TL's Ret Macro

im getting 408ish at 871 but I do have the Legendary belt.

I don’t understand what’s so wrong about my character, then. :confused:
Armory is here, though it’s showing the wrong talent selection:

At 19,66% haste now, food included, and sitting around the 275k mark, still.
I’m close to giving up life as a paladin, since I can’t seem to fix him :stuck_out_tongue:

looking at your character, too much mastry not enough crit those numbers need to be swapped

If I equip my best in bag, my ilvl rise to 880, my crit is 22,96%, but my haste drops all the way down to 12,47%. Again, with food.
A 2 minute banging on the dummy yields 299k just around the time the second Crusade hits.
My mastery is still really high, though. Hm.

how are you basing you best in bag? Pawn addon?

Hello TimothyLuke

What should the optimal state weights be, in order to get the most optimal preformens of the macros, and how can i get Justicar’s Vengeance to fire of more so i can survieve better?

Btw: im pushing my buttons manualy, as i dont use AHK or anything like that, i hawe try to use it before but cant get it to work, im using numpad 4-st and 5-AoE when i play…


Ok this may change but for the moment - 20% Haste then a mix of actor and Mastery.

You don’t want JV firing much as it’s a DPS loss. The tipping point is when templars Versict starts doing more damage than JV. I personally haven’t swapped back to JV from EFAE.

The other thing to try is if you are manually click I would experiment with Sequential over Priority. It may need a slightly different order as I play with AHK. (My AHK setup is here on WLM somewhere.)

ok ty for your answer, could i ask you to try make a macro for Sequential rotation? that would be realy nice:)


Thanks for this macro,
But i have some questions : i can’t event get 275k dps with this.
I’m around 33% crit, 23% haste 24% mastery.

i have legendary belt, and use sephuz secret

Im using AHK with 75ms.

Is there something wrong?


Question now that the hammer talent in the tree with wrath is so good TL if you have time can you make another macro set that can be switch back and forth too using that talent.

Is Justicar’s Vengeance working in the macro? Since holy power is used and 3 and that needs 5

Just wanted to say that I just tried this macro out on some random mobs in Val’sharah and was hitting number in excess of almost 700k burst dps and steady at around 200k dps.

Hello TL i’ve been using your macro for awhile but can i ask you to write a more aggressive and an updated version (7.2) macro for us?

Yes, an update would be nice

Artemis, I tried using the Hammer talent to see what would happen. TL’s macro works just fine with that talent. No need to change it. I checked my recount on single target dummy and my first dps source was the hammer as expected.
TL’s macro still is the best for me atm, around 480 dps (on single target dummy) with 896 ilvl.

(Edit: I mentioned 600K but it was on triple target dummy)

Can someone please put ahk script for pally.?

Im still using this with the talent change to hammer.

Here is a link to my Heroic Guldan fight on Friday night.

616,728.3k DPS, was at 80% after 3.6k passes for 889 ilevel.

TV very rarely gets used imo from what im seeing, and the dps sustained is 200k or so while 880ilvl

Synapse is at 0.1 sec … am i missing something for it to be so low and just not feel good?

so, the talents 1,1,1,3,1,1,1 currently work with the macro in the first post?

Thank you for creating this :slight_smile: