Updated 06/2/22: [Kyrian] & [Venthyr] & updated 6/2/22 4 peice [Necrolord] Ranged Holy Pally


Your DPSSHOCK macro contain a line to say “Hello”, and I can’t remove it as it is read-only.

I’ve Updated the DPSCHOCK macro. Try it now

perfect, thank you!
[20 characters]

@Thinku, since you wrote this, I assume you’re a pretty pro holy pally, so i would like to ask your opinion on this. I currently have the legendaries: 1) Shock BArrier, 2) Maraad’s Dying Breath, and 3) Shadowbreaker, Dawn of the Sun. My question to you is, since I prefer Kyrian overn Nercrolord, what talents and legendary would you suggest for maximym throughput, as well as mana consumption? Currently I’m running what I think is the Shack build, but since I can’t find the proper one online, and everyone says, “Use the Shock build”, I can only assume I’m using it. I also prefer using Shadowbreaker for the 40 yd LoD and extra power behind WoG, but I’m not sure if that’s viable? I’m trying to go off memory here, but I think my current talents are: 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2. I also run this at 250ms.


For Kyrian your talents should be Talents 1 2 3 2 1 3 1 with Shock Barrier for M+. This seems to be the optimum cookie-cutter build.
Raids will be 3 2 3 3 1 3 2 with Shock Barrier. Make sure to spread holy shock around for max SPS (Sheilds Per Second). The reason you want Lights Hammer for raids is that you can time it to your covn ability Divine Toll and have up to half the raid covered in hots for 14sec.

Shadowbreaker is great with the 4set bonus, but you can only get its true output with necro. Its kind of clunky tho and not as smooth of game play as with kyr, but if you play it right, you can have some Insane hps.

I see. That’s a bit distressing as I have a very hard time with melee things. I’m blind in my left eye, completely. My right eye only has roughtly 75% vision. So, melee is tough. Placement of my body, to be close enough to hit things, or to heal someone with LoD, or anything like that is very complicated. This is why i was loving your “ranged” paladin. But, seems I may have gotten rid of the version of your macro that worked best for me as a ranged healer. I tried the build you had listed on the first post for an M9, and it was painfully difficult to keep people healed. I don’t see how you were doing M10s at ilvl 245. I’m struggling with sub 10s at ilvl 260. Do you perhaps keep backups of your older macros? The one I was using had Seraphim casting on tab 1, while tab 2 was the “bread and butter” macro for me. Or, maybe could you help me piece together talents, legendaries, and a macro for ranged healing that won’t eat mana terrible quickly like the Necro one did? I know you’re busy with all things real life and anythin gcontained therein, so if not, that’s perfectly fine. I will try to make what i Have work.

Yeah, Sure Sure.

I’ve updated the Macro with tab 2 having the old macro and tab 1 having the new seraphim added

Also you have to run the macro @0.70ms for it to fire smooth. running it at 250ms is pretty slow. That might help.

Let me know if you need some help creating a macro with what you feel is right for you.

Thanks mate, you’re a champ!

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@Thinku, i’m sorry to bother you again. The updated macro started out working great, but didn’t have quite the healing throughput that the old one had. So, me in my infinite wisdom, I tried to add some more healing to it. Now, all it wants to do is cast Judgment. That’s all. It just casts it, waits for it to come off CD, then casts it again. Not sure how that happened, because I’ve not done anything to Judgment, nor have i added it anywhere else. So, I’m confused.

Post the macro you modified here so I can take a look at it.

The modifications didn’t work out, lol. I broke the macro you gave me, so i deleted mine and imported yours again. I guess it’s like they say, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” XD

So, i guess look over yours, the one on tab 2 without seraphim. see if there’s any way you can add more HP generation and less mana consumption while maximizing the HPS output? if it’s not possible, don’t break your brain over it. yours is fine. just high keys require constant go go go so it’s really hard to replenish mana that’s used for holy shock and holy light spam.

I’ve been runing this pretty well. I’ve ran multiple m12 with this @246 Ivl and getting 4k-5k sustain and 11k burst. Mana has never droped below 45%. I have not used this is raids so I can’t tell you if it works there.

But try this macro on tab 3. I’ve removed Seraphim and added Rule of Law (Talented). Also Added untempered Dedication conduit to Mikanikos covn. Be sure to always have your mouse over a player frame. Use the raid frames for your party (an option in settings). Be sure your running 0.079ms click speed.


Let me know if this is better?


Um, sorry to sound like the typical United States idiot, but what’s 0.079ms click rate in a non-decimal amount? I don’t like going too far below the 250 ms threshold due to the post TimothyLuke made about speaking with Blizzard and tehm wanting nothing faster than 250ms, lol. I’m pretty afraid of getting hit for a third time, using non-game software (either keyboard stuff, mouse stuff, or even AHK), lol.

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Lol Yeah, I read that a while ago but that’s old now. Blizzard knows we use macros with click rates. I know that If you go under 0.070ms then they will look at you, But tune yours down to 100ms. You will be fine and the macro will fire a lot better.

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can we please put the ones being new in one area and could you pls make the flash of light one into a holy light so can use both, separate ones pls :slight_smile: !

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@Thinku hi there, just healed a M12 few mins ago, i was using the kyrian set up since the begining, and this week changed to necro setup…i found it very hard to heal cause of the lack of AOE…kyrian devine toll is great for that, dont know if is because of this week afix or not… item lve is 262 BIS trinks. mana wasnt the issue, the issue was the low healing output i guess, beacon on tank and the other on me, i died like 4 times from light of martyr alone…we cudnt timed it, somethimes 2 times tank died cause of low healing, althou im “spaming” the 2_PALIRANGE_4 80% of the time ( is that what is meant to?). im i doing anything wrong?

i tried the necro setup and i didn’t like it either. i’m just not a huge necro fan of any class/spec. i love the kyrian setup, though i tweaked my entire setup (not really the macro, just gear and talents). i was healing +15s at ilvl 260. divine toll has huge aoe potential, and so does light of dawn. i don’t use the shock barrier legendary. i use https://www.wowhead.com/spell=337812/shadowbreaker-dawn-of-the-sun as my legendary of choice since i can’t get the hang of the melee holy pally setup. it’s great. i slap that on and just go healing crazy. being since i have a very crappy memory, i’ll have to log in at some point and look at my paladin’s talents/conduits. i do use mekanikos as the soulbind though. as for the light of the martyr issue? i’ve also run into that problem with my raid team. my raid leader has basically threatened to bench me if i don’t stop using it. so, i’m just waiting to hear back from Thinku to see if he/she/they (i don’t want to assume gender) could maybe make an awesome healing macro without light of the martyr. i tried, but i just broke the macro and had to delete/reinstall it to make it work again. so, good luck!

I’ve updated the Necro macro to have tons of AOE with the removal of Martyr. You should be able to carry some sick aoe heals now.


ty bro, ill give it a try and post. thanks

how do you acually use the macrio im new to healing with one