5.2 Survival Fully Working with Lock and Load!

It seems like all spells are in use and latency is good as well (i’ve got a very good line) tbh it seems like its because i dont have a macro keyboard that can spam my “kill” button … and i cant get AHK to work either… just need a script for AHK that can work with your macro (spam 11111111111111) i really seems like its the solution to this… i wish i was more of a genius to this script/macro-thingy!

Hello, I’ve been testing Survival Macros from the forums for me and it seems, with my setup, The following does the best DPS output for me.```
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,0,Explosive Shot
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Black Arrow
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,Kill Shot
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,Glaive Toss
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,Blink Strikes
/castsequence reset=5 Multi-Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Mend Pet
/cast [combat] Rapid Fire
/cast [combat] Stampede
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14

Now I have for my Talents 1,1,2,3,2,1 and I have an equip haste trinket (windswept pages) and a use haste trinket (Hawkmaster's Talon).

I am a total ILVL of 479.34 (yeah bites if I got to 479.5 it would have rounded up and let me in H Scenerios)(Soon)

I am getting unbuffed (as in no food buff or raid buffs) 58k DPS at 2 min mark on lvl 90 target dummy (not boss target dummy)

In a raid with food buffs of 275 agil and regular raid buffs I am doing 76k DPS

The Blink Strikes in the macro is not needed, since it will not make ya pet blink from one target to next unless you fall out of combat.
I am going to truely test out blink strikes to see with or without it the dps difference.

The Mend Pet in there is because It most of the time keeps my pet alive which is 25% of my DPS.

The DPS difference for having blink strike off and on is truly a 30% boost in DPS for the whole fight while in combat. In longer fights, BOSS fights I would have to agree that aMOC has a higher DPS output.

With the macro I posted above changing it from blink to aMOC (and of course the talent) over a 10 min fight I get 61k at 10 min mark which would be 5% increase in overall damage in a long fight.

Fervor starves the rotation so much you loose more than 10% dps over 2 min or 10 mins…

Hope this helps out

Blink Strikes is a passive ability that doesn’t require a command to cast and uses no focus, I found that the more lines you have in those macros the greater chance they won’t cast or get skipped.

Yes there is a MAX number of /castsequences, /cast, and /use commands you can have in a macro. The only one I know for sure the amount is /cast (five).

But hey, it was simpler to place a passive talent in there for editing purposes to go back and forth from aMOC, Fervor and Blink Strikes when testing. Take it out if you want, I did.

This is my final setup that works great for me. kb repeating at 150ms.


/castsequence reset=target Serpent Sting,null
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,0,Explosive Shot
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Black Arrow
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,Kill Shot
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,Glaive Toss
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,Stampede
/castsequence reset=5 Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot,Arcane Shot, Cobra Shot, Mend Pet
/use [@focus,exists] Misdirection
/cast [combat] Rapid Fire
/use [combat] 13


/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,0,Explosive Shot
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Black Arrow
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,Kill Shot
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,Glaive Toss
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,Stampede
/castsequence reset=5 Multi-Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot,Mend Pet
/use [@focus,exists] Misdirection
/cast [combat] Rapid Fire
/use [combat] 13

[quote quote=6351]So I’ve been playing with the rotation for Survival and using our leading zero technique to find some errors and some advancements.
<P>My goal was to create a macro that would fire Explosive Shot and Black Arrow on cooldown. I wanted to make sure that Explosive Shot benefited from Lock and Load procs as that becomes some of our best DPS. With the following macros I have done just that.</P>
<P>Single Target </P>```
/castsequence reset=target Serpent Sting,null
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,0,Explosive Shot
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Black Arrow
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,Dire Beast
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,Glaive Toss
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,Blink Strike
/castsequence reset=5 Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot
/cast [combat] Rapid Fire
/cast [combat] Kill Shot
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14

&lt;P&gt;****AoE**** &lt;/P&gt;```
/castsequence reset=target Serpent Sting,null
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,0,Explosive Shot
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Black Arrow
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,Dire Beast
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,Glaive Toss
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,Blink Strike
/castsequence reset=5 Multi-Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot
/cast [combat] Rapid Fire
/cast [combat] Kill Shot
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14

<P>Where Blink Strike is you can replace that with A Murder of Crows or even Lynx Rush. I choose Blink Strike because it has high burst DPS and doesn’t use up focus. Lynx Rush is very good but more benefit for BM and not Survival.</P>
<P>I tested out everything on this and I can guarantee it works.</P>[/quote]

aaaaand im back :wink: and sincew the last time i’ve aquired myself a macro keyboard… now the thing is:

  • i’ve tried every castseqencemacro in this tread… with specified talents…
  • i’ve tried a lot of different numbers in miliseconds my macro keyboard should repeat my “mash-kill-spam-button”

and the ouput is bad as hell!! :cry:

on dummies with out buffs it goes to about 105k, but then it climbs down to about 75-79k and stays there… so i went to an LFR and stayed on target (ji’kun) for the whole fight (raid buffed with all stats, well fed and flasked) and popped all my cd’s … this gave me a startup to about 155k and after 3 min… i was down to about a steady 102k the rest of the fight… so it seems like i need a little help now … my questions are:

  • exactly which talents should i use?
  • exactly how many miliseconds in dealys (0.0??)
  • which macrosequence should i use?

link to my hunter, which is reforged properly from askmrrobot:

im really hoping you can help me out here… im going crazy!
Thx in advance! :slight_smile:

My only question to you Paatz is what ability/s is/are not firing. as has been said many times before, put all the macro abilities where you can clearly see them on a hotbar and take note as to what is not firing when it should be, take note of any delays when a CD ability fires. A delay of 1 or 2 globals is to be expected on all the CD abilities. But if a CD ability does not fire in a full rotation then something has to be adjusted or changed.

