**updated** Ret pally mythic+ build and single target raid

I updated both macros in the main post, but if you go to the last comment of mine itll explain the update and modifiers along with the current macros i use for CD’s. I used these macros to 3500 IO without the legendary.



These two macros will be slightly different than others here, I’m very much new to making GSE macros only discovering this addon this season as a 19 year player. These two macros are a priority based macro in hopes to limit holy power waste and utilize as many judgments as possible after the buff from blade of justice.

I have an AOE and single target macro, both macros only do the DPS rotation, does not have any built in CD’s stuns or interrupts. I only have the macro going while the key is pressed down and do not toggle to make it easier to interrupt or do any other utility needed. both macros are on synapse at .15ms, still playing with a perfect speed.

both logs are off of a 4 minute continuous fight to get a feel for the waste of holy power that is a huge concern. Don’t use the dps on the images as reasons to use or not use this, there’s a lot of dead time after the fight was actually done tha drops it significantly while not hitting anything. look at the usage of moves and holy power to see the effectiveness of this macro.

Single target
in a 4 minute fight I was able to cast 34 judgements, due to varying haste with weapon enchant I know I’m within 1-3 of the expected casts with my build in 4 minutes. not being able to put dummy logs into wowanalyzer wont show my exact missed judgments but I know it it low single digits due to CD and what I actually casted.

Blade of justice
49 casts in 4 minutes, in that 4 minutes I had 26 casts before procs, I had 24 blade of justice procs showing I wasted 1 or less procs only due to the seconds entering or leaving combat.

Hammer of wrath
I had 19 procs for hammer of wrath and in that time I was able to utilize 17 of them.

Holy power
in 4 minutes I generated 215 holy power only to waste 5 total, 3 on judgments, 1 on crusading strikes auto attack and one on blade of justice. with the waste to usage it puts us at a 98% usage on holy power generated. multiple wasted holy power of the 5 could potentially be chalked up to using moves as auto attacks generate holy power causing a waste. with it being only 5 wasted holy power that is 1 and a half Final verdicts.



Similar to the single target build I was able to cast 33 Judgments, at the base 6.9 second cooldown in 4 minutes I could only cast 34.7 judgments before haste from weapon proc. realistically in 4 minutes you may lose 1-3 judgments total based on haste procs from gear and enchants.

Blade of justice
I casted 52 Blade of justices, I had 26 procs for a free Blade of justice. with a 9 second CD on blade of justice I should be able to get 26.6 casts in which shows a perfect usage on that move.

Hammer of Wrath
there’s no hammer of wrath procs due to no casting Final verdict.

Holy power
in 4 minutes I gained 198 holy power, the difference in holy power from single to aoe can be seen by not having hammer of wrath procs. of that 198 I wasted 2. one on a blade of justice and one on a wake of ashes. both can easily be chalked up to auto attack generating a holy power forcing them over the limit. in aoe its showing a 99% positive usage on holy power.


Both logs came without the usage of Avenging Wrath, Divine toll and Final Reckoning. out of the 3 CD’s the only one that will effect your holy power usage is Divine toll. Divine Toll will waste holy power guaranteed so you’ll have to be smart how you use it, for me I have it macro’d with my trinket and avenging wrath like below. The wasted Holy power will mainly come into play when you have more than 1 target since it casts judgment on up to 5 targets so if you have any holy power over 0 you will automatically waste some.

#showtooltip Avenging Wrath
/cast Avenging Wrath
/cast divine toll
/use Ashes of the Embersoul

if you use it please be honest with its success/failures, it will not hurt my feelings. I have used both macros in mythic+ and have seen my AOE peak well over 1 million and single target do well but we all know we struggle there. ive seen 300-400k overall dps in dungeons but have also seen 180k overall, that will always be based on how big of pulls the tanks make and how you use CD’s.

Side note I do not have the legendary weapon so there’s nothing with that in here.

For single target raid all I did was pull wake of ashes out of the macro entirely, and use it in a macro with execution sentence. I haven’t done as much testing on this macro but it isn’t much different from mythic+ build. you’d want to lead with the macro for execution sentence then into your actual GSE macro and as soon as you drop holy power use divine toll. I only messed with this macro the last few minutes but it definitely works.

With the single target macro I only did a 3 minute pull

in this macro due to wake being taken out of the macro and different trinkets the CD is 7 seconds showing I should’ve hit 25 which is exactly what I hit. that’s not calculating my 4 wafting devotion buffs which slightly reduce the CD of judgment but not enough to calculate up for more than 1-3 of them.

Blade of justice
in the fight it shows i hit 27 which exactly matches up with CD usage and the 7 procs from art of war.

