Word of the Void

please help!!!

[quote quote=61886]Hello
First sorry for my english.
I have a problem, the macro the first one at the top of the page is not working.
If i use the second one aoe it’s ok
May be you can help me ?


Both of you are having an issue? Can you explain what that issue is?

Issue ? It’s not working for me.

the created shortcut does not work.
With others yes except for the 1st
When I copy it to create it’s ok but after it does not run

[quote quote=60739]EDIT 7/24/18: BfA Pre-Patch! Significant DPS increase.
You hear the whispers, you know the truth. Madness? It’s sanity that’s the enemy.
dCKAgaakiL0PeuvZIev3IeLDjO8lizyqQ4yqPwgj0ZGImniL6AaTnPQmoHohKsSoOq3dsr9pivzGqboijYcfu5HqQQjscUOuvTrOeJuPItssPvssLxcPsZekQBki2ju1pHuOHIQ0sHuKNkLPIQARqfFLKIXcf0BHkDxuf7f0FHsAWQCyvTys9yktMQltyZiFwPQrlvoneVwPsZwGBJk2Ts(nkdhv64Ku1YL8CatNORRu2UG03LQmEifCEsY6fuL5lA)kgInKpep2Ww)yiwB7OKcOr1G1WHfLG4veYh22reWnazTlS1jLCbWiku9y9c(WtfN3kgqygJdkIvBCaqjzCrmu9yLRmgPmzNqzHYqCuWg)pqSKaWgMqpfrpmPiAf75y1Ckg(WMsBYowbB9Jgc2mKhd4vuIflWfWwi)A7du7skQqfljcBbdhSTJiGlS1pgI1w37SEynCKsJ6udsqWCpxUbQMdNNdxKcXMJpBZ6MJTM7dcMJkbq3CYV2lKaHn3oSaFoLWm)561jwIqf1CQyBZTecFojBUNl3avZHiN73)iRWg1Tdlurnhh2gGyowOIAo5x7fY5iwnxR7DwV5q)6b6cBuh)FxXCywS)nvZXO5KDI5WHH4ZHqZPITnxVFjNRdzFNOMtbEBZXcvuZjr4icBo()UI5u4RDNtjatSaqyR5qO5uX2MR3VKZbil2A)C6TcqoNc82Mt29Y5OpiayogrZPvnhAbDMdqySLdegSPGG(Tajep2WwJRWuRcq8kcgHn1ASfSbBH8wXWruaiSfaKpep2q(q8ydBPrK7)tek7bKznxAefJAT7PrumQ1URWx7oNsaMybGWwzLfeVIWwAe5()eHYEajGq9BILjYAU0ice0DZsJiqqZabX1yC0VKNSYAU0ikg1A3tJOyuRDhhgIpx)1gxjcBLvwkFU0ikg1A3tJOyuRDpeKLRflxuzLfepMGT0iY9)jcL9aYSMlnIIrT290ikg1A3XHH4Z1FTXvIWwzLfepAdBPrK7)tek7bKznxAefJAT7PrumQ1U36EN1Bo1WkhJZHddXZkliEqylnIC)FIqzpGmR5sJOyuRDpnIabndeexmW2kawXtwZLgrXOw7ER7DwV5q)6b6Ykli((GT0iY9)jcL9aYSMlnIIrT290ice0mqqCxmR7xlraYAppznxAefJAT7HGS85WsWRkRSGnmZyCXmchejSbB8YaKH8wXG8HsyRjfCXY2YKiSfSXBHWkePkydDfQ4Teaaq(q8ydBPrK7)tek7bKznxAefJAT7PreiOzGG4sSIdgrhEYAU0ikg1A3BDVZ6rSItwzbXRiSLgrU)prOKFTxiflbhvznhUlw3xC4bxx8opq8yc2sJi3)Niu2dibeQFtSmrwZLgrGGUBwAebcAgiiUCyog)ajpzL1CPrumQ1UNgrXOw7oophUifInhF2M1Lvwq8OnSLgrU)prOShqciu)MyzISMlnIabD3S0ice0mqW5kbGqIMLFTxiNlRSMlnIIrT290ikg1A3X55WfPqS54Z2SUSYs5ZLgrXOw7EAeruF91xFRTGGSYckHnElriVvmiFOe2qxHk0Kiq8aciFiESHT0iY9)jcL9aYSMlnIIrT290ice0mqqCngh9lv(IzD)Ajcqw75jR5sJOyuRDhlVlYklOekHsOekHqaUsage Information EX_Shadow_BfA Will apply Vampiric Touch on all fresh targets. Hold ALT whenever you need to apply it again. Hover mouse over target for Shadow Crash. Take Legacy of the Void if you want higher DPS over time. Take Dark Ascension if you want strong burst DPS that falls off by 90 seconds.
This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.02.
Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority KeyPress: Contains various utility functions. Main Sequence: KeyRelease: Contains various utility functions.

it’s this one

I have deleted and imported the same macro as my OP myself, and I am having no issue using it. Are you using the talents I recommend? If you don’t take Misery you won’t use Shadow Word: Pain, for example.

