UBM: Ultimate BM Macro

[quote quote=69581]How to disable to go on target alone?
I’m going in the argro of the dungeons and disturbing the tank[/quote]

Hi, should be ok by removing “/targetenemy [noharm,dead]” at each place (so 1, 2 and 3 tab).
Let me know if it doesn’t.

Even if i understand that some people prefer to target themself, let’s be clear that’s it’s a dps loss. By auto targetting, you’ll always have perfect swap after death target.

Have a nice day.

Edit: oh when you go in my macro, then option, there is a square named “require target to use” (first square of last part Gameplay). It’ll prevent to auto target too!

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How do I use this? could you explain me ?

/cast [mod:ctrl] Tiro Múltiplo
/cast [mod:shift] Intimidação
/cast [mod:alt] Choque Espiritual

[quote quote=69635]How do I use this? could you explain me ?
/cast [mod:ctrl] Tiro Múltiplo /cast [mod:shift] Intimidação /cast [mod:alt] Choque Espiritual[/quote]

Hi! In GSSE, this is called “modifiers”. It allow to modify your rotation just by clicking 1 button while spamming the macro (so no need to stop the macro / launch another one).

When the macro is spammed (manually or via a software like AHK), just hold ctrl / shift / alt and the skill written in the right will be launched.

So when you face several opponent, press ctrl. When you need a stun, press shift. When need to purge an ennemy, hold alt.

You need to remove all shortcut using ctrl / alt / shift in keybinding in wow directrly.

Have a nice day

So I hit the Shift, Alt or Ctrl button, and I can not fire the attack, I do not know how to make it work!

If you remove all shortcut in wow shortcut window using alt, ctrl and shift, and then you press one of this 3 buttons while macro launched, then you’ll cast stun, purge or aoe.

Do you spam macro manually or with a tool?

How can I change this macro so I can cast Barbed Shot and Beast Wrath/Aspect of the wild manually? Thanks!

Hi, just remove these 3 lines in the macro, and cast them yourself!

So in tab 1, you should get as sequence:

/cast Mend Pet
/cast [@pet] Spirit Mend
/cast Kill Command
/cast A Murder of Crows
/castsequence Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot
/castsequence Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot, Kill Command, Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot
/cast Kill Command
/cast Chimaera Shot
/castsequence Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot
/castsequence Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot, Kill Command, Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot
/cast Kill Command
/cast Chimaera Shot

Do it for other mode too if needed.

Tell me if it’s clear for you or not, if not, i’ll send you the complete export.

Have a nice day.

i´ve been using this macro for a few weeks now with my hunter alt (gs 411).
made some changes to the modifiers and running it at 60ms.

