I’m trying to use Storm, Earth, and Fire in a /castsequence macro. I tried using the spell ID, but it automatically changed it to the spell name and the commas are making the macro lock up. Is there a way to fix this?
Spell ID: 137639
/castsequence [nochanneling] Fist of the White Tiger, Tiger Palm, Heart Essence, 137639, Touch of Death
It automatically changed to ->>
/castsequence [nochanneling] Fist of the White Tiger, Tiger Palm, Heart Essence, Storm, Earth, and Fire, Touch of Death
It isn’t firing properly that way. It doesn’t fire my heart essence (blood of the enemy) or storm, earth, and fire in the correct order. Everything else runs correctly though. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.
You cant use Storm, Earth and Fire in a castsequence line. Its a Blizzard issue that they havent done anything to fix for years. GSE Stores the spellID but Blizzard doesnt let macros use spellID’s - you have to use the local name. Hence when GSE sends SEF to the macro executor it has to send ‘Earth, Storm and Fire’ (Note if not playing in english this is how GSE macros translate to your local language) not 12341234
#showtooltip /cast [nopet] Storm, Earth, and Fire /stopcasting /castsequence reset=30/shift Weapons of Order(Kyrian), Fist of the White Tiger, Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick, Fists of Fury, Whirling Dragon Punch