SPriest - v7.2 - GSE2.1

is functional for patch 7.3? each macro is for different situation? if i have the ring i can use the same macros?

I noticed in the macro mod:ctrl and mod:shift, how do I get those keys to work? my alt works pefectly but when I hit ctrl or shift it locks the rotation up

[quote quote=55351]I noticed in the macro mod:ctrl and mod:shift, how do I get those keys to work? my alt works pefectly but when I hit ctrl or shift it locks the rotation up

Try this thread.

works a treat, cheers mate!

Can u guys, please, recommended talent-setup for this macro ?
Thanks in advance !

And thank you Sethadon for your effort and great macro.

[quote quote=56981]Can u guys, please, recommended talent-setup for this macro ? Thanks in advance !
And thank you Sethadon for your effort and great macro.

Here are the most popular builds: http://wowpopular.com/Talents/Priest/Shadow/Raid

As far as I know, this macro should work with all of em.

Cheers! ???

Hoping someone can help me out here…

Just loaded this one up and already it’s doing soooo much better than the old All-in-one macro.
My problem is that the CTRL and ALT functions are not working.
Also, When I use the MB key, it fires off MindBlast but nothing else. When I use the Main key it won’t run unless I’ve proceeded it with a MindBlast using the MB key. If I have fired MB then Main runs great.

I am only level 73 so I know that there are some abilities that I won’t be able to use yet, but my understanding of most of these macros is that if you don’t have the ability it will just skip to the next available ability…

I am using a Logitech gaming board, with each macro assigned to a macro key. Running each macro at spam rate of 0.8

Appreciate any help anyone might offer.

FYI: There’s a key mod troubleshooting thread on this site that might help. See if there’s a solution here first: https://wowlazymacros.com/forums/topic/troubleshooting-key-modifier-problems/#post-48311

It is pretty much designed that way - it will cast MB unless channeling Void Torrent.

Ideally, Shadow Priests should open with MB. As such, these macros are setup that way. Alternatively, these macros will allow you to open with SWP or Vampiric Touch - which won’t work for you because of the key mod problem you are experiencing.


If you prefer to open with another spell, you could always remove the combat condition from one of the spells in the Main Macro.

Example: /cast [combat, nochanneling] Mind Flay

I hope this helps.

Cheers! ???

Has anyone have success in raids with this rotation? I dont have a priest but might boost one and my raid is lacking ranged dps atm

I raid with this macro. You aren’t going to the top meters or parse 100, but it’s very viable.

I use a slightly modified version of the macro in raids. I built Mind Blast into the main rotation and use modifiers to cast dots, VT, and mindbender. Here are some logs…

Heroic ABT:

Normal ABT:

DPS Challenges: minimizing downtime on void bolt and maximizing void stacks (50 seems to be max ST with t21 4pc which means next voidform often drops before you can recast mindbender). I sim at 1.8M ST and pull approximately 1.4-1.5M ST on the ST dummy in ORG.

My toon and gear: