**UPDATED 12/14/2018** Booty's 8.0.x BM Macro

[quote quote=62512]ok just tested the first 2 boss antorus garhoti and vilseguci sargeras
garhoti 4.5 k dps sargera wolf 4.3k dps[/quote]

See there how friggin miracles happen when someone actually listens to me?!? LMAO just play’n. Glad you got everything sorted man and happy I could help ya out

You are quite welcome. I’ve gotten so used the damn macros that I have no clue how I ever played competetive without them because I know I damn sure couldn’t ever go back that play style. I’ve grown quite fond of my set-up which consists of an Xbox One gamepad in one hand/ mouse in the other hand / and of course my GS macros, although it did take a bit of getting used to initially

This macro is fantastic they have gotten better and better with each iteration.
Thank you for your hard work!!

I’m liking this so far of all the BM macros but blood fury, bestial wrath and crows are just not firing off for me, I have to manually wack them, which is fine but I’m not sure why they are just not firing off for me.

Sometimes Gnome Sequencer can start acting strange outta nowhere without warning. Could be due to countless possibilities from a glitch within GS itself to a conflict with other addons you have installed.

Earlier in heroic Antorus my macro decided it wasn’t gonna quit working altogether. Most of the time a simple /reload ui will fix the problem or totally shutting down WoW and restarting. Hopefully its worked itself out by now

this macro is the best i have used its a gr8 update m8 keep up the good work plus its kicking out some good numbers

Did heroic last night. Macro was pulling in the 70th percentile for most of the fights. Not too shabby :slight_smile: I was pulling 4k dps on average, which is only a little off from my sim of 4.2k. Great work!

Hi all!

Im new iN here and using the GSE, and I have a question: in your macro are 2 modes: one for solo and one for AOE. How can I use or change for the second mode (AOE mode) and how can I return to the first mode?

[quote quote=62611]Hi all!
Im new iN here and using the GSE, and I have a question: in your macro are 2 modes: one for solo and one for AOE. How can I use or change for the second mode (AOE mode) and how can I return to the first mode?[/quote]

Yes there are 2 modes but the second is not for AoE but rather for PvP and it will switch automagically whenever you enter a battleground or arena(and usually world pvp but GS has a history of sometimes having trouble with world pvp)

There is a modifier for use in AoE situations because there is no need in a seperate macro since all you really want to do is cast multi-shot once every 4 seconds to keep up your beast cleave buff. To do this just hold down the CTRL button on your keyboard while pressing the macro and it will fire off multi-shot, then simply let off CTRL and keep pressing macro to continue normal rotation until you need to fire off another Multi-Shot. Hope this helps.

Hey Pharmacist,
is your version in the first post still the current version. Or did you made some changes regarding what Spitz said in the other thread about AMoC, Bestial Whrath etc.?

Unfortunately I noticed after reading guides on priority inner loop limit that addon does not work as smoothly as it should.
in fact if I run a macro with “priority” often skips the spell and the lines.
I would like to give a practical example that I have tested.
Barbed shot /cast
Chimera /cast Shot
/castsquence kill command, cobra shot, cobra shot.
As it is currently written the macro should be perfect for rotation, as it will always barbed shot to have up the dot, to cd chimera and base rotation of the pet.
unfortunately instead often skips the lines and the priority is not implemented at all. so I wonder is a problem of the current addon or?

Honestly I’ve been so busy that I dont remember if I’ve made any changes to the macro since I last updated the OP or not but I promise I’ll be sure to make some adjustments and improvements and make sure I test everything thoroughly and update the original post sometime within the next 24 hours.

I’m an amatuer in every since of the word when it comes to GS and macro creation but if I had to guess, I’d say it’s just very minor conflics between the addon itself and the new xpac game version or it could be a conflict with another addon. Something similar happened at the launch of legion and it was something so ridiculously simple to fix(like edit the ini file and add a quotation to a line or something similar) but it took a short bit to get an actual update to GS that fixxed the situation. Best advice I could give ya is Just hold tight and make sure you keep your addons up to date.

Im new to this, how do i get ctrl version for multishot to work? it seems when i press ctrl that it just doesnt reply on the macro. i only get auto shots when holding down ctrl and no communication to the macro? what am i doing wrong ?

You are holding down CTRL while also pressing the macro button, correct. Im not being a smartass by asking that, I had made that mistake when first learning about modifiers. (i thought u just had to hold the mod button without pressing the macro)

If thats not the problem then try using the alt button because I could have changed which button I use as a modifier the last time I updated the op. ^---------THIS IS MORE LIKELY THE ISSUE

Great macro man, but for some reason, it keeps casting conc shot, but I have it set for macro 1, not 2.

Just updated OP, took out pvp version for some reason couldnt get it to keep verssion 1 for mythic+

@Pharmacist1 can you put a date in you heading so we know if we are using the newest version.
Thank you . I have been using your macro and working very well

yeah i am, tried the alt key aswell but it doesnt seem to proc a multishot. but nevertheless its a beautiful macro, it got a whole lot easier to dps ;b

The macro has stopped working for me since BFA went live. My razer synapse macro to rapid fire the button disconnects me now, but even with manual key presses, your macro only casts the keystroke abilities. I am clearly missing something here

First make sure you have the most current GSE, there was a new one released yesterday. As for your Razer I have one too. Make check your setting, and make sure the WoW Button link is the current just plan WoW one and not the old WoW64 one, as that has been removed from the game client.

i like your macros