This macro is AWESOME. How would I get it to fire off Rising Sun Kick and Chi Wave more often? I’m seeing Raising Sun Kick and Chi Wave not being used that much. Right now I’m just firing them off by hand. Thank!

the way monks damage works is you never use two abilities back to back to there is that

and it also depends how fast your firing the macro

i fire it dangerously fast that is not suggested at all

Actually not completely true. It highly depends on your energy generation and your active mitigation.
Rising Sun has quite a bit of a priority and I recommend casting it manually to not miss out on it. After all we do not have rotation but a priority system. But that’s just my personal opinion.

ah you know what … the ability I was referring to is Mastery: Combo Strikes ..

  • Your Abilities deal % more damage when they are not a repeat of the previous ability.*

It appears that is only for Windwalkers so yup … never you mind what I say about that

The way i wrote the macro is Priority Based so : the reasoning behind it are as follows

Expel Harm (big self heal)
Touch of Death (asap)
Celestial Brew (bascially on pull for shield and more stagger)
Blackout Kick (more stagger)
Keg Smash (gives shuffle)
Rising Sun Kick (dps)
Rushing Jade Wind (dps)
Tiger Palm (dps)
Spinning Crane Kick (shuffle) might relook this one to give it higher priority
Chi Wave (dps+small self heal)

My rising sun kick very rarely just sits there unused. Prolly cuz I am firing my sequence so fast.


1- How would this sequence described in the blizzard macro look?

2- Does it work smoothly on key spam by resetting every time you finish the rotation?

3- #showtooltip Keg Smash
/castsequence reset “?”…? please, continue…

4- How would it be or what do you suggest? Because I am not able to make my GSE work.

you should ask this sort of question to the discord /

hows this perform in pvp?

the other tanks seem to be stomping- especiall the bear tank and blood dk.

This won’t work. Sorry, but a castsequence macro does not substitute the compiler.

new MAX DPS edition out – better than ever

1 Like

Thanks, it feels great!

New action vid :


Not to bad with the new changes. I think I still like the older one better personaly. I feel a lot more tanky in it but than again im also still in the leveling process. 68 atm so i’ll try and get the last few levels I need to give better feedback. The new macro threw me off as well since it dosn’t have the auto purify you were testing with the old one haha. Thanks again for the update though!

Looks solid, I guess the Bone Dust Brew + Exploding Keg carries the pull. :slight_smile:
Mathematically you should consider dropping Charred Passion for Dragon Fire breath especially in pulls over 4 mobs and single target boss damage. Nice work, really well done, mate.

Three little questions though, you are not taking High Tolerance, which is a significant gain now that we lost the 10% damage mitigation passive and instead you chose Counterstrike which is kind of contraproductive in a compiled sequence macro, you cant play around the passive. It would shine with Chared Passion, I guess.

And second easy question, how fast are you firing the sequence. Looking at your action bars you seem to get a good apm for Rising Sun Kick and Blackout Kick.

Last one, what’s Tiger Palm part in your overall damage profile? Is it casting enough and making an impact? Especially in single target situations?

Thanks in advance.

Mathematically you should consider dropping Charred Passion for Dragon Fire breath especially in pulls over 4 mobs and single target boss damage.

I thought Charred Passions was more damage single-target - my thinking was we are kinda low single-target wise on bossess so was trying to do what I could - but I will implement it and try it out

you are not taking High Tolerance

I did in my initial build - which was more defensive in mind

you chose Counterstrike

adds 100% more damage to our spinning kick since we dodge enemy attacks often - right ?

how fast are you firing the sequence


what’s Tiger Palm part in your overall damage profile?

I took it out and just do spinning kick - I have it setup to where it does everything else (priority) and spinning kick as a (if nothing else is available) type of thing - but I also have spinning kick on another key so I can spam it at will to pull aggo on large mobs sometimes

Thanks for the comments ! Have fun with it if your using it !


Thanks for taking the time to answer, friend. Appreciate your work!

Used your macro the other night for normal VoI. Great survivability Parses in the 90’s for self-healing. The damage is a little low this may be my error for not seeing that the macro does not use tiger palm when there are a few different talents taken in your build that buff its damage. I did move some stuff around to see if I can get more damage out of it without losing the survivability. I did pick up weapons of order and dropped the white tiger statue. I replaced this at the ctrl mode section of the macro and it’s firing off just fine.


Eranog DPS

Eranog Healing

Terros DPS

Terros Healing

Nice parse. Did you change anything in the macro to fire Tiger Palm or do you use it manually?

The only change I made to the macro was to remove White tiger status and replaced it with Weapons of Order. I Did Shift talents away from any tiger palm buff to other passives.

Talents that I ran for the below Parse

Council DPS

Council HPS ( Didn’t do as much healing as I wasn’t taken a lot of damage)

Sennarth DPS

Sennarth HPS

Hi, thank you so much for this macro.
i only have a problem.
When i press Shift, only Exploding Keg fires. Bonedust is not used.
What is wrong?

Thank youuu