SPriest - v7.2 - GSE2.1

Thanks for this, Sethadon. This is working great for me. I am under geared, but I still picked up a lot of DPS in just a few minutes of practice. I’m sure I’ll improve with time. I actually prefer pressing the keys and wish more classes were set up this way. I like a the control over the specials and not just randomly going off without enough combo points.

Is there a recommended talent-setup for this macro?

Whats your iLvl and what kind of damage are you doing?

What is your AHK script for this?

Love the macro, but it seems to hang with a target circle awaiting for some input from me? Any ideas? I checked my keybindings and that is not the issue.

[quote quote=50206]Love the macro, but it seems to hang with a target circle awaiting for some input from me? Any ideas? I checked my keybindings and that is not the issue.

GSE must be set to cast trinket automatically … check options.

Playing the HP one in GSE, even as a 101 I am pulling 45-50 DPS on training dummy. Is the marco in this OP better?

[quote quote=50384]Playing the HP one in GSE, even as a 101 I am pulling 45-50 DPS on training dummy. Is the marco in this OP better?

Better is subjective … The “advanced” macro gives you control over certain spells that would otherwise fire automatically in the HP version in GSE. This can be advantageous during burst DPS situations.

Kinda confused on ur macros bud i tried using spreist main and it does nothing tried using spreist mb and only spamming mind blast and so far not other macro i have tested is working correctly either spamming one spell or doing nothing I am at a lost and not very good at writing theses macros i would like to lvl my preist some

The macros work just fine. In fact, there are none better than these. When you say you want to “level your priest” what level are you? These are mainly designed around 110.

can you post the macro again here thanks

My priest is lv 42 right now i had a macro for when it was just gnome sequencer that worked just fine but now it doesn’t

Is this macro still doing well as for 7.2.5? I’m 875 ilvl and I’m struggling to keep 450k dps on the dummy/raids.
I made a macro on my mouse to cycle through the Main, Mind Blast and Void Bolt macros so I basically keep everything on cooldown and apply the dots manually (almost never let them fall off.)

[quote quote=51072]Kinda confused on ur macros bud i tried using spreist main and it does nothing tried using spreist mb and only spamming mind blast and so far not other macro i have tested is working correctly either spamming one spell or doing nothing I am at a lost and not very good at writing theses macros i would like to lvl my preist some

There was a similar issue with the Original Version of this macro. Perhaps this comment might lead you to a solution.

Not sure what is going on but it calls out for my void torrent as soon as i enter into void form :confused:

Thanks a ton, for this. I really love the general feel of these macros. It seems a lot more fluid than most of the other sequences I’ve tried.
My DPS is currently on the really, really low end (at level 103 with ilvl 717 though, without many points spent in the artifact) but that’ll probably get better with levels/gear/artifact power.

Can you give a hint on talents - i am still leveling :slight_smile:

All this macro is doing is locking up or chain casting Mind Flay.

Logged in to say ‘Thank you’ Sethadon. This has made it possible for me to enjoy all over again the experience of WoW. It’s so nice being at least in the ballpark doing DPS compared with other classes (ilvl 928 now and can sustain about 1.4 on class hall target dummies - and consistently being #3 or 2 in M+). I used your scripts as a starting point and have modified them over time to fit my playstyle and it’s been awesome. Thank you very much for all of your work.

[quote quote=54872]Logged in to say ‘Thank you’ Sethadon. This has made it possible for me to enjoy all over again the experience of WoW. It’s so nice being at least in the ballpark doing DPS compared with other classes (ilvl 928 now and can sustain about 1.4 on class hall target dummies – and consistently being #3 or 2 in M+). I used your scripts as a starting point and have modified them over time to fit my playstyle and it’s been awesome. Thank you very much for all of your work.

Nice! Love hearing this stuff. Glad to help. ???