Survival [GS] 6.0.4 2 button rotation

Here is my gnomesequencer survival macros. I use two buttons because barrage should never be used in a sequence macro or bad things will happen as mobs come out of nowhere.

My talents are as follows:


As I a taking steady focus and barrage as well as lone wolf, I do not have anything for pets, have it firing cobra shot twice if possible, and have barrage on a separate macro

So here are the macros…

Single Target:

Sequences['SVST'] = {
    PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
    '/cast Explosive Shot',
    '/cast !Black Arrow',
    '/castsequence reset=3 Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot',
    '/cast Explosive Shot',
    '/cast Arcane Shot',
    '/cast A Murder of Crows',

Multiple Target (AOE):

Sequences['SVAOE'] = {
    PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
    '/cast Explosive Shot',
    '/cast !Black Arrow',
    '/castsequence reset=3 Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot',
    '/cast Explosive Shot',
    '/cast Multi-Shot',

Barrage Macro:
note: this does not cancel the channeling of barrage if you spam the button so if you need to stop it, spam the main macro

#showtooltip Barrage
/stopmacro [channeling:Barrage]
/cast Barrage

So this pulls nearly as much as when I wasn’t using macros (20+k single target and 30+k burst AOE). My current ilvl is 650

Have no ide how you get those dps numbers this macro starving me on focus like never before not even close to use barrage if im not manually manage more focus shot

Barrage is a huge focus cost. If you are trying to weave it into your rotation then you are doing it wrong. That said, if you prefer to sit with a reserve of focus instead of letting it be used and having the macro starve it a bit to pump cobra shot, then just take out arcane shot as a /cast and put it in the cast sequence. That will have it cast arcane shot less and not starve you as much. Granted you will lose some dps but that’s the cost of saving focus.

I’m also not using focus[ing] shot as it has a movement restriction and that totally breaks the point of playing a hunter.

Anyway, try this and see if it works for you

Sequences['SVST'] = {
    PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
    '/cast Explosive Shot',
    '/cast !Black Arrow',
    '/castsequence reset=4 Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Arcane Shot',
    '/cast Explosive Shot',
    '/cast A Murder of Crows',

Hi Steph

What Glyphs are you using please

Steph what kind of pet are you using???

He’s using LoneWolf…no pet.

[quote quote=21016]Hi Steph

What Glyphs are you using please

Click the link on my talents it will show the glyphs as well.

Great Macro. If you were to use Glaive Toss, would you incorporate it into the macro (and where?) or self fire it like you do for barrage?

I would say weave it in as it is only 15 focus and pretty much not going to drain you that bad. Only problem is barrage is just a beast when it comes to AOE DPS that I can’t give it up.

I made some changes to my macros and am pretty pleased with the outcome. I also added some scripting to remove the annoying ping sound you get when it moves across the rotation.

The other big change is I added in another murder of crows and black arrow because I felt it got skipped over a little much and I wanted it to catch as much as possible. These really are not necessary if you have a great latency but as mine runs in the 90 ms range, this helps me out. I also took out the “!” as it doesn’t do anything and boosted the castsequence to 4 seconds which smoothed out the cobra shots.

I was consistently pulling 23k tonight (single target) in highmaul.

Single Target

Sequences['SVST'] = {
    PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
    '/cast Explosive Shot',
    '/cast Black Arrow',
    '/cast A Murder of Crows',
    '/castsequence reset=4 Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot',
    '/cast Explosive Shot',
    '/cast Arcane Shot',
    '/cast Black Arrow',
    '/cast A Murder of Crows',
    PostMacro = [[
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1


Sequences['SVAOE'] = {
    PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
    '/cast Explosive Shot',
    '/cast Black Arrow',
    '/castsequence reset=4 Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot',
    '/cast Explosive Shot',
    '/cast Multi-Shot',
    PostMacro = [[
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

This is probly the macro i’ve had the most success with since wod launch I changed it up for me I prefer glaive toss and it was a little focus starved seems like there was too much arcane shot going off so I tried to increase focus gain and spending less focus

Sequences[‘SVST’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
‘/castsequence reset=combat Explosive Shot,cobra shot’,
‘/cast Black Arrow’,
‘/cast A Murder of Crows’,
‘/castsequence reset=4 Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot’,
‘/cast glaive toss’,
‘/cast Explosive Shot’,
‘/castsequence reset=combat Arcane Shot,cobra shot’,
‘/cast Black Arrow’,
‘/cast A Murder of Crows’,
PostMacro = [[
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

I have also switched to ToTh now that my ilvl is higher. I’m really liking the results with it. Gives me smoother focus regen than steady focus as it is now proccing almost constantly.

Steph, in testing on target dummies I was doing pretty well to avg with your setup… but once i hit Heroic HM Butcher fights it was all over the place and i had to manually cast ES/AS/BA between to keep things going smooth and really only relied on the macro to cast crows and cobra. I think the main issue was the haste buff I had in raid but was not testing with on the dummies and the fact I was missing so many ES from good procs. Also It seemed that I was casting Cobra a hell of a lot in live testing. Would lvoe for you to test the macro with the haste buff from Lone wolf to try and see if you get the same issues to help tweak it. I am trying many different setups on here and the best so far was this on the dummies but a list macro on live… hope we can get these working smoother

If your cobra shot is less than 1.8 seconds with the haste buff you have too much haste for survival. Multistrike and crit are our two stats that matter and too much haste is going to screw you up.

If you are missing explosive shot then you are either too high with haste or you are trying to use barrage every time on cool down. While I do sometimes miss black arrow due to focus, it fires enough to get a decent amount to LnL to fire off multiple explosive shots.

currently my ilvl is 656 and my haste with the buff is 9.96%.

As for firing cobra shot too much, you need to fire it quite a bit even if you were manually doing a rotation to build focus between your large shots like explosive, arcane, and the like.

My second posted macro here is my current one that I am using with thrill of the hunt and it works flawless for me in highmaul. Most fights I have over 95% active and most are 99%

Can I get this thread deleted? I’ve now been stalked in game and that is so not cool.

Sorry to hear that anon, I deleted the part that you requested. Sorry for stupids out there, can’t even fix them with duck tape.

Works for me. I forgot the most important rule of the internet… never put personal information where the crazies can find you

[quote quote=21068]

<div class="d4p-bbt-quote-title">Barry Bradshaw wrote:</div> Hi Steph

What Glyphs are you using please

Click the link on my talents it will show the glyphs as well. [/quote] Please can you add the glyphs to the post as some stupid fools have been harassing you in game and I am sat in game with no glyphs and to be honest dont really have a clue :p

They are not hitting these numbers. That is your answer. They are likely taking the highest burst rating, or only running a 30 second recount on Garrison dummies that take extra barrage damage.

As for anon_hunter;

You are months behind other macro makers. I don’t mean this to be insulting, it’s just that your concepts and “scripting” have been used for ages.

I took this for a spin, and it is a significant dps loss compared to other macros on the board. Your advice to not use Barrage on CD has always simmed as a dps loss as well.

As for your “Scripting”;

'/castsequence reset=4 Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot',

That line does absolutely nothing different than just a regular cast. In fact the 4 second reset delays the 3rd shot. It delays it by such a small value, it can not possibly be intentional.

“I don’t mean this to be insulting”
No, you mean to be arrogant which comes off as load and clear. You don’t know how to play your class so you rely on other people to do it for you.

I do pull 24k+ with this and it works well.

I offered it as a starting point for others but if you are not wanting to use it, don’t but there is no need to have this attitude.

Next time try and learn a little tact before you come in and take a dump on someone else’s thread.