TL's Ret Macro

Hey and thx for the macro, TL. One issue I am seeing is that I am unable to hold right click mouse and rotate character while using the macro. I am seeing a targetted AoE ability firing off but when I slowly cycle through the macro and attempt to cast it, it says “ability not learned”. Looking through the macro, I cant seem to find what it is. Any ideas? Mobility is decreased while using it. Its also doing this with the Prot macro over in HP nominations.

Any ideas?

Thius will be your trinket causing that or an item that you have that has an on use Target area effect.

Updated page one with the current verion of this.

at the dummies it wasnt too bad but got in a raid and it wouldnt work…the only way I got it to work was to remove the raid and PVP versions… and only using default… if that helps you fix the problem with it.

essensual, you talking to timothy or other ?

Timothy’s… the one he just updated on the front page of this thread…

i keep getting “Item not ready yet”. not sure what item is not ready.

On the updated AOE macro it keeps saying “Invalid step assigned by custom step sequence SAM_RetAOE 6”, on the raid version

[quote quote=40831]On the updated AOE macro it keeps saying “Invalid step assigned by custom step sequence SAM_RetAOE 6”, on the raid version

Thats a bug in GSE 2.0.8 should solve this.

[quote quote=40315] at the dummies it wasnt too bad but got in a raid and it wouldnt work…the only way I got it to work was to remove the raid and PVP versions… and only using default… if that helps you fix the problem with it.

In GSE2 you can have up to 4 different configurations of the same macro for different environments. On the dummies its using the Default that has all the cooldowns (Default=1) For the Raid version these cooldowns wont fire and you need to fire them and trinkets manually (Ie the best time to use them rather than the second they com off cooldown. EG Ilg in EN where you want to burn the heart.). (Raid=2, Mythic=2) There is also a PVP Version that has other differences (PVP = 3)


I use the latest GSE add ons available on Curse.
Before patch 7.1.5 and until today, I have constantly been getting this message when using the SAM_Ret macro “Vous n’êtes pas dans la bonne spécialisation.” = “You are not in the right specialization”.

Of course, I’m in the RET spe. I have tried to edit the macro removing the talent conditional.Out of the 2 talents, I kept the first one only (which I use).

I am missing something here. Any help would be welcome.

Thank you Timothy Luke for all your impressive work!

I do insane dps on the dummies with this macro. However, Justicar’s Vengeance is never casting. i sat there for 2min and not once did it go off. full HP and bam templar’s verdict, every time.
my naga is set to .04ms. i have very low haste on the dummy. only like 7%.

also, how do you ensure what version is the one being used?

Great macro! Keep me updated!

Hello Mike

*also, how do you ensure what version is the one being used?

It should be using default[1] on the dummy.
1- Hit edit on the main macro
2- Sequence [1] [2] [3] … …
3- The versions should have a drop down showing the version.

It will automatically change its rotation/spells ex when entering any of the events below.
Default("anywhere not listed below =1,

*my naga is set to .04ms.

I would say that is a bit too fast… I would love to hear from Tim on what speed he recommends.

I will give it a try tonight at .065 and .070( this usually works )

Thank you soo much for this Tim!

Hi TimothyLuke,

Firstly thanks for all the time and effort you put into this addon, it certainly makes my WOW experience all the much better.

Mine’s a simple question and perhaps has been answered already for which I apologise in advance. Can you please confirm what zone configuration needs to be set for normal and heroic instances? I can see there’s an option for both raid and mythic+ so not sure which is the correct one. The reason is because I play a prot warrior on one of my toons. When questing I have charge as part of my macro and I want this removed when in a dungeon. The way Wow now targets I just never know where it will target next.

[quote quote=41930]Hi TimothyLuke,
Firstly thanks for all the time and effort you put into this addon, it certainly makes my WOW experience all the much better.
Mine’s a simple question and perhaps has been answered already for which I apologise in advance. Can you please confirm what zone configuration needs to be set for normal and heroic instances? I can see there’s an option for both raid and mythic+ so not sure which is the correct one. The reason is because I play a prot warrior on one of my toons. When questing I have charge as part of my macro and I want this removed when in a dungeon. The way Wow now targets I just never know where it will target next.

Normal and Heroic are part of Default. A lot of people treat these as face roll stuff like open world stuff like world quests. The setting you actually want is in your Options “Require Target to Use” which will only fire off your macro when you have a target selected.

can someone give me a macro version for this that works,
without all the hub bub about key release etc etc.,
I think I’m stupid or something for not being able to use the sequence editor.


Hey all,

I just want to be sure I understand this macro correctly. There is no real prioritization in regards to procs or correct rotation, right? It’s just cycling through a list of spells in order and casting the first one it’s able to?

It prioritises based on mathematical probability. It starts at line one and the attempts to use that ability. As it can’t tell If that worked or not it tries line 1 then line 2 and then line 1 line 2 line 3 etc. it weights attempts so that the top lines are tried progressively more than the later lines. You can’t prioritise based on procs. Blizzard actively prevents you doing this. All macros have these limitations.

This is designed to be able to spammed and it’s tweaked and tuned based on 2 minute cycles on a target dummy. Is I hit the dummy for two minutes and then evaluate the results. I then adjust and hit the dummy again for two minutes and if the result is lower I revert and start again. I use 2 minutes as it’s the time of our longest cooldown so gives me a complete pass.

If I stand in front of the Raider’s dummy in my order hall, spamming this manually, I get around 274k DPS when my second avenger activates.
My ilvl is 879, with only Justice Gaze as a legendary, but still, I feel it should be way higher than 274?
Edit again: Armory doesn’t list the currently chosen talents. -_-