5.3 Feral Cat

These macro’s are fantastic, thanks all for the great work. Only issue I have though is that the

/console autounshift 0
/use [@player,combat]Healing Touch
/console autounshift 1

portion never seems to fire for me. The rest of the macro is silky smooth (using Michael’s macro). I must be missing something…

Hello Stephen, try to replace /use with /cast and see if there is any difference. In theory it should be the same but who knows maybe the system is picky.

Thanks for the response Luis!

Sadly, I tried that to no avail :frowning:

[quote quote=9849]Thanks for the response Luis!

Sadly, I tried that to no avail :(

Try out what mike said on page 6. It didn’t work for me at first but after i tinkered my macro a bit i finally got it to work like a charm. =)

/console autounshift 0
/castsequence [@player, combat] reset=0.5 0,Healing Touch
/console autounshift 1

My current macro:

#showtooltip Mangle
/castsequence [stealth]reset=combat Savage Roar,Ravage,null
/castsequence reset=target Rake,null
/console autounshift 0
/castsequence [@player, combat] reset=0.5 0,Healing Touch
/console autounshift 1
/castsequence [combat,nostealth]reset=target Mangle,Rip,Rake,Thrash,Faerie Fire,Mangle,Savage Roar,Mangle,Rake
/use [nostealth]Prowl
/use [combat,nostealth]Tiger's Fury
/use [combat,nostealth]Barkskin
/use [combat,nostealth]Berserk
/use [combat,nostealth]Nature's Swiftness
/use [noform:3]Cat Form
/use [combat,nostealth]13
/use [combat,nostealth]14
/startattack [combat,nostealth]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

I’m pulling 115k after 3 mins with this macro with 502 ilvl with t15 4pc bonus.

I’ll give that a try Molkiloke!

Hah! It worked! Thanks so much for the macro Mol!

Hey no problem.

I didnt write this macro per say i just took what everyone was saying and put it all together along with the rake,null to make sure i get a 5cp rip on fast.

Glad you like it.

Ok, i made an accound just to answer to this.

It might just be me but, with these macros, which i have tested a bit, you’re refreshing rip and rake, just to name a few, way to often (as in, even when they’re not about to drop).

So basically, you’re nerfing yourself, am i correct, or am i missing something ?

If i am i apologize.

You can make a macro that spaces rip and rake out. but the dps gain isnt as large as you would think usually.

[quote quote=9932]Ok, i made an accound just to answer to this.

It might just be me but, with these macros, which i have tested a bit, you’re refreshing rip and rake, just to name a few, way to often (as in, even when they’re not about to drop).

So basically, you’re nerfing yourself, am i correct, or am i missing something ?

If i am i apologize.

If you’re looking for something with a FB filler if might look something like this:

/castsequence reset=target Mangle,Rip,Rake,Thrash,Faerie Fire,Mangle,Savage Roar,Mangle,Rake,Mangle,Ferocious Bite,Mangle,Rake

Not tested though.
I doubt you will need to put another savage roar due to it being what 32 second buff? should stay up through this castsequence.

My new aoe macro:

#showtooltip Swipe
/castsequence [stealth]reset=combat Savage Roar,Ravage,null
/castsequence reset=target Rake,null
/console autounshift 0
/castsequence [@player, combat] reset=0.5 0,Healing Touch
/console autounshift 1
/castsequence [mod,combat,nostealth]Swipe,Savage Roar,Thrash;reset=target Swipe,Rip,Rake,Thrash,Faerie Fire,Swipe,Savage Roar,Swipe,Rake
/use [nostealth]Prowl
/use [combat,nostealth]Tiger's Fury
/use [combat,nostealth]Barkskin
/use [combat,nostealth]Berserk
/use [combat,nostealth]Nature's Swiftness
/use [noform:3]Cat Form
/use [combat,nostealth]13
/use [combat,nostealth]14
/startattack [combat,nostealth]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

Spam it for less than 45 mobs and hold your mod key (i use shift) for more than 5 mobs.
Works great for me. was pulling 600k on aoe trash in tot lfr.

