My 1st attempt at making a GS macro, and for SUB it’s kinda difficult due to being able to maximize Shadow Dance to the fullest extent. In this macro setup I am focusing on Keeping “Nightblade” and “Symbols of Death” up while using “Enveloping Shadows” to keep driving down the cooldown of “Shadow Dance” to spam Shadowstrike and pop Death from Above which should register you in stealth for the damage bonus.
Any “tested” revised suggestions would be awesome.
Gear only at 659 pulling 20k on training dummy.
Side note: Kidney Shot, and Cheap Shot left off for manual application due to Shadow Dance always being off cooldown due to: Enveloping Shadows
Sequences['SubLegion'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nostealth,nocombat]Stealth
/castsequence [stealth] reset=target Shadow Blades,Symbols of Death,Shadowstrike',
/cast [stealth] Shadowstrike
/castsequence [nostealth,combat,nostance]reset=target Gloomblade,Gloomblade,Gloomblade,Nightblade',
/castsequence [nostealth] reset=target Gloomblade,Gloomblade,Enveloping Shadows',
'/castsequence reset=target Gloomblade,Gloomblade,Gloomblade,Nightblade,Gloomblade,Gloomblade,Enveloping Shadows,Nightblade',
'/castsequence reset=target Shadow Dance,Symbols of Death,Shadowstrike,null',
'/castsequence [nostance,nostealth] reset=target Shadow Dance,Shadowstrike,Shadowstrike,Eviscerate',
'/cast [combat,nostealth] Shadow Blades',
'/cast [combat,nostealth] Symbols of Death',
'/cast [combat,nostealth] Shadowstrike',
'/cast [combat,nostealth] Shadow Dance',
'/cast [combat,nostealth] Death from Above',
PostMacro = [[