I am not too sure what you expect dps wise, my hunter is ilvl 530 and does 130k single target boss fight as survival. I do not expect any more or less from that ilvl.

Talents I use are Blink Strikes, Glaive Toss and Dire Beast are those of note. My spam timer is set to 20 MS and use the macrosequence that works the best for you.

I’ve past from this and I had many try before to find what is working for me. Basically my keyboard allow me to record the delay, based on my finger speed, or specify a value. 0.0 is not a human value :-p it’s definitely too fast and you’ll miss a lot of spell in the sequence.
So, depending on you latency, I’d say start from 0.50 and go up until you’ll reach a comfortable value. For me is 0.80.

[quote quote=9291]My only question to you Paatz is what ability/s is/are not firing. as has been said many times before, put all the macro abilities where you can clearly see them on a hotbar and take note as to what is not firing when it should be, take note of any delays when a CD ability fires. A delay of 1 or 2 globals is to be expected on all the CD abilities. But if a CD ability does not fire in a full rotation then something has to be adjusted or changed.
<P>I am not too sure what you expect dps wise, my hunter is ilvl 530 and does 130k single target boss fight as survival. I do not expect any more or less from that ilvl.</P>
<P>Talents I use are Blink Strikes, Glaive Toss and Dire Beast are those of note. My spam timer is set to 20 MS and use the macrosequence that works the best for you.</P>[/quote]

im gonna look into it tonight … see which ablities that goes off once its off cd … ilvl is 516, so i think it should be bigger dps-wise, ill be back with info

if i were to make a level from the beginning. i would go survival but is there a macro for low level toons? :slight_smile: thanks for the help!


For talents, this is my Hunter: World of Warcraft

You can look at the Survival Talents there as those correspond to my macro that I made months ago. I still use that macro and I’m usually on top of DPS whether its LFR or Norm / Heroics.

ok… i been on your armory to check out your character, we have the same talents…

but i still find it confusing which macro sequence to use! is it possible that you can post yours here again? (since there has been changes all through this tread)

and what is your delay in miliseconds between button 1down<0.0??>1up
mine is 0.009 atm (not human like at all!!)

Sorry for asking so much, i just want i to work properly :slight_smile:

registerd to ask the exat question ass Paatz, so many changes from page one, and the ms i have about 0.020

Hey Pattz and Emil -

Ok the timer in there is how fast you want to spam the button. This value depends in your world latency though. 0.5 is usually a good amount as it will be about 50 ms which is about average. If you hit the server at 90 ms or above than set it to 0.9, but never go above this value as it will cause errors and a lot of your spells will not fire off.

This is the delay timer in macros. The old way to do “click” timers was by using comma’s (,) and each one you used would count as a global cooldown (GCD). This way has been removed and it’s why you don’t see a lot of multi-boxers anymore.

As for the macro, it’s the first post on page 1 with the removal of A Murder of Crows. For simplicity I’ll re-post it.

Single Target

/castsequence reset=target Serpent Sting,null
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Explosive Shot
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,Black Arrow
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,Kill Shot
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,Glaive Toss
/castsequence reset=5 Arcane Shot,Cobra Shot
/cast [combat] Rapid Fire
/cast [combat] Stampede
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14


/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Explosive Shot
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,Black Arrow
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,Kill Shot
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,Glaive Toss
/castsequence reset=5 Multi-Shot,Cobra Shot,Cobra Shot
/cast [combat] Rapid Fire
/cast [combat] Stampede
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14

Thx, seems to be working better now, but im still confused with the ms delay, ingame i have about 25ms home and world, shoulde i set my naga to ~0.25 or 0.025, if im understanding u right i should set it to aprox 0.25?

moon, i’m confused. why don’t you have a murder of crows in this new macro? did you figure something out??? the serv is down right now. so i cannot test this new one of yours with no crows. is this a way to improve dps or no? do i fire it off when i want to? @_@. i’m confused.

what would you all recommend for a home and world ping of 75 or 80? that’s the ping i get all the time. well when i check the status anyway.

AMOC is a focus eater, the DPS is very high but requires you to have a lot of Focus to use it. While good to use, you want your Focus more so for BA and ES especially when ES is not on LnL.

If you do choose AMOC, I would suggest choosing Fervor and bind that to another macro that allows you to fire both at the same time.

Like this:

/cast Fervor
/cast A Murder of Crows

If your world latency is 25ms than yes your delay should be 0.25.

Also don’t forget here to calculate where the server is located, the best way is is to ping your server and find out how much it can be pinged at. The in game one is very reliable, but a CMD ping is more.

You can look up your server’s main IP address here: US realm list by datacenter | WoWWiki | Fandom

thx moon u’r the best :slight_smile: