(VIPER/ENIX) Demon Hunter Vengeance AIO

[quote quote=64503]Hi,
I’m really enjoying this macro, but isn’t ‘Shear’ gone in 8.* and ‘Fracture’ now taking it’s place?
Ps. I highly recommend this macro for Infernal Strike.
#showtooltip Infernal Strike /cast [mod:alt, @player][@cursor][] Infernal Strike[/quote]

If you read the text in the talent selection window for fracture it says that it replaces shear. Therefore if you have shear in the macro but you have selected fracture it will cast that instead (because fracture is its replacement). That being said shear is still an ability in the game but you will only have it if you didn’t choose a talent that replaces it (like fracture for example). In the new xpac blizz made some classes have a few of the abilities their artifact weapons gave them as abilities that are either basic or can be chosen as a talent via tree so that we do not lose all of our artifact abilities (that’s the reason some hunters can still use 2 pets). Shear became a basic ability for dh so we still have it (you can check for yourself by swapping the fracture talent out for any other talent temporarily then checking your spellbook.

[quote quote=64523]Hello, Guys i need you help, with Tell me When.
I am trying to Copy from the attached file but i am receiving an error for a symbol Near…
Can anyone Help? am i doing something wrong?
Image Link below [/quote]

Why are you trying to download the attached file? The macro is not in a file its in the code on the 1st page. Below is a video on youtube that will show you how to do it

The vid shows you how to import macros and the newer macros have changed from what they are in the vid posted. So now instead of being an actual macro its a bunch of code but the way to import them has not changed. So just copy the code in the box (and only the code in the box) on the 1st page and import that and if you copied it correctly it should work.

Hello again and thanks for the reply,

Well my issue is not with the macro in the description is to put also the
Tell mwe when (addon)
Weak Auras (addon)

In the Tell me when, you got a lua code in the TEXT file as to Copy and input it into my PROFILE in wow game.

When i try to Paste the lua code of “Tell me when addon” i got the issue with error coding something about a symbol in Line 1.


Thanks for the macro.
I tried running at 80ms at a test dummy and found Demon Spikes fires off at the begining, and then nothing for 2 and a half minutes.
I also noted my survivability is way less than with your previous macro.
Any tips on how can I fix this?

Is it possible to make a Weakaura for the new consume magic(target buff removal)?

Love this macro. Works really great with a latency of 15ms :slight_smile:

Using this at 120, In mythic raid any mythic +, I really enjoy it. I took demon spikes off and manually cast it as you need to be able to use your personals when needed. If you need numbers I can get them next week!

Doing the Same at 332 ilevel now and much less squishy now that I’m manually doing Demon Spikes, Macro is GREAT for the rotation and all other abilities however.

Yeah, Demon Spikes is going to feel like that for a while. I think it needs a bit of a buff. Not much, but make it less about armor and more about flat mitigation would help.

recently imported and used this Macro I found it to be a really well put together macro that works great has good dps and healing.

I run it at 0.055ms on razer synapses it may be a little slow but that’s my setting i used.

at the moment am 116 on my DH this macro is out pro-forming my own and feels a lot smoother to run.

I am looking forward to going into heroics and mythic s with this build.

I would like to thank both Enix and Viper for the wonderful Macro they put together.

Keep up the good work please.

this is pretty awesome! thank you guys for sharing it… loving it in my tank rotation. :slight_smile:

Absolutely works like a charm. Just leveled 110-120 with it.

I came back for new feedback. Tank ilvl 360, I made mythic + 10 easily and all raid on normal difficulty without problems. Soon I’ll be trying the Raid on the Heroic difficulty. Simply the best version ever created. Congratulations!

Remembering that I play with ping of 200ms or more always. I imagine that for those who play with little ping it should work more perfectly still

So glad to hear the positive feedback.

i can give this macro a try, but i have yet seen a macro do better then the one i been using all throughout Legion and into BFA.

Can you post or point me the thread ? I love this one, but it’s not perfect for my gameplay !

This macro is amazing! Barely need healing or take dmg. Leveling through normals and it works wonders.

I’m confused. The macro has consume magic, but the WA string uses disrupt. Should I change the macro or the WA string?

IMO your going to want to use both of those abilities regardless, Disrupt for interrupting and Consume magic to remove beneficial magic such as bone shields, certain stacks mobs get, all kinds of stuff as-well as your belf racial for AoE purge.

It all comes down to preference really on if you want ctrl to be your magic remover or interrupt.

This macro was working fine at the start, but now i find myself sitting at 2 fracture and pain capped more often. I have high world ping at times, 250ms. does this effect the macro and if so, do i need to change the delay?

I leveled using your original DH macro and just recently switched to this one and it does seem to run better. I removed throw glaive and the /targetenemy line from the pre macro because I found it leads to accidental pulls. I also added [combat] to Soul Barrier and Immolation Aura to keep those from firing off accidentally if I leave my macro key running. I also made a 2nd version with Sigil of Silence as the Shift mod that I use for raiding when I don’t run Chains.

Also, The “consume magic” WA you have here does not seem to do what people are thinking it would do. its really just a disrupt WA that tells you when you can interrupt and has nothing to do with consume magic.

A proper WeakAura for purgable buffs with consume magic can be found at the link below.