de0hmaalqUfPI(LuggQ6yaltQEgjtJkxdX2ukFtfgNsvNtsRtI07iLs3tjyGkHIdskflKuYdrfsteviUOsO0gjLkJevqojQqTssPQxIkXmrfq3evQDsvdvPILQeYtv1ujfxfvqTvLqvVfuURk1EH(lQanyrhwXIvIEmktwjDzK2mQK(mPsJwI40QOxRsmBjQBdQ2nr9BImCvshhv0YLWZjmDkxNu12rfGXtQW5vQ06vcv2VWia1GEa(CyT4UuoihMdudhZT2OzXYb1IB03rn4RzktLnb(aDQ0Po0PsN6qNaDcWNJq56OVSHEa(CiA5R4)LCYvBHi5yz7e(56yNsYH2ZrTIYrUqKCRVSDg5xIKfAV2u2ICHi)RNfNwKFjsSlH2JV2O3krQaFUNItPYu5t5fdxkzwCrYT06iJ)FLY4yoc67ef(CpScPfpTqCkjlqnOhGAqpa)gBewKWysWxo2DKGk5WH(o(n2iSiHXKGVCS7ibvfrXJEf(n2iSi7GJopp6D43yJWIu547BONGFJnclsGcSV6q)g(n2imbLt9uzgnsqv5ieOibvLJqGISdo688qrcQkhHafjOQCec6pWVXgHjOCQNkZOrcQkhHafjOQCecuKkhFFdksqv5ieOibvLJqq)E8BSryr2bhDEE0xXVXgHfPYX33qpGh)gBewKevNVIEaa)gBeMGYPEQmJgjOQCecuKGQYriqr2bhDEEOibvLJqGIeuvocb9Go(n2imbLt9uzgnsqv5ieOibvLJqGIu547BqrcQkhHafjOQCec6bk8BSryrQC89n0dC43yJWIKO68v0di43yJWIegtc(YXUJeujho0d2WVXgHfjmMe8LJDhjOQikE83rsyCpScjudA4ZHOZkUeFpLDbxIVw0YgUe)fDkRlaxIphvc(YXWL4VOtzD74s85cD3frlthbf1Gg(VrVQD6Lz2PKm(pLt9uz7CkJpxO7UtbviqnOhGFZMcDPgvMcF3iHjlvYuahALoR3OVJFtytHnMnSlOxHF7k1gZg2f07WVXgHfjyBF)a9e8BSryrQ1Prr)g(n2iSiF4d7c6pWVXgHfjmBk0LAlCLAqR0z9oY6(U2gjmzPRudswALoR3rUx1Dk0Vh)gBewKWSPqxQTaxLy6fqrs1XPWeqrklTsN1Biy2uOl1w4k1GIKQJtHjGIuwALoR3rQCUJd0xXVXgHfjm4sRLYSIY3r23C9nc6b843yJWIegCP1sfLCYv7oY(MtHEaa)gBewKWGlTw6u2UJeWxv8o0WxtXP8fQ1rTWFNck3dRqc1Gg(AkoLVqnaQfAOVJAqpa)gBewKWysWxo2DKGk5WH(o(n2iSiHXKGVCS7ibvfrXJEf(n2iSi7GJopp6D43yJWIu547BONGFJnclsGcSV6q)g(n2imbLt9uzgnsqv5ieOibvLJqGISdo688qrcQkhHafjOQCec6pWVXgHjOCQNkZOrcQkhHafjOQCecuKkhFFdksqv5ieOibvLJqq)E8BSryr2bhDEE0xXVXgHfPYX33qpGh)gBewKevNVIEaa)gBeMGYPEQmJgjOQCecuKGQYriqr2bhDEEOibvLJqGIeuvocb9Go(n2imbLt9uzgnsqv5ieOibvLJqGIu547BqrcQkhHafjOQCec6bk8BSryrQC89n0dC43yJWIKO68v0di43yJWIegtc(YXUJeujho0d2WVXgHfjmMe8LJDhjOQikE81uCkFHADul83rsyCpScjudA4)g9Q2PxMzNsY4)uo1tLTZPm(AkoLVqnaQf(CHU7ofuHa1GEa(nBk0LAuzk8DJeMSujtbCOv6SEJ(o(nHnf2y2WUGEf(TRuBmByxqVd)gBewKGT99d0tWVXgHfPwNgf9B43yJWI8HpSlO)a)gBewKWSPqxQTWvQbTsN17iR77ABKWKLUsnizPv6SEh5Ev3Pq)E8BSryrcZMcDP2cCvIPxafjvhNctafPS0kDwVHGztHUuBHRudksQoofMakszPv6SEhPY5ooqFf)gBewKWGlTwkZkkFhzFZPqpGh)gBewKWGlTwQOKtUA3rcQKJd0da43yJWIegCP1sNY2DK9nxFJGg(7uq5EyfsOg0WNl0DxeTmDeuudAOHEfQb9a8BSryrcJjbF5y3rcQKdh6743yJWIegtc(YXUJeuvefp6v43yJWISdo688O3HFJnclsLJVVHEc(n2iSibkW(Qd9B43yJWIKaaBO)a)gBeMGYPEQmJgjOQCecuKGQYriqr2bhDEEOibvLJqGIeuvocb97XVXgHjOCQNkZOrcQkhHafjOQCecuKkhFFdksqv5ieOibvLJqqFf)gBewKDWrNNh9aE8BSryrQC89n0da43yJWIKO68v0d643yJWeuo1tLz0ibvLJqGIeuvocbkYo4OZZdfjOQCecuKGQYriOhOWVXgHjOCQNkZOrcQkhHafjOQCecuKkhFFdksqv5ieOibvLJqqpWHFJnclsLJVVHEab)gBewKevNVIEWg(n2iSiHXKGVCS7ibvYHd9Gd8BSryrcJjbF5y3rcQkIIhFUq3DNcQqGAqpa)Mnf6snQmf(UrctwQKPao0kDwVrFh)MWMcBmByxqVc)2vQnMnSlO3HFJnclsW2((b6j43yJWIuRtJI(n8BSryr(Wh2f0FGFJnclsy2uOl1w4k1GwPZ6DK19DTnsyYsxPgKS0kDwVJCVQ7uOFp(n2iSiHbxATuMvu(oY(MtH(k(n2iSiHbxATurjNC1UJeujhhOhWJFJnclsyWLwlDkB3r23C9ncA4Zf6UlIwMockQbn8FJEv70lZStjz8FkN6PY25ugFnfNYxOga1c)DKeg3dRqc1Gg(7uq5EyfsOg0WxtXP8fQ1rTqdn85EK1pL5yzJwWbqLTtjzul0qdrUsage Information
Shift= Intimidation
Ctrl = Multi Shot
Alt = Spirit Shock

