Vengeance macro I'm using in Mythic+ updated 03-May-2021

Fantastic work, I love it. Seems very smooth now.

I am not seeing a “mod” key in the script to press. Just to be clear, when you say mod, are you talking about shift or ctrl keys? If so and they are not in there, how do I use them as the mod keys?

The mod in these two lines means any mod key (ctrl, alt or shift), if you want to change them to a specific one you can further qualify it, e.g. mod:shift

/cast [nochanneling,combat,@player,mod] Elysian Decree
/cast [nochanneling,combat,mod] Fel Devastation

The nomod in this line means dont fire if any mod key is being pressed:

/castsequence [nochanneling,combat,talent:3/3,nomod] reset=combat Spirit Bomb, Soul Cleave, Spirit Bomb; [nochanneling,combat,nomod] Soul Cleave, Soul Cleave

Thank you for your reply, so if I wanted to specify a mod key for each I could do something like:

/cast [nochanneling,combat,@player,mod:shift] Elysian Decree
/cast [nochanneling,combat,mod:ctrl] Fel Devastation

Yes, that will do it

Added Elysian Decree into Key Release to get it to fire quicker when needed. If you can use multiple mod keys (I can’t as using a Razer keypad with just an alt key), then it would be better to add Elysian Decree to the keypress with the specific mod, e.g. /cast [nochanneling,combat,@player,mod:shift] Elysian Decree

just curious, what level keys are you running? not at the computer right now to test but looking forward to giving it a go. how is this performing in 12-15 keys?

Simplified the macro a little, added more opportunity for Elysian Decree. Only running it sub +10 at the moment as my VDH isn’t that well geared.


I’m still leveling my dh at 54, but am excited to try this. Limited by disability to only use so many buttons. Thanks for your work.

Hi, I’m testing the macro but the variable look like empty. I’m using the italian client, sometimes there is an issue but i never seen it empty.

What is supposed to be the function that you mention in the description?

My bad, I hadn’t updated it correctly, this is what the function should look like, I’ll update it above too:

function() if GetItemInfo(GetInventoryItemLink(“player”,9)) == “Razelikh’s Defilement” or GetItemInfo(GetInventoryItemLink(“player”,7)) == “Defiler’s Lost Legguards” then return ‘stealth’ else return ‘nostealth’ end end

Using stealth which a VDH will never be in as conditional to control if SoF is dropped depending on what you are wearing.

hu tnx so i should expect ‘stealth’ if i i have it, and the macro check if ‘stealth’ is present?

(i’m not at home but i remeber something like ,˜NORAZ˜ ] spell
so i wondering if i have to use something different than stealth in italian.

for sure i will have o update the names of the object.

Yes you will have to update the names to local Italian translation, there maybe a function that returns the id rather than the name, ~~NORAZ~~ will be replaced with either stealth or nostealth depending on if you are wearing the item. It maybe quicker just to create two macros for when you are and are not wearing the legendary and switch, I did it more as an exercise than for it being of great use.

yep, I don’t use anymore that legendary so it’s easier to remove the line, as for you was more an academic interest to understand how it works than a real need :slight_smile:

I’ll try to make it working (I’m thinking to find the function to find a name from the ID so will became international… mmm I’ll try after the raid tonight.

Thanks for the work. I’ve tested the macro on boss and aoe target dummies over the course of about 15 minutes and I never saw Soul Cleave fire at all. Any ideas?

I assume if I am Venthyr that i just swap out the Elysian Decree for Sinful Brand that that it will work or any chance to get a mod for this. Sorry very new to gse and macros

I’ve not seen Soul Cleave not casting regardless of talents. This is the line that casts it:

/castsequence [nochanneling,combat,mod] Fel Devastation; [nochanneling,combat,notalent:3/3,nomod] Soul Cleave; [nochanneling,combat,nomod] Spirit Bomb, Soul Cleave, Spirit Bomb

The only way it wont cast is if you are holding a mod key (ctrl, alt or shift) in which case it will always be trying to cast Fel Devastation when it gets to that line.

To cast Sinful Brand instead of Elysian Decree with the same conditions change this (in the two places it appears)

/cast [nochanneling,combat,@player,mod] Elysian Decree

to this

/cast [nochanneling,combat,mod] Sinful Brand

What do you mean sub + 10?

It means the highest key I had run it in was a +8, I’m now running it in +10s.