Thanks for your dedication in maintaining this macro. I have been using this for about a week and the previous version was working very very well, for me. I cant wait to try this one. My ilvl is 248 and I am running about 6-7k dps and I am running the macro about 175 ms. I havnt really taken the time to fully optimize this MS etc, but having the bombs on manual really, really helps. I just cant get a huge amount of the like I see other survival hunters do, but I have really only been running Surv for about a week on a lower geared toon. UPDATE: Running this on the test dummies and the control for burst isnt working for me. Not sure whats going on, but I will look into this further. Thanks much again
Looking forwards to trying this version.
Have a GREAT DAY !!!
Kyrian 4 set 270 itlvl
The old macro did alot better single/aoe dmg Kill command does more dmg then Sharnel bombs atm
Old macro 19-24k single target (bossfights +5-15 keys) Aoe fights 35-60k+
This macro 9.9-13k single target (bossfights +5-15keys)Aoe fights 15-24k
It feels like something is missing here?
Tried ms from 50 up to 275 (old macro 150)
But cheers for good work
The issue must be on your side, sorry. Tested the different macros and versions on target dummy and a +18 SoA yesterday and it performed as good as before. If you are not using version 2 of the macro, think about doing so, as you can play much more effective, when casting your bombs by hand.
Thanks for you feedback!
As for the Ctrl mod, maybe Ctrl+1 is still bound in your standard keybinds? Remember to press Ctrl after the macro put out Hunter’s Mark and the first Serpent Sting.
Thats the issue im using the 2 one and have bombs on manual i managed to do more dmg with old one. it just feels like the macro stand still? can it be ms issue? Great work
Hey there, welcome!
MS (milliseconds) means the speed, at which an external software is pressing the macro. You can basically use your keyboard or mouse software, to let it spam one specific button, which in turn “automates” the macro. You can check here, for some more information.
Your overall DPS depends on many different things, e.g. pull size, instance, BL vs. no BL and most importantly bomb proccs. Also, the longer a pull goes on, the lower your overall DPS will be.
Looking at a HoA +18 log I could find for your character, your damage seems fine. Only thing I found is, that you sometimes sit on your 2-piece procc for too long. If you have a Mad Bombardier procc, most of the time, just use it fast.
Looking at a HoA +18 log I could find for your character, your damage seems fine. Only thing I found is, that you sometimes sit on your 2-piece procc for too long. If you have a Mad Bombardier procc, most of the time, just use it fast.
I did not understand what you mean because I use your macro’s, so what should I do?
If you are using version 1 of the macro, it’s fine. If you are using version 2 (manual bombs), you have to press Shift to use your bombs and play around you 2-set proccs and Pheromone Bomb.
Hello thank you for spending time creating and updating this macro.
For me it doesn’t work though and it’s clearly on my end but i use version 2 and when i press the aoe key it only fires serpent stings and the single target only spams like the same 2 skills and i never get bomb procs for me to hold shift for. Any tips?
If you are using version 2 of the macro, that means that Shift is used to cast Bombs and NOT for the AOE rotation. Meaning, that you have to bind the AOE macro to your bars also. If you press Shift now, when running one of the two macros, it should cast a Bomb. The proccs will come from Kill Command resets with the 2-set.
Hey, thank you for answering. I have it setup like that one keybind for the AoE version and another for the ST (main) version and when i hold down my key (logitech software tried with different ms) to aoe it only spams serpent sting and the ST version never procs a bomb not sure what i am doing wrong.
Have you tried importing the macros again?
Other things that could be the problem:
Have you cleared your keybinds in GSE (ingame keybinds for Shift, Ctrl, Alt + 1,2)?
Maybe it has something to do with the logitech software - maybe try changing it from “Hold” to “enable/disable”, so you have to press the buttons once to start spamming and again to stop it. I don’t think it should make a difference, but who knows.
Have you changed anything in the sequence?
What happens, if you run the macro and press Shift? Does it throw Bombs?
the problem of the spec survival, in addition to being difficult to play, is based a lot on the bombs to use and therefore the macri amè no neseguerà precise rotation of how it should be
practically speaking with all the survival hunters who make mythical pluses with 3k scores and higher, the rotation is all based on the use of fire bombs and the others, so macros should be used that way to make it really good right?
Yes, thats correct. Meaning for the best performance, using version 2, manual bombs and playing around 2-set proccs (fishing for proccs with Kill Command resets).