Word of the Void

Hello Enix
Thank you for your suggestion, works like a charm ^^

Iā€™ve tried this from being a new 110 boosted chara. Iā€™ve tried it in a dungeon and got 2500dps max. The tank was out dpsing me.
Iā€™m now level 116 and my DPS hasnā€™t really increased. is anyone else getting higher numbers and am I doing something wrong?

The macro needs some work, and Iā€™ll be getting to it shortly. I am finishing up my Disc changes and talent recommendations and will be posting that soon. And then I will focus on Shadow.

Please be patient, I donā€™t have as much time as I used to and I just came off of getting both Demon Hunter specs squared away, so Iā€™ll be a bit slow getting Shadow up. My priest isnā€™t even 120 yet :open_mouth: But, thankfully, Disc doesnā€™t change between those levels. Shadow does, however, and will need me to get to max level to accurately modify the macro.

Updates, updates, come grab your updates!

Delete whatever you have and grab these. Only two macros now (or one if you donā€™t care about healing) with some new tweaks in them.

Highly, seriously, super-recommend the talents I have listed, though are free to choose your own. If anything, pay special attention to your crit and haste, as those will determine your T5 choice. And if you donā€™t choose Misery, you are going to have to add that into the macro.

Thanks for the updates Enix :slight_smile: Canā€™t wait to give it a try tonight.

Thanks for the update. Iā€™ve been trying it out questing at 120 today. my haste and crit are not very high due to only being 285 ilvl.
A few things iā€™ve noticed, (it could be my setup or something iā€™ve done wrong as iā€™m fairly new to this):
there are times when the character is stood for a second not doing anything.
It doesnā€™t put VT or SW:P on anything but the targetted character. (not sure if itā€™s supposed to or not)
Holding CTRL doesnā€™t use mind sear and in fact makes the macro do nothing.
There is no healing code on the main post.
At my ilvl i seem to be doing less damage than the tank (only getting in 15% of damage done on boss fights) this may be because of lack of haste/crit at this level.

Yeah, good call on a bunch of this. Thatā€™s what I get for late posting. Added the healing macro.

Vampiric Touch only applies to your targetted enemy. You get one automatically per new target you select, and all new VTs need to be applied with ALT. This is to keep you from wasting Insanity on a VT cast while in Voidform.

Something is wrong with both Mind Sear and Mind Flay. Both are not honoring nochanneling right now when they work for me, and are just broken when they donā€™t. Right now, before I started writing this reply, I put both Mind Flay and Mind Sear in their own in-game native macros (with /m, not GSE at all) and after one cast they end early and just refuse to cast again. Literally, a macro with just ā€œ/cast [nochanneling] Mind Flayā€ will cast once, interrupt itself early once, complete the cast, and then never cast again. Itā€™s the same for Mind Sear. Iā€™m going to call this yet another WoW bug, and a pretty damn big one that I hope gets fixed really quick.

Anyone else seeing this?

Using the ā€œ/cast [nochanneling] mind flayā€ and ā€œ/cast [nochanneling] mind searā€ within blizzards macro system the two do not interrupt each other and cast fine on a raid target dummy in org

Not sure what it is. It seems similar to the other bugs Iā€™ve seen in game in weeks past where a spell suddenly doesnā€™t work, or even straight out says it doesnā€™t exist, in some areas and not others. This was even affecting my Disc macro and Penance for me last night. Hopefully, today is better.



When researching mine and several other userā€™s issues with both my SPriest and Disc macros, as well as a few others I noticed having issues with other macros, I have found a common thread that I was able to test and definitively find as the cause.

If you are using any of your old legendaries for their item level, they WILL screw over your GCD by attempting active abilities that no longer exist. This is even worse with passive abilities that will attempt to trigger under their normal circumstances, but will flash the error ā€œYou are higher than the max usable level for this spellā€, which will also interrupt anything that would have triggered that legendaryā€™s ability.

So, donā€™t do what I did and keep those legendaries equipped. Put them in the bank or get rid of them completely, they will do more harm than good.

Thanks for the update on the legendryā€™s. I only had one so no big deal and it was a ring :slight_smile:

FYI, I have 2 legionaries equipped and this macro runs perfect, great burst dps! Iā€™m 110 level. No errors, that I can tell.