This macro contains 3macro versions. Diese Sequenz wurde aus GSE 2.4.05 exportiert.

  • The Default macro is 1
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Tier wiederbeleben, Irreführung, Freudentaumel, Mehrfachschuss, Klaue, Geistschock, Begleiter 3 rufen

Main Sequence: Stachelpfeil, Tötungsbefehl, Zorn des Wildtiers, Kobraschuss, Die Vögel, Schimärenschuss, Aspekt der Wildnis

Macro Version 2
Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Tier wiederbeleben, Irreführung, Geistschock, Begleiter 3 rufen, Klaue, Mehrfachschuss, Einschüchterung

Main Sequence: Stachelpfeil, Tötungsbefehl, Zorn des Wildtiers, Kobraschuss, Die Vögel, Schimärenschuss, Aspekt der Wildnis

Macro Version 3
Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Tier wiederbeleben, Mehrfachschuss, Geistschock, Klaue, Begleiter 3 rufen, Einschüchterung

Main Sequence: Erschütternder Schuss, Stachelpfeil, Tötungsbefehl, Zorn des Wildtiers, Kobraschuss, Die Vögel, Schimärenschuss, Aspekt der Wildnis

working really well for me and want to say thx for posting it here.
the logfile is just a nhc bod run…also getting 90+ rankings in hc and first mythic bosses.
but you have to know the bosses / mechanics to time your cd´s, potions, trinkets etc…otherwise no macro will ever give you good rankings / dps numbers on its own. people often forget that, when they blaming macro (-editors) not to perform as expected.


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I didnt think it could get better than the Pharmacists GSE macro, you proved me wrong!! I love this tune! with the OG Pharm version i found i was constantly spamming mend pet

Another VERY easy to get spirit beast is the green Porcupine from pandaria. Trick to tame it without killing it at max level is to die, and take res sickness for 75% less dmg. Also strip gear.

In Classic (i really hope we can use gse in classic) the talent to remove enrage effects , Tranq Shot, would only fire if mob was enraged, shame the new version will start cooldown even if thiers nothing to cleanse.

thanks for the weakuras as well, not overdone

Hi, thats a pretty nice macro.
I have mine changed a bit and maybe someone can use this too.
In the solo macro (1) i prefer /target [noexists][dead] pettarget so i can farm hides more easily letting my pet hunt down a prey while i skin the dead ones. Also i (for i’m a real lazy one^^) use /cast [nocombat,harm,dead][nocombat,noharm] Fetch and let my pet do the looting. The fetch command you can learn from a book that can be bought in the orderhall or in sholazar

Thanks for the advice guys, and thanks for your modification invicti1!

I’ll keep it updated for next patch, so feel free to check there when updated!

How is this macro holding up now that 8.2 is out?

It’s still awesome for me!

How fast do u use it?

150 MS (milliseconds)

Any update to this using the new neck spells we just got?

I was trying to loop it in into the pre macro, this fu**ed up the whole macro, even after I put it out of the pre macro again… :frowning:

Seems to be tricky.

@brice-dubrey-2 Thank you for share your macro. GSE is yet tricky to me to understand it, and my time to study it is very small at the moment. Your work saves me a lot of work, so I really appreciate it. :tada:

Hey, I’m using razer synapse and I wonder how should i set up macro with click speed.
Please advice.

Love this macro so thanks BUT this also seems to fire my trinkets when I dont want it to. Ive unchecked trinket boxes in GSE, saved etc but still fires them…macro breaking for me :frowning: