Updated 06/2/22: [Kyrian] & [Venthyr] & updated 6/2/22 4 peice [Necrolord] Ranged Holy Pally

Hello all,

Kmasterflex here / name change to lrgwon

This is the Range Pally Light of the Martyr build I use in Mythic and Raids. “100% mobile. This is a revamp of the best healing Holy pally has to offer.

Updated 5/15/22 [KYRIAN BUILD] non-dps

Talents 2 2 3 2 3 3 1

Rotation: I spam H_PALIRANGE_H (which is mouseover) 100% of the time. Beacon of light yourself. to make up for the damage taken. You can also mouseover yourself for healing. Don’t forget to heal yourself. This build will heal M+ 10’s @ 245 ilvl

Stats: Haste> Mastery > then whatever els…

You need Double Legendary for this to work: Shock barrier, Girdle of Unity

Covenant: Kyrian, use Mikanikos
Conduits: Ringing Clarity, Wielding Shields, Focused Light, Golden Path



The next macro (KMAOEH) gives you the bursty AOE heals.




I have not touched Venthyr since 9.1.0 the nerf

Talents: 3,1,3,3,1,3,2

Hps(Metered): up to 4 - 5k sustained, up to 11k burst with Ashen Hollow.
Light of the Martyr: Average 7.1k heals - Crit @ 24.6k
Flash of Light: Average 5.9k - Crit @ 11.4k …

Dps(Metered): up to 2k sustained, up to 7k burst with Ashen Hollow. (even tho I have seen this go well over 9k) in Mythic+. @230ilvl

Cast Ashen Hollow Manually
Stay within dps range or you can stand back and heal

Stats: Haste> Mastery > then whatever els…

Legendary: Maraad’s Dying Breath

Covenant: Venthyr, use General Draven
Conduits: Condensed, Hallowed, Golden, Focused, Untempered,





Build Change 6/2/22 [NECROLORD BUILD] Non-dps (Holy light Build) 37% mobile

This is a ABC Build (Always be Casting). This is even good with just the 2 piece. this relies on Holy Power Being your main source of healing. Lots and Lots of AOE in this build. I really enjoy this Stand back and Heal. Also Keep using (DPSHOCK) for some dps when needed. This starts slow but ramps up quick, just keep casting!

Run this macro @ 0.070

Talents: 2,2,3,1,1,3,2

Hps(Metered): up to 6 - 7k sustained, up to 19k burst.

Stay behind your group for the LOD spread, stand back and heal

Stats: Crit > Haste > Mastery

Legendary: Shadowbreaker; Dawn of the sun

Covenant: Necrolord Heirmir
Conduits: Righteous Might, Condensed Anima Sphere, Divine Call, Shielding Words,
(a must)Resplendent Light,



Old Post: Legion Old Legion HPally Martyr Healing

Old Post: Battle for Azeroth [Martyr Healing] (updated 8/15/19) Martyr Healing W/ Big Burst AOE heals

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the main H_PALIRANGE_H when you give it to import in the gse does not work,can you fix it please

Sry, Should work now

WoooW, this is incredible, gratz. Any questions:

Which ms to use?
Would you be able to use this in a PVP scenario?

I run ms at .070
Yes you can use this in pvp. It’s actually great.

Hello, I tried your macro but I am new using this method and I don’t know what am I doing wrong. I am using Logitech G Pro mouse and I have assigned a mouse key to be used as toggle, instead of AHK.I find it fantastic when I use it on my priest. However I cant figure out what is wrong with mouse over. When I have the toggled key on and I mouse over on the person I want to heal (put the cursor on its name which is on the side with the rest of the party members) the macro stops working and when I move the cursor elsewhere it works perfectly but apparently is not healing the person I want to heal. Also if I put the cursor on players figure it works too. Is it possible to make it work if I hover the cursor on the name which is on the party frame? It might be dumb question but as I said I am new player. Lastly is it necessary to use that legendary on hands? I was lucky to get 226 BOE hands the other day.

Thank you in advance

With just a macro, it can’t determine if you’re mousing over a frame or a person. So what you’re asking can’t be done with this macro alone. I use Clique with my GSE macros so the macro only fires if I’m mousing over an actual unit frame. You would just pick the “bind other” option, “run custom macro” and select your keybind. Then put “/click GSE-MACRO” in the macro field without quotations and change the “gse-macro” to whatever the macro name is. Just make sure you’ve made adjustments to the macro if it uses modifiers, because those modifiers will have to have their own Clique key bindings.

Check out this video about Martyr healing, Venthyr seems to be the way to go with trying to build up holy power and focusing on light of dawn to make the lego work with tons of tank heals…

I love this macro i use it and try to mix it up with building more holy power

Can you take a pic and let us know what to do with :Then put “/click GSE-MACRO” in the macro field without quotations and change the “gse-macro” to whatever the macro name is.

Sorry. I just saw this today. I made a tutorial in the How To’s section with photos. I hope it helps. If you have any more questions, I’ll be around since I’m playing WoW again.

Link to tutorial

It actually isn’t. Especially for 207 ilvl, as stated in the post.

nice work, any updates hanging ? ; ) thx

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4 set updates coming? :smiley: love your macro!

Yes, 4 piece macro is otw for necro. Just waiting for my last piece to start testing.


Can’t wait! Thank you for all you contribute :slight_smile:

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cant wait. with the tier set necro is awesome

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Can’t wait to test it out!

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IS the necro setup you listed also good for dungeon healing, for like mythic+ and etc? Or, if something else is betetr, can you tell us or list it? That would be awesome! I already use this for raiding since the mana usage is pretty low (at least for the Kyrian version), but I’d like to know more for dungeon healing. :slightly_smiling_face:

EDIT: I just want to add that, unless i’m doing something wrong, the Necro build burns way more mana than the Kyrian build. With the Kyrian build I can complete and Anduin fight with over half a mana bar and still be ianywhere between 2nd and 4th place in heals. With the Necro build I’m OOM before the Anduin fight is even half over, but i’m anywhere between 1st and 3rd on heals. I’m not one of those that HAS to be first on the meters, so I would rather have mana to heal with than to be 1st on the charts. I like the Necro build but there’s gotta be a way to conserve mana and still get great heals? Hpally was suppose to use holy power I though, and as little mana as possible? I know nothing about pallies, which is why I’m curious. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, this macro 2_PALIRANGE_4 was made for M+, but to answer your mana question, if you want to save mana, remove Flash of Light, , from the first castsequence. Flash of light was placed there to help the CD of Vanquisher’s be at 25 to 30sec intervals. With removal of flash of light, Vanquisher’s will be on CD too much to often. With the removal of Flash of Light should save you a ton of mana during raids but you will miss out on the needed Holypower.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks! I appreciate the info. I’ll continue to try it out. maybe with more stats and different gear and a 4pc set, instead of 2pc, it will work better.

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