WWSomethingorwhatever - Previously known as "Help Moving to 2.0"

[quote quote=44437]Having trouble importing macro need help please keeps saying can not import
[/quote]update your addon and that will fix it. GSE 2.0.14

updated: Im up to 885 ilvl now with new gears. Heres new log on all normal bosses in NH and 1 heroic NH. With this macro. Of course, longer fight it gets, dps go down.



Looks like you are dropping hit combo a lot… You need to make sure to stay on the boss as often as possible so you don’t get 2 tiger palms in a row. You may need to turn up or down your clicks per second. I’d try it on a training dummy till you never drop hit combo.

Also if you have to leave the boss hit box use a lightening so when you go back on your not dropping hit combo but make sure you only cast it once. Also always stack your touch of death with a SEF. Unless you have 2 just hold it for Touch or burning it at the last bit to make sure you use the max.

Try this and let me know.

Well that explains why dps never drops. But I am not raiding yet but only in hc’s

well, I used your macro, I guess I spammed too fast? How I turn up or down on my click per second?

It’s not from the macro on the timing it would be whatever you use to spam the key my lag is 65 ms

I see. My lag is 40ms… might that be why?

Right now my understanding is your delay should be about 15ms longer than your lag, but I am going to try to go some testing tonight.

Tonight I am redoing macros for all of my toons. This has worked like a charm on Raider’s Training Bag. All be it you get splash damage from the other bags since they are close but after 53.25M damage, my DPS was at 522k and the next run was at 545k. I would like to find a single target to test it on. Great job and thanks!

I think the issue is, as I have it with other macros. Is that it sometimes misses an attack and then just cycles through the cd’s and you miss the attack. When that happens I just use another attack and the keep on going with the amacro and then it keeps the dps up, if it happens.

Striking similarity to my invention :smiley:

Just kidding though, great macro of course :smiley: :smiley:

So now that I have 4 piece I had to change the rotation slightly. See the updated macro below.

Sequences['WWMS_TOD'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.00.
  Talents = "3,1,3,3,1,3,2",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [dead] [noharm]",
        "/cast [mod:ctrl, nochanneling] Touch of Death",
        "/cast [mod:alt, nochanneling] Spinning Crane Kick",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Strike of the Windlord",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Strike of the Windlord",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Whirling Dragon Punch",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Fists of Fury",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Rising Sun Kick",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Chi Wave",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick",

tried this macro but fist of fury seems to get cut off from channeling. am i spamming macro too fast ?

No, that shouldn’t affect that. The [nochanneling] part of each line makes sure that nothing else casts while FoF is active.

Do you know which spell is interrupting it? Does it cancel 1/2 through? Are you running any other macro at the same time?

so lets say i have the macro on key 1 . all i do it press key 1. when it gets to fist if fury, it acts like an instant cast and not channeled and goes on to the next in line of macro. is there a speed limit for this because i mash key 1 pretty fast

I just press 1 and when FoF comes up I stop and when it ends I just start with tapping 1 again

i think i will have to go slower on the mashing then

That shouldn’t be like that though, are you using the most up to date GSE?

Love the macro! Kudos! Quick two questions :

  1. If i’m using synapse, what should the optimal ms speed be?
  2. How do I get it so that the icons cycle through? Seems to be working on other macros but this one just gives me a static question mark icon.
  1. I use about 10 ms higher than my actual so for me I have it set at 65.
  2. I have no idea. I’m sure someone around knows but I never figured it out and didn’t bother :confused: