First week is done, and your changes worked for me.
Parsed 90 on Broodmother. And did some nice +10 and +11 keys (not that high but I am an average gamer only).

Thanks @usmcguy for the setup and @TheMadDad for the changes.

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didn’t realize people look at tank parses

oh heck ya I do! Healing parses show how much stress I’m taking off my healers. DPS parses just make me feel like a badass lol

I have the same issue and apparently it is resolved if you change your covenant to something other than necrolord as the game is confused with the talent vs the necrolord ability

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I used the macro in yesterdays normal clear run. It is an easy raid, but still the parses are quite impressive.

BDB, Ox and Weapons of Order on seperate keys, RJW too because it fires not enough for me.


Where would be a good place to and in a Tiger Palm? It’s needed to maintain the buff from the 2 set. Right now just the spinning crane kick won’t keep the buff up or at a 4 stack

Where would be a good place to and in a Tiger Palm? It’s needed to maintain the buff from the 2 set. Right now just the spinning crane kick won’t keep the buff up or at a 4 stack

It's not needed - take a look for yourself

[Brewmaster Monk Tier Set]

[Mistweaver Monk Tier Set]

[Windwalker Monk Tier Set]

I understand that SCK gives a stack as well, as it is right now the SCK in the macro does not maintain or get to 4 stacks. I have been using TP on another key to build stacks and lower the CD of my Brews. Was checking to see if there’s a good place to add a TP to help with both of these.


interesting … spinkick on your end wont go off twice within a 10-second window

I have spin kick on a seperate key as well … i’ll look into it

Actually, high keys this week are pushed with Face Palm and Counterstrike. At first glance this shouldn’t be a problem for Russel’s macro or the edited MadDad version. I dont even know right now if the counterstrike aura is trackable externally via WeakAura. But maybe you two experts can figure out a sequence that includes Tiger Palm for extra single target damage in Tyrannical weeks. I can only do the math but not the compiling.

Hey there!

Came back from a longer break and I am now once again starting to raid and run M+.

This macro is really really good! Thank you!

But, there seems to be a problem:
Maintaining the 2-Set buff won’t work. Spinning Crane doesn’t fire enough. I am also running the macro @25 MS for testing.

Same goes for maintaining Rushing Jade Wind, which only has an uptime of ~50% for me and Chi Wave, which doesn’t fire at all, even if there is downtime between casts.

Either it is something on my side, which slows the macro down so it doesn’t cast some abilities as often as it should, or something is off with the macro. Can’t tell.

I tried changing some spells around, putting Spinning Crane Kick higher, but it doesn’t seem to get much better.

Any ideas?

This is a FANTASTIC macro - thank you! I have never tanked as a monk, and just used this macro and spec as you suggested, and tanked M+7 with 366 ilvl gear, and never had my health drop. Really good macro!

This is true. The macro is perfect IF you fire RJW, CW manually besides both of them being in the macro.
Additionally I fire BDB and WoO manually. I don’t have 2-Set yet (it is not a great set imo) but you could weave in a single SCK easily but could miss out on a global for CW.

Maybe MadDad or usmcguy can weave in an additional Tiger Palm, I lack the skill myself.

Ill take a look at the macro tonite when i get back.

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not wanting to keep yall waiting here is something to help beta’test - been using this for some runs - don’t have tier sets so - but kinda timing it does tiger palm / spinning crane kick within the 15 second window

and >= 85% Rushing Jade Wind - (most of the time)

the thing about Brewmasters is there are so many abilities with overlapping / same time CD’s so of course not gonna be perfect …

but try this out tell me what you think

(it does use Bonedust Brew + Exploding Keg automatically )

(two mods - one leg sweep - one healing elixir)



This one seems better in terms of maintaining the buff of the 2-Set and Rushing Jade Wind. But now Blackout Kick won’t fire and it runs into energy starvation.

I will also look into it tonight when I find some time, but I guess you’re right - the main problem is with the awful Ability cluttering. Whe playing without any macro, just by hand, your bars are filled with all this stuff (of which you need most of…). I love my monk but that’s really annoying.

Thanks for your hard work on this. I’m sure you can figure something out!

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Just curious what kind of content peoiple are running with this and if they could upload their logs for said runs ?

Cleared normal raid with it, see picture above. Best parses with a macro in a raid I have ever done. Now into heroic progression and it does the same, parses are not up to the level of normal yet, but I have to get used to the additional mechanics for now.

In M+ I cleared everything up to +14 and yesterday my first +16 (Academy). So I think the macro (MadDad version) still kicks.

Mind though, I do not run 2-set right now. So I will have to wait if I can safely play around the bonus.

updated with tier set version for those lucky ones with them - in main (top) v2


Tested the new version yesterday in heroic raid. I have to say: It’s amazing!

The damage is good. And the healing is amazing!

Thanks for this update!