Single Button Balance druid macro sets for patch 10.2 level 70 update: 12/02/23

Good morning,

Like so many others - also the same issue. spamming stellar over and over.
The things i did :slight_smile:
Deleted the Macro
Re-imported the Macro
Checked if NULL was in the sequence ( it is )
Disabled trinkets/rings/head/amulets auto activation
Changed speed from 250 to 200 to 150 to 100 and then to 300 - still spamming with every MS
Updated stubs
Changed cvar from pres down to press up to don’t force

I have no clue what else to try :slight_smile:
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated

Only way i fixed it was take Wild Surges talent instead, and according to Method guides it the best talent anyway for Single and Mythic+

The only other thing I can think of to try is to disable all other addons and then test it again to see if there is any conflict there that could cause the macro to misbehave.

That said, Starkey does make a good point. I have yet to really start looking into trying different talent options to see if there is a way to optimize this macro set even more to take better advantage of the 10.2 changes.

I finally got around to run a bunch of sims and changes to the talents with the goal of optimizing the dps for a solid combination of st and aoe for 10.2. during my testing I realized something quite interesting regarding the talents wild surge and stellar flare. AT first testing, stellar flare was simming at a higher dps. however after changing some of the other talents around which massively improved the simmed dps in themselves, I went back to test wild surge and stellar flare, and this time, wild surge gave a much better sim. Anyway, I hope you like the changes I made. This current macro set/talent build removed the casting of stellar flare from the rotation all together.


I tried your macro as of last night, and I am very impressed with how well it performs. Thank you for sharing your work with the community!


@Aszmoday , @tabby-post

Alright, after seeing the macro spam sunfire/moonfire periodically in the aoe version of the macro on my end, I changed the way the castsequence line resets slightly which seemed to fix the issue for me. Before I had it to reset=target/combat, of which I got the feeling that the combat part may have been what would sometimes glitch out, so I changed the line to reset=target/3. (aka now the sequence resets if you switch to a new target like before, and it will also reset if you don’t cast a spell for 3 seconds.) Anyway, this seemed to fix the issue for me, and hopefully it will for you also if you encountered it spamming a spell or 2.

I also changed the behavior of the warrior of elune spell in the macro slightly so that the macro will now try to cast 3 starfires in a row while instant cast is still available as soon as it casts warrior of elune successfully.

Having a macro prioritize a certain spell type based on what eclipse type you have up at any given moment without human intervention is a bit above the capabilities of the macro engine in wow. We might be able to get close by putting spells in a specific order, but it still won’t be as effective as a human player who has had a lot of practice to perfect the rotation. Your best option would be to have the appropriate spells ready at hand to be cast manually when appropriate, or add a modifier in the macro set to cast the appropriate spell when it is beneficial to do so. Personally I’m not a fan of adding modifiers to macro sets as it would interfere with my bartender addon setup, but you’re welcome to do so.

example: if you want to add wrath as a modifier to the aoe macro set, you can add this line to the end of the keypress block:

/cast [mod:ctrl,nochanneling] Wrath 

For st, then replace wrath with Starfire. If you want to use a different modifier, then replace ctrl with alt, or shift.

both talents the same for AoE and ST?

yes they are. just go up and look at least last few letter/numbers on both and you will see.

yea i saw then I imported both of them :stuck_out_tongue: all good just making sure wasn’t a mistake

This is waaaaaaaaay even better. The ST and AOE separate like that are more effective. 100K dps in mythics as ST, I wish aoe was more effective but it is what it is. Single target tho is real good.

Awesome. I’m glad you like it. If you wanted to go the rout of a more aoe focused build, you could try taking the lunar shrapnel and aetherial kindling talents instead of nature’s grace and warrior of elune. If you did decide to test out that change, I would also recommend disabling the block that casts warrior of elune to make the change play nicer with the macro. Just note, making the change will cause the single target dps to drop according to what I simmed.


Im the only one having trouble to import? doesnt metter how many times i tried it just not getting imported to GSE. Tried different macros in different characters and everything seems fine. Just tthis one isnt loading. And two days ago was just fine, when i logged in today wasnt working anymore and i could import.

edit: tried in a different druid and it worked. looks like my new druid somehow is bugged? this ever happened with someone else? if it did how did u guys fixed?

Do macro stub clean, and check if you reached 18 personal macros.


Hi, what u mean by macro stub clean? Never did that. I have no idea of what is this or how to do it

FYI, every character has a maximum of 18 macros ( game menu, macros )

So try to delete some and try to reacreate the icon in to the bar.

If not GSE Options —> Troubleshoting —> Update Macro Stubs.


Thanks. But didn’t worked out. Also this character only have 2 macros.
Idk what’s going on. Until 2 days ago was everything fine

It locks up for me on the rotation

@Thesairen this macro is still running fantastic. staying in the top 10 dps of the raids. No lock ups or if there is its so small i dont see it. keep up the great work.

I have a question, I noticed the AOE spec tree is the same as ST. Is it supposed to be this way?