These are the Single Target and Multi-Target Macros I am using.

[quote quote=68640]I just sat at the raid dummy in Boralus and spammed the button for 1 minute.
385 iLevel gear (16% haste, 30% mastery, 20% crit) 70 ms (not sure how to change this other than pay more for faster internet) SpellQueueWindow = 283
Tiggis’s last post = 10.9/11k on raid dummy BALANCE_ST Talents 2222222
Spitz’ revision of OG = 12.8k on raid dummy BALANCE_ST Talents 1XXX221

I have used the updated macro this past week and did pretty well compared to my ilvl 400 guildies. I was 378 at the time of the kill and did just under 16k. My 39x boomy brethren were in the low 20’s

I am going to try Spitz macro tonight, although I cant get any loot I can get some dps numbers going forward.

I switched to spitz, that is doing 23k on target dummy with my changes in gear, what are you all using for the MT one?

spitz MT one is super low for me even on target dummy wont go above 9k

tiggis MT goes almost to 30k on the dummy. Trying that one out tonight in the raid as well.

Any Changes on the Marco ? is any way to put [Incarnation: Chosen of Elune] [Stellar Flare] in to the marco ?

these are the logs using spitz macros

opulance was my best of the night, finally getting the correct uptime on moonfire and sunfire

I have been trying to figure this out for my boomy, I know how to plug in the macro and aLL, But my dps is so low when i try to use this. I’m a 393 Boomy. I have simmed myself to do 20k dps but most fights i’m only about 10-13k dps

I have seen several versions of Tiggs macro. I am confused which one is the newest. Perhaps if the OP is the newest, would it be possible to put an “UPDATED <date>” in the beginning…??

I’ve been using Tiggis’_Balance_ST_1st_Draft macro. I’ve tried all others and used different talents but this one with the talents 1232221 does the best for me.

Cant find Tiggis’_Balance_ST_1st_Draft macro where is it located in the posts?

No idea but it’s within this post that i got it… You could import them all and then see it - wish i could help you more but i have no idea how to repost it here.

check start of the post…

[quote quote=65457]Still getting best results with a slightly modified version of the original. Set focus on the tank or healer and it will insta Rebirth. I only added 1 more Lunar since the duration of Moonfire is longer. And when moving for mechanics, hold Ctrl to fire off Sunfire (its ok dmg and will build up some astral for Starsurge). Believe me…I have tooled around with many different talent builds and keep coming back to this one. Given the limitations of having to use a macro…this is (so far) yielding the best results for the class.
347 ilvl – 2 pieces Streaking Stars – I start a boss fight around 20k then settle to around 8k depending on mechanics.
d4JQcaGELu1lvr6TurBtfYHrmtOOhly2kXWuPUju4xe6BQOUhsPDQk7vA3cTFqNgv9xLu8BLAGkjzOOIgmWWvjoiQWRHQ6yOCCvslKGSuKQwSOA5I8qvqpvXYG06usyIQatfjtgvA6KUibvxMYZeLRtv2OssTvLuAZqv2obLPPQMfv6ZqPBdvgPsQmwKkJwfQZbXjvrClLeDncCEKINt0DPcJJQ6YkvFSocXbMC8ou4RzO6dTuDOilwuLDy0rhDOOSohy4r8w0(yD4WtpEN6qXJfcwjemx4113zUyHtoOp2nAhmiH0ETwsYVJYs1hRu9X6igisfco7F05FFODedePkTREwmyqaeKmPP0QKewtfdBC5efcGagYnI)3fcyi3i(FxiGHCJ4)DHaKS)nAFzDedePkTREwmyqaeKmPP0QKewtfdBC5efcGagYNjiZfcyiFMGmxiGH8zcYCHagYNjiZfc8rqzDWCVVGjpoETthQeFeFtznVZ6mc3M35zb8BEhHSfT5DONpIL18oCULkgKqAxQQDo1OHEBXisRu9X6igisfco7F05F1ouj(i(MI28o0ZhXI28oNA0WzYKYs1hRJOssyn1IgoAGaNX9XKeoho5AeUo6dTJyGiviW5QWBh8KUCncxhqa693)3xwhXarQqGZ4gVDcNdia97lWVVFhXarQqGtCBUR4qnT4acqY(3O9jOJyGivPD1ZIbdcGGKjnLwLKWAkeab(iOmxiaj7FJ6cbrVLLQD4mzyqcPDPQ2zu7YQ9IbLFh7m2vplQ8KLQv7Gbj6rwojQwsywu53Xku1QTaBALANCE_ST Talents 1XXX221[/quote]
What are you using for AoE?

i would have to guess OP AOE macro

Only thing missing really is a great AOE macro, so far none of them do the level of sustained dps hitting the keys manually does.

using tiggis single target macro, 27k sustained on first boss zerg strategy BoD

Yeah the AoE is a bit lacking but the ST is outstanding.

Hey, Jeff Jones please post macro than you use :smiley:

soon as I can figure out how to put it in correctly I will, its Tiggis ST code 1XXX221

jeff you go on gse and click export. should give you the code to paste. i am also interested in yours as the number of different macros on here are confusing.

I’ll give it a try - this is the TIGGIS macro and I also use it.


I have no idea how to post it like others do

Talents are: 1,1,X,X,1,2,1

[quote quote=69520]I’ll give it a try – this is the TIGGIS macro and I also use it.
I have no idea how to post it like others do[/quote]

Thanks burx!