Hammer of Wrath
I had 7 procs which all were used, due to others hitting the dummy as well and its health being lower I hit 11 extras outside of procs. its showing a perfect usage of wrath though.

Holy Power
generated 198 and wasted 30, 2 were from blade of justice and 4 from crusader strike, the rest were all caused by divine toll hitting extra dummies outside of the single target I was actually working on. roughly 18 holy power of the 24 were due to the amount of adds I wasn’t actually fighting. without the 18 wasted holy power youre still looking at roughly 94% positive usage of holy power.

Macro I use for execution sentence is
#showtooltip Execution Sentence
/castsequence reset=15 Execution Sentence, Wake of Ashes
/cast Avenging Wrath




Looks like a sold macro. I will play around with it.

Some thoughts.
The difficulty of ret comes in alignment of judgement, spenders, wrath, execution sentence, divine toll and wake.

Have you thought about using your main macro to call the wrath macro ?

Also you can put wrath on a variable and put it where you want it. It is not on GCD.

yes 100% on the alignment, that’s why I 100% took my CDs off of the macro. especially in mythic+ the biggest issue is if a tank pulls say 2 adds other ret GSE macros will still pop all my CDs. But the next pull has 10-15 adds and I don’t have CDs.

I wasn’t aware you could do that with GSE using your actual macros in them but I don’t want my CDs to be automated in the GSE macro. I want to control when CDs are used.

These 3 GSE macros wont be for everyone but there’s a bunch of people who want CDs off the macros so they can get the most out of them.


These are from a carry i was doing for a friend tonight, pulls were still conservative but you can see theres nice dps for the whole run. saw a pull in BRH at 1.6 million after second boss and a 1.3 before 3rd. dps will always depend on pulls

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I did some ST testing on this macro today. it does work pretty well.
I am lazy so I added a macro to call all the cooldowns.
It ended up simming around 92% so those are good results.
I will check out your AOE macro tomorrow.

Whatever you figure out and like don’t be shy to share. I probably won’t add them into mine but if you like the change others might too. I know for me I really wanted a macro that all it did was the main rotation and I hit the CDs when I want to maximize dps

I would like to see the one with your changes mate please

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Keep in mind i did not change the ST macro name when you import.




This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.54.




This macro contains 2 macro templates. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.54.

  • The Default macro template is 2

I’m glad you were able to take what I did and make it work for you. A couple buddies and I were initially using oaks ret pally but we couldn’t find any one macro here that performed the way we wanted.

Oh I still use my ret macros but wanted to see if your worked better and how you did it. Good learning experience. Always good to keep an open mind.

I understand completely. You like the all inclusive macros. I’m just glad this one performs very well for me and doesn’t have all the extra added, I’m sure there will be people who like this style.

no final reckoning in the aoe macro? what other out of gse macros do you use for your burst etc

i use 3 macros that are both linked in the article. Avenging wrath macro is the same in mythic+ and raid but the execution sentence and final reckoning change depending on talent build. i didnt want to have CD’s in the macro so i can maximize their use, i focused on holy power and the usage of moves over anything. i used the raid macro in heroic last night and was seeing under 8% waste of holy power. only need to work on getting a few more judgments and its perfect.


#showtooltip Avenging Wrath
/cast Avenging Wrath
/cast divine toll
/use Ashes of the Embersoul

#showtooltip Final Reckoning
/cast [@player] Final Reckoning

#showtooltip Execution Sentence
/castsequence reset=15 Execution Sentence, Wake of Ashes
/cast Avenging Wrath
/use Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power

#showtooltip Avenging Wrath
/cast Avenging Wrath
/cast divine toll
/use Ashes of the Embersoul

wow what a fast reply can i ask with these macros is it a press once and it goes through the cycle or do i need to spam then till done?

The potion and avenging wrath aren’t on global, should just be two clicks one for execution sentence and one for wake of ashes. If you want I’m online now and can jump in discord no problem.

no no no worrys was just asking before i test didnt want to press and then down the road realise that i forgot to press again and think something was wrong lol as for your ACTUAL macros gse ones fantastic can not fault them

yeah its only twice, stopped button spamming for a sec to double check. first click should give wings and execution sentence and second click is wake of ashes. I’m actually working on an even more simple macro code wise hoping to keep the holy power waste under 8% but bring up the casts of judgment. but my GSE macros do exactly what i intended them to do, only the main 4-5 button rotation and i control cds so i never waste one

running in a raid now to test this out, its only got 10 actions versus 58 in a priority to make sure I get a bunch of judgments/hammer of wraths. on dummies it had only 3% holy power waste, anything under 8% will be golden with increased casts of specific moves. I put a modifier in here to force final verdict, might be important under 20% due to the talent vanguards momentum or the weird off chance you generate some extra power quick because of auto attacks.