That should read spam for less than 4-5 mobs not 45 mobs.

It’s not just the FB, i mean, why refreshing Rip or Rake with less than 5 CP, furthermore, why refresh them when they’re not about to expire ?

Dan is correct and I didnt even notice it. The problem is the reset=target in all the above macros , we need to make em reset=combat, and the reason behind this , is when we use
/console autounshift 0
/castsequence [@player, combat] reset=0.5 0,Healing Touch
/console autounshift 1
It targets us then back to what we are fighting , this resetting the macros. Ill Tinker around a bit today and post some numbers.

Tested Molkiloke’s macro for 10 mins with 500 ilvl , no buff save self buffs , no 502+ trinkets no set bonus’s on a raid dummy. I got the following results

81k dps 35 Faerie fires 94 HT’s 106 Mangles 72 Rakes 36 Rips 35 Savage roars 36 Thrashes

debuff uptimes rip 100% rake 99.7 weak blows 98.9 weak armor 98.9 FF 98.9 and thrash 85.7

Changing the reset=target to reset=combat I got the following

81k dps 35 FF 110 HT’s 106 Mangles 72 rakes 36 Rips 35 Savage Roars and 35 Thrashes

debuff uptimes Rake 100% Rip 99.5 weak blows 99.2 weak armor 99.2
and thrash 85.1

[quote quote=9938]Dan is correct and I didnt even notice it. The problem is the reset=target in all the above macros , we need to make em reset=combat, and the reason behind this , is when we use<br>
/console autounshift 0<br>
/castsequence [@player, combat] reset=0.5 0,Healing Touch<br>
/console autounshift 1<br>
It targets us then back to what we are fighting , this resetting the macros. Ill Tinker around a bit today and post some numbers.[/quote]

Maybe using mod as a reset option (not sure if it’s available yet)


[quote quote=9939]Tested Molkiloke’s macro for 10 mins with 500 ilvl , no buff save self buffs , no 502+ trinkets no set bonus’s on a raid dummy. I got the following results

81k dps 35 Faerie fires 94 HT’s 106 Mangles 72 Rakes 36 Rips 35 Savage roars 36 Thrashes

debuff uptimes rip 100% rake 99.7 weak blows 98.9 weak armor 98.9 FF 98.9 and thrash 85.7

Changing the reset=target to reset=combat I got the following

81k dps 35 FF 110 HT’s 106 Mangles 72 rakes 36 Rips 35 Savage Roars and 35 Thrashes

debuff uptimes Rake 100% Rip 99.5 weak blows 99.2 weak armor 99.2<br>
and thrash 85.1

Yeah, but this isn’t just a debuff uptime issue, you have to consider the damage per combo point. As in, a 5 combo points rip does a lot more damage than a 2 combo points rip, you also have to consider debuff clipping.

The rips are almost all 5 cp rips , I even added another mangle to the line, and at least at my gear level it made no noticeable difference to the end dps, so I can only conclude a few seconds of clip are not that bad atm.

So i came upon this post when i googled feral dps macros. i copy and pasted michaels macro and set it to a key and basically spammed it. the max dps i put out was 69k dps in 489 ilvl gear. im hit capped and expertise capped. now the question how do i use these three macros? do i just spam the front one when i can and also the back one when i can attack from behind? wat is the healing touch macro for? im just confused as how the basic process of using these macro is because i think my dps is alittle too low. any help would be greatly appreciated.

I must admit, i’m bluffed, coming from someone who’s sole purpose in life is to optimize dps and rotation (on my rouge main) i didn’t want to bother too much on my feral reroll, at least not under at least 500+ ilvl, but this macro, while not perfect, does the job pretty well indeed.

My only concern is that there’s no room for Ferocious bite, which is especially annoying below 25%