Hi Enix, I have deleted and tried again to insert the macro taking the talents that advice but it still does not work when trying to execute it.
sorry for my English :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you able to use any other macros?

Maybe you should come to the Discord channel and troubleshoot it there with us.

exactly the same for me

I understand. But I am not sure if you two are having issues because of your GSE versions, or non-english clients, or something else. If you guys hop over to our discord, the button is in the upper-right of every page on this site, then I and others of the community can help figure out what’s wrong.

I’m sure it’s not the macro itself because others are having no issues using and modifying it.

[quote quote=61247]

hmm. I am at 28% haste and 41% crit running it at 80ms off my mouse wheel I also ova a latency average of 35 ms up and down. Your macro is great for aoe but bosses are not trash packs, so i always try to build st strong. has to be gear or latency/speed differences. Any way cheers for the great base macro. Thanks again.

Are you using both macros? The ST one and the AoE one? I’d predict you won’t be as strong as soon as BfA comes out and you start replacing gear. [/quote]

touché et al


actually it’s a translation problem.
What I do not understand is why it works well with others?
I change some names with the help of the aoe and it works like shadow and shadow but not all lol

if there were French

I will try later. I’m going to do it old and use aoe in the meantime.
Thanks to you all the same for the job
And thx google translate :slight_smile:

Not to say what you’ve got going on is wrong or anything. I’m jealous. My crit isn’t nearly enough, so please abuse the meters how you see fit. But I stand by what I said about gear. As soon as you find yourself replacing it you will feel the hit.

[quote quote=61995]OK
actually it’s a translation problem. What I do not understand is why it works well with others? I change some names with the help of the aoe and it works like shadow and shadow but not all lol
if there were French
I will try later. I’m going to do it old and use aoe in the meantime. Thanks to you all the same for the job And thx google translate ???[/quote]

This sounds like it might be a bug with GSE. You can report it in the Discord channel so that we can try to fix it. GSE 2.3.04 is the latest and just solved this problem with Demon Hunter macros.

If anyone is having issues with non-English clients not being able to use some skills, I have updated the OP macros so that they should automatically translate in any new GSE version. Please make sure your GSE is updated and grab these macros.

Works perfectly thank you very much to you

New macros in the OP. I’ve managed to reduce the likelihood of Vampiric Touch getting stuck on repeat by a sizable amount. You hopefully won’t even notice it, but if you do stop casting for one GCD and then resume to fix it.

Thanks so much for this! Love your dedication to the forums and the people in it!

Not bad, but I found a few things.

  • Vampiric touch recast too often, about every 8 seconds
  • SWP recast too often, about 8 seconds (bound to vampiric touch)
  • no [nochanneling] prevention
  • castsequence had only 2 casts (i believe there must be at least 3 spells to be trouble free, limit of gse)

I also didn’t find shadow crash helpful as you had to aim it. Unfortunately @target wont work for it so I opted for spirits.

I liked that you used the modifier to refresh. Made it easy.

If you don’t mind EnixLHQ, could you look at my rewrite and see if you find that performs better or worse? I would be interested in the results.

Code: Shadow Whisperer @.8sec down, 0.2sec up keypress

[quote quote=62257]Not bad, but I found a few things.
– Vampiric touch recast too often, about every 8 seconds – SWP recast too often, about 8 seconds (bound to vampiric touch) – no [nochanneling] prevention – castsequence had only 2 casts (i believe there must be at least 3 spells to be trouble free, limit of gse)
I also didn’t find shadow crash helpful as you had to aim it. Unfortunately @target wont work for it so I opted for spirits.
I liked that you used the modifier to refresh. Made it easy.
If you don’t mind EnixLHQ, could you look at my rewrite and see if you find that performs better or worse? I would be interested in the results.
Code: Shadow Whisperer @.8sec down, 0.2sec up keypress[/quote]

I gave your macro a shot with a 3 minute parse. I got 2.1k with your macro and 2.3k with mine using Dark Ascension and 2.6 using Legacy of the Void. You can see in my OP explanations why mine drew more numbers for me, but yours might work better for you.

I had a whole long post here saying a bunch of stuff about nochanneling and whatnot when I realized a hotfix or three ago Mind Flay got its damage buffed. The OP ST macro has been updated with nochanneling throughout the macro to allow for the more DPS Mind Flay brings.

Vampiric Touch, however, is an issue. It’s an issue even with pure in-game macros that never touch GSE. Something about the spell makes it hang on it and spam. There’s nothing anyone has been able to do about it short of not putting it in the macro anymore. I think having it and it occasionally spamming is better than not having it in the macro at all.

New ST macro in the OP. Just adds nochanneling to all casts now that Mind Flay has had a small buff to it.

Thanks for getting back to me. As I said the results were interesting as I got the reverse to yours. Probably has to do with my gear being Disc based and not towards shadow.

Glad I could help.