Viktri's (not really) One Button Macro - Dragonflight 10.2 Guardian Druid - v5 Tested and verified for 10.2

I’ll test it now in a dungeon!

Quick feedback; can you add the command to shift back to bear form when using the macro?

It’s there in the “Block Path 1”, it changes you into bear when not in bear, or at least it should. It does for me.

super awesome viktri, thank you so much for your time that you put into this! will donate for sure if u ever get a donation thing! thanks again!

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So yeah, DPS has definitely been improved - but I feel a little rage starved, going to tweak my talents. Great work!

I actually feel like the rage generation is pretty great for bears in Dragonflight, but sure, if it fits you more :slight_smile: I would probably just press the button manually, if you want thought it should be easy to automate with the macro.

I was using wowheads talent build, let me try yours first.

Honestly, it’s pretty simple and efficient. The macro certainly has been improved as far as rotation/dps is concerned. I’m not good enough to understand why, but it FEELS much better.

updated to V2. Still will not fire off moonfire. I really don’t understanddddd

First of all thanks for all the hard work you have put into this, it looks like it will be awesome. I am really excited to have it functional.

Now for my question, you say on your update that you have removed all of the key press variables… does this mean the hold control to use maul over ironfur is not functional?

I can cast frenzied regen with shift, and incap roar with alt but when I use CTRL with either my keyboard or my logitech g13 it pauses the macro, and does not cast maul. Is this intended behavior or am I mssing something?

My friend, Moonfire is automated by the Galactic Guardian talent, which casts it for you. That’s why the macro doesn’t use Moonfire.

That is definitely not intended, and I will try and replicate this in the evening. Thanks for feedback.

Love it!
I would say that Maul and Regenerations spell will trigger much faster than before, a cuple of ms or 1 second at least.

Only because i’m really lazy (and often i found useful to have) i have added wild charge in the rotation. So when i’m away from the enemy i stop my spam script, but when i want to reach someone fast i just start script again and charge him automatically.

Thanks (again :smiley: )

This my basic AHK script… change the bottom value up or down depending on script…

#IfWinActive World of Warcraft
; to force the hotkey only to Wow
if (OneToggle := !OneToggle)
SetTimer, timer, -1
; to end the WoW key binding
While (OneToggle)
{ Send 1
sleep 60


Galactic Gaurdian does cast moonfire but what about manual cast moonfire which generates 8 rage and deals 300% damage? Not only that but moonfire is used for pulling which means I should be able to fire the macro and have it use moonfire to pull mobs as well, no?

That’s why I recommend opening with Moonfire before starting the macro, and also to have Moonfire bound to a convenient button in case you really need the 8 rage. But the vast majority of time casting Moonfire manually is a waste of GCD, arguably you could manual cast it when the proc is about to run out, but that happens quite rarely. Anyway if you read the main post, I have numerous recommendations on how to bind buttons so you can use them without turning the macro off. To “weave” them in.

The new v2 version of the macro has superior optimisation, allowing a use of much slower button spam macros, with flawless reliability at 200 ms, making it even easier to weave any manual ability in whenever you want. :slight_smile:

oh I see what I was doing wrong now lol (at least with V2)

hmm version 1 is firing off for me, version 2 isnt doing anything, any ideas mates ?

so played around with it again today, press and hold casting does work for maul, but ctrl still just pauses the macro for me. I am not sure what else to try. Other than that everything seems to be working great!

I cannot replicate this, what software are you using to spam the button?