the good work! :grin::metal:t2:

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Just tested it. And I’d say I’m impressed. Very nice sequence, the DPS is high, almost no down time, sim close to 95% in my Priest. Congrats, you have a master class macro!


Thank you, I’m finding the same. I want to see how it changes as I gear up but I can only imagine it getting better.

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Oh, gotta try this later on my shadow alt, cheers :slight_smile:

Edit* Tested it now in LFR, it’s a solid macro… works well. Good job :slight_smile:

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Just a quick update. I’ve been running this the last couple of days and went from 590 to 611 ilvl and it’s working well practically. I’ve taken this priest into multiple 8, 9 and one 10 key and had no real issues aside from ilvl based low damage compared to friends.

It’s not performing as well as I think it can on dummy tests so I’m going to spend some time on the basics and see if I can squeeze out another 5-10% damage. Will keep the main post updated.

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Tested and worked well , seems there was an update and modifiers added. Not casting shadow word pain and feels clunky atm.Great work btw

You don’t cast shadow word pain as a priest unless youre just killing random low mobs.

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Try make some blocks with /castsequence for specific situations. Always insert the longest CDs in the last position of the castsequence

I struggle to trust castsequences but this will probably end up being the solution. Ty

You can use castsequence to hold some skills using the CD of others skills. Lets say you want to use an skill within 20 seconds, you can insert an skill with around that amount of CD first in the sequence. I did this in my DH Vengeance sequence and works perfectly

That makes a lot of sense, almost like a pause function because it presumably won’t start the sequence again until the last skill is used?

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Exactly! Very useful for some debuffs. You can also, create a in game macro and put its name on the block. In game macro support [reset=(?)]. You can set, for example, “/cast reset=target”, where the skill will reset when you change target.

I’m using reset in my mark macro and it seems to function when it wants to. Just me having that issue?

you need to set a end to the macro, like this from my hunter
Just write some nonsense in the last entry and the macro will stop and reset properly

I use a null on the end to stop it repeating, identical to yours. Still behaves weirdly.