Viktri's (not really) One Button Macro - Dragonflight 10.2 Guardian Druid - v5 Tested and verified for 10.2

I kind of, sort of get that. So, if it is a 2, it will skip over that block 1 time after running it and then hit it again? So, run that block every other time?

Yes, and interval 1makes it repeat a bunch of times after itself then runs out xD Never use Interval 1 with a repeat block

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Thanks chief. Gracious of you to offer some explanation.

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FYI, that compile option now makes sense to me and I can see the affects of what Iā€™m doing. How did you get those image block results, or did you make that graphic? This one.

when chained with a button spam, it looks like this:

I agree my old macro had too few Swipes, it looked like this:

and chained it was like this:

hello viktri

I would also like to thank you for your great job and the detailed instructions, which as you wrote, everyone should know how to do by now xd.

Maybe you also make a macro for the cat that would be absolutely great :slight_smile:

thanks again for your work and the time you put in.

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I did that in MS Paint

The last time I have even really touched cat was when there was just one spec for both bear and cat, called Feral xD

Any news on version 5?

Hey Vic,

Iā€™m making a bit of progress myself. Pretty happy with the looping now. By changing that 1 to a 2, the swipes are falling where I want for aggro and my DPS is up a bit. Now Iā€™m working on the alternating thrash/maul(raze) like you presented. Love your thinking!


Are you thinking something like this?

Just a quick heads up guys why there is no update yet. I found a problem with the way GSE and WoW macros interact with /castsequence. While I have a macro now that performs better than previous version, my problem is that castsequences donā€™t work as they should. As described in the infographic I posted previously, it should use Ability 1 from sequence 1 and change sequence 1 to have Ability 2 next. Then it should move to sequence 2 and use ability 1 from that, and move the sequence 2 onto ability 2. Then it would move onto sequence 1 ability 2. In the bellow picture this is shown in gold numbers. Thatā€™s how it SHOULD be. Instead it moves both sequences with every click like this:


First click of the macro makes both green squares activate, second click the red ones, third click back to greensā€¦ This means it only alternates between Mangle and Thrash. It weaves in all the Swipes and Mauls but it can only use Mangle if the previous used castsequence ability was Thrash, and vice versa.

While the castsequence version of the macro has great performance with filler swipes, very rarely misses GCD for Thrash, it has troubles executing Mangles from procs. I am not sure if I will go the route of castsequences or not, either way this is something that has to be solved before I publish the new version.

I have some tentative solutions I am testing, but I cannot promise when the new version will be up. Hopefully soon, worse case I think Iā€™ll have it done for 10.1.5 but I wish earlier.


Iā€™ve also had mixed results with castsequence. I tried exactly what you show and it didnā€™t work. Using the 2 casts back to back seems to work. Because it will cast whatever isnā€™t on cooldown, otherwise skip over and cast the next item. Itā€™s a cheap work around that doesnā€™t really accomplish simplifying the macro like you wanted :frowning:

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Hello just want to start off by saying i love the macro its made me enjoy the game again
my question is I was wondering how i can get it to spam more Iron Fur since im running thorns of iron im currently 2 piece will be 4 piece on reset this week so that should help with rage generation im not the best at editing macros so i figured id ask to see anyone could assist me thanks alot

I feel like the macro is using all rage as soon as Ironfur is available. The current version might be missing a Swipe or two here and there (and I am working on a new version) but Ironfur I feel is not a problem in the slightest. Maybe you mean generate more rage for more Ironfurs? If so, then hopefully Iā€™ll have a better performing macro soon, thatā€™s pretty much the only way we can get more rage.

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If you make some progress on this problem donā€™t be shy to share! From what I tested, all the things that seem to ā€œworkā€ are slow, cumbersome and unwieldy.

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Viktri Iā€™d be happy to test out the new version as it is. Im not worried about spamming in between pulls anyway, I just do that manually if I need to.

I run keys at 20+ and the feedback might be helpful?

Let me know.

I will. There was a new update to gse today. I want to see if this changes anything.

Maybe one of you is smart enough to figure this out. I have the bomb trinket that has 3 bombs. I want to spread them out to pop a bomb about every 15 seconds or so using this macro. I canā€™t quite figure out how to do this. I just want to spread the bomb use out enough so that the trinket at least has 1 bomb available at all times. Iā€™ve tried the block/interval route, but that didnā€™t work no matter how high I set the interval. I donā€™t have any spell that is use consistently with at least a 15 to 20 second cooldown so I could castsequence it. Sigh! :bomb:

just use it when available, holding on is a waste of dmg

is there a update with the macro with a new talent build ?