Iā€™ve tried it with punchkey now and I got completely owned in dps in a dungeon by a level 111 SPriest.
I was getting about 3-4k dps, they were getting 8-9k.
Maybe itā€™s my setup with the macro, but it seems really easy to set up and use so I canā€™t see anything iā€™ve done glaringly wrong.

If theres anything I can do to help, testing or trialing things maybe, let me know.
I used to write CCā€™s and profiles for HB and I really need a simple macro for grinding dungeons. Anything I can do to help, let me know.

[quote quote=64506]Iā€™ve tried it with punchkey now and I got completely owned in dps in a dungeon by a level 111 SPriest. I was getting about 3-4k dps, they were getting 8-9k. Maybe itā€™s my setup with the macro, but it seems really easy to set up and use so I canā€™t see anything iā€™ve done glaringly wrong.
If theres anything I can do to help, testing or trialing things maybe, let me know. I used to write CCā€™s and profiles for HB and I really need a simple macro for grinding dungeons. Anything I can do to help, let me know.[/quote]

Whatā€™s your character sim at? Also, beware level scaling, that 111 is getting an artificial boost is there is anyone higher level in the group. That includes you. Thereā€™s ton of talk about how crazy OP 110-116 are.

6.1k dps single target sim with food and pots.
i do probably 4k on a good day.

I done a dungeon last night and there was A LOT of time the character was stood still casting nothing.
Also, ALT and CTRL donā€™t seem to be working either.

I made a few changes to this macro to fit my play style, but it works well. I like to manually fire shadow crash and dark ascension. I donā€™t always have my cursor on the target, so firing it manually allows me to place the spell where I need it and not accidentally shoot it off in a random direction. I also donā€™t want dark ascension to fire 3 stacks into void form. I also use dark void.

A 3-minute video of the macro in action. You can see the meter resets after about 3 minutes, but was running at 7.7K-7.9K at that time. RaidBot SimC, no raid buffs, is 7.82K. I also turned war mode off so things like void origins wouldnā€™t skew the numbers.

SimC Result:

My character sheet:

Iā€™ll be away from anywhere I can edit the macro for a while, so unfortunately itā€™ll be up to you guys to help me out with any issues.

One thing you can try is to change the macro from Priority to Sequential. I intended to make this change before, and it should eliminate the ā€œstanding aroundā€ issue for anyone who doesnā€™t spam at a faster rate.

For those who are getting way below sims, please do the following and see if you can help me identify the weakness:
-Sim with your preferred talents, no buffs, no food, ranged DPS against a target dummy
-Use the macro under those same conditions for at least 3 minutes (most sims parse 5 minutes)
-Compare the DPS details and ratios the sim put out to your own DPS details in an add-on like Details, Skada or Recount.

The goal is to see where a talent or spell isnā€™t being used by the macro when the sim says everything should be perfect. You have to make sure your sim and testing environment are both identical, and you have to also make sure you are testing against a dummy you can actually hit (the Raiderā€™s test dummy in our new faction hubs donā€™t scale to level and if youā€™re not max level youā€™ll miss abilities and skew your results. Choose a dummy the same level as you unless youā€™re 120.)

[quote quote=64600]I made a few changes to this macro to fit my play style, but it works well. I like to manually fire shadow crash and dark ascension. I donā€™t always have my cursor on the target, so firing it manually allows me to place the spell where I need it and not accidentally shoot it off in a random direction. I also donā€™t want dark ascension to fire 3 stacks into void form. I also use dark void.
A 3-minute video of the macro in action. You can see the meter resets after about 3 minutes, but was running at 7.7K-7.9K at that time. RaidBot SimC, no raid buffs, is 7.82K. I also turned war mode off so things like void origins wouldnā€™t skew the numbers. YouTube
SimC Result:
My character sheet: [/quote]

Any chance of you exporting your adapted macro here? Iā€™d also like to play around with it and compare :slight_smile:

Is 30 ms the recommended delay?

Iā€™m simming at 8.4k dps at ilvl 343.

Getting 6k with this macro on sequential, and needing to manually refresh dots due to the mod not working (checked, i dont have those binding anywhere, the entire macro just stops running when i hit alt)

Switched to priority, doing 6.1k after 3 minutes on dummy so pretty much the same.

Just some feedback for you.
