I updated both macros in the main post, but if you go to the last comment of mine itll explain the update and modifiers along with the current macros i use for CD’s. I used these macros to 3500 IO without the legendary.
These two macros will be slightly different than others here, I’m very much new to making GSE macros only discovering this addon this season as a 19 year player. These two macros are a priority based macro in hopes to limit holy power waste and utilize as many judgments as possible after the buff from blade of justice.
I have an AOE and single target macro, both macros only do the DPS rotation, does not have any built in CD’s stuns or interrupts. I only have the macro going while the key is pressed down and do not toggle to make it easier to interrupt or do any other utility needed. both macros are on synapse at .15ms, still playing with a perfect speed.
both logs are off of a 4 minute continuous fight to get a feel for the waste of holy power that is a huge concern. Don’t use the dps on the images as reasons to use or not use this, there’s a lot of dead time after the fight was actually done tha drops it significantly while not hitting anything. look at the usage of moves and holy power to see the effectiveness of this macro.
Single target
in a 4 minute fight I was able to cast 34 judgements, due to varying haste with weapon enchant I know I’m within 1-3 of the expected casts with my build in 4 minutes. not being able to put dummy logs into wowanalyzer wont show my exact missed judgments but I know it it low single digits due to CD and what I actually casted.
Blade of justice
49 casts in 4 minutes, in that 4 minutes I had 26 casts before procs, I had 24 blade of justice procs showing I wasted 1 or less procs only due to the seconds entering or leaving combat.
Hammer of wrath
I had 19 procs for hammer of wrath and in that time I was able to utilize 17 of them.
Holy power
in 4 minutes I generated 215 holy power only to waste 5 total, 3 on judgments, 1 on crusading strikes auto attack and one on blade of justice. with the waste to usage it puts us at a 98% usage on holy power generated. multiple wasted holy power of the 5 could potentially be chalked up to using moves as auto attacks generate holy power causing a waste. with it being only 5 wasted holy power that is 1 and a half Final verdicts.
Similar to the single target build I was able to cast 33 Judgments, at the base 6.9 second cooldown in 4 minutes I could only cast 34.7 judgments before haste from weapon proc. realistically in 4 minutes you may lose 1-3 judgments total based on haste procs from gear and enchants.
Blade of justice
I casted 52 Blade of justices, I had 26 procs for a free Blade of justice. with a 9 second CD on blade of justice I should be able to get 26.6 casts in which shows a perfect usage on that move.
Hammer of Wrath
there’s no hammer of wrath procs due to no casting Final verdict.
Holy power
in 4 minutes I gained 198 holy power, the difference in holy power from single to aoe can be seen by not having hammer of wrath procs. of that 198 I wasted 2. one on a blade of justice and one on a wake of ashes. both can easily be chalked up to auto attack generating a holy power forcing them over the limit. in aoe its showing a 99% positive usage on holy power.
Both logs came without the usage of Avenging Wrath, Divine toll and Final Reckoning. out of the 3 CD’s the only one that will effect your holy power usage is Divine toll. Divine Toll will waste holy power guaranteed so you’ll have to be smart how you use it, for me I have it macro’d with my trinket and avenging wrath like below. The wasted Holy power will mainly come into play when you have more than 1 target since it casts judgment on up to 5 targets so if you have any holy power over 0 you will automatically waste some.
#showtooltip Avenging Wrath
/cast Avenging Wrath
/cast divine toll
/use Ashes of the Embersoul