**UPDATED** Best BM Macro-Works great with any Talent / Gear/Lego combo

You know he had one with no modifiers right

[quote quote=58430]

I tried this and gweens sorry gweens still outperforms this . This macro misses way way way to many kill commands might work good on a test dummy but where it counts ….In raid it does not perform this macro in raid I was doing 1.2 million gweens I was doing 1.6 milliion

What macro is that since the last one I saw it was mod this and mod that and mod.
. ?????[/quote]I asked what was the macro and you do not say? I will give you an example what I mean
/cast [nomod:alt, combat] Blood Fury",
        "/cast [nomod:alt, combat] Aspect of the Wild",
        "/cast [mod:shift] Counter Shot",
        "/cast [mod:shift] Intimidation",
        "/cast [mod:shift, @cursor] Binding Shot",
"/castsequence Dire Beast, Dire Beast",
        "/castsequence [mod:alt] Revive Pet; Dire Beast, Dire Beast",
        "/castsequence [mod:ctrl] Multi-Shot; Kill Command, Dire Beast, Titan's Thunder",
        "/castsequence [nomod:ctrl] Kill Command, Cobra Shot",
        "/castsequence [nomod:ctrl] Kill Command, Cobra Shot",

That is part of the macro, 5 mods and 4 non mods

Thing is, do you want a Lazy macro, like the forum is. Or a top dps macro? Want top DPS then easier do do without a 1 button macro

I want a top dps lazy macro. Both macros in question have mods. Gween has 3 instead of 1, but you really only need to use 1/3 and I don’t find it difficult to hold CTRL while holding the macro for AOE with Gwenn or Shift with this one.

[quote quote=58435]

Thing is, do you want a Lazy macro, like the forum is. Or a top dps macro? Want top DPS then easier do do without a 1 button macro

I want a top dps lazy macro. Both macros in question have mods. Gween has 3 instead of 1, but you really only need to use 1/3 and I don’t find it difficult to hold CTRL while holding the macro for AOE with Gwenn or Shift with this one.[/quote]Ah both have a mod and the one at the start of this thread has 1 mod and that is for AOE. The same if you just pressed the attack. I personally do not see how people are losing DPS. Seeing people higher geared ask how I am doing more DPS than them. I sit there smiling and thinking with 1 button.

[quote quote=58435]

Thing is, do you want a Lazy macro, like the forum is. Or a top dps macro? Want top DPS then easier do do without a 1 button macro

I want a top dps lazy macro. Both macros in question have mods. Gween has 3 instead of 1, but you really only need to use 1/3 and I don’t find it difficult to hold CTRL while holding the macro for AOE with Gwenn or Shift with this one.[/quote] His macros have one without modifiers nothing to hold down its the one I use so you have a 2 buttons 1 single target 1 aoe no modifiers needed look at his macros he has the same one with and without modifiers

Sequences[‘NoModsBM’] = {
– This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
Author=“Gweenn@Bleeding Hollow”,
Talents = “3131132”,
Help = [[Talents - 3131132]],
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = “Priority”,
“/targetenemy [noharm][dead]”,
“/cast [nopet,nodead] Call Pet 1; [@pet,dead] Heart of the Phoenix”,
“/cast [combat,pet:Spirit Beast,@player] Spirit Mend”,
“/cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection”,
“/cast [combat] Bestial Wrath”,
“/cast [combat] Blood Fury”,
“/cast [combat] Aspect of the Wild”,
“/cast !Volley”,
“/petautocastoff [group] Growl”,
“/cast Lightforged Augment Rune”,
“/cast Repurposed Fel Focuser”,
“/castsequence Dire Beast, Dire Beast”,
“/castsequence Kill Command, Dire Beast, Titan’s Thunder”,
“/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot”,
“/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot”,
“/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot”,

See no mods and I pull over 1.5 million steady

CURRENT - New Macros for Christmas! - Patch 7.0+ - WoW Lazy Macros If you look at his differnt macros he has one with mods and one without so yes it’s a 1 button macro

Yea I see what you mean. I prefer AOTB boots with mods because it’s more comfortable for me to hold CTRL when I need aoe than it is to switch to a different macro.

[quote quote=58424]First, thank you for this macro. It is definitely outperforming gween’s macros which surprised me. I’m at ilvl 954, 4 piece with lego boots and chest. On a 5 minute parse at 150 MS I did 1.51M completely unbuffed on RTD. The same parse using Gween’s AOTB Boots macro gave 1.42M. I still think in certain situations Gween’s will be better as it functions better when using the AOE modifier, but in true single target fights I think this one is best.
@Andreas I don’t know which key you have this macro on, but check and make sure Shift – (Your Number) isn’t already bound. I use #2 and Shift – 2 was already a keybind. I changed it and the shift modifier worked. It doesn’t cast MS often, but I think that may be due to it being 40 focus and the macro tends to keep you below 40.
@Gunnar Wetzel AHK is complicated and unnecessary. Try Punchkey. It’s free and simple. No scripts.[/quote]

What ms re you running this macro at?

I tested a variety of speeds and 150 seemed the most stable. The macro is still quite inconsistent compared to Gween’s though. It gave me my best dps numbers once, but other tests weren’t as good.

Hey guys ive updated the op macro. give that a wirl and let me know how it works for ya. if anyone would like the original macro back just shoot me a pm

Outstanding Macro :slight_smile: You may want to change PVP=-1 to PVP=2 just to save some confusion.

does it seem to get stuck sometimes the new macro just happens to me? you could put both versions for pleasure to test them.
at the moment it seemed to me that the old woman was doing better but I would like to test both thanks.

Thanks for posting the new macro. I did two tests at 55ms. First one is the talent you provide with boots and claw ring. The dps is 1.5m for a 300M fight without buff and flask. My stats under this set is 39% crit, 17% haste, 82% mastery. Second I use the talent of 2111112 with waist and soul ring. The dps is 1.65 for a 300M fight without buff and flask. The stats under this set is 30% crit, 20% haste and 80% mastery.
For this two sets the only difference is the leggo I chose, all other gears are the same. Compared this two, the kill command can cover 16% to 19% in the first talent set and the kill commmand will cover 20% to 25% in the second talent set. But the first talent set give an amazing burst DPS(4.3m down to 3.7m) at the first 50M. The burst DPS for the second one is only 3.7m down to 3.3m.
I will do more test in different ms settings and share all the results.

Do it in a raid you’ll find out it misses way to many kill commands and shoots off cobra to much it still does not perform like the other ones

or you could bother reading some and see that its a brand new updated version of my old macro, and no there is no way for it to shoot off too many cobra shots as i have them limited in the castsequence. i mean I listened to your problems with the old macro and is why i went to work and figured out a way to make damn sure that your complaints/requests were met.

If you dont like my work, nobody is asking you to use it, so just don’t, simple as that. Dont need the negativity especially when you dont even pay attention to the fact that what youre bitching about has been fixxed, thank you


theres my logs for gorothi worldbreaker in which i consistantly did better and better dps with each kill as i switched talents and gear around and every one of those were using my old op macro, so yeah just because you had some problems doesnt mean everyone else will have the same problems

Thank you very much for all your work on this. I’ll trial it out on a lower iLVL hunter and get back to you :slight_smile:

Will try it out tonight on heroic