7.2 Ascendance Build (Updated 7.1.5)

UPDATED as of 9th April 2017

This is my current take on the Ascendance Build. It’s a 2/3 step Macro.
i have turned the Ascendance stage into it’s own macro so you can invoke it as you like rather than a random cast when you don’t want to use it… like the last trash mob out of a pack and you have nothing left for the big guy.

Spammin this at 140ms is suggested but use whatever you’d like.

Main ST/Opener/Spreader rotation:

Sequences['ChocEle'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.00.
  Talents = "3,1,1,2,3,3,1",
  Help = [[Talents - 3112331]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [@mouseover,harm] Flame Shock",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Stormkeeper",
        "/cast Lightning Bolt",
        "/cast Elemental Blast",
        "/cast Lava Burst",
        "/cast Lava Burst",


Sequences['AscendedShaman'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.00.
  Talents = "3,1,1,2,3,3,1",
  Help = [[Talents - 3112331]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast Ascendance",
        "/cast Elemental Blast",
        "/cast Lava Burst",
        "/cast Lava Burst",

Finally, AoE:

Sequences['ChocAoE'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.00.
  Talents = "3,1,1,2,3,3,1",
  Help = [[Talents - 3112331]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast Flame Shock",
        "/cast [@cursor] Earthquake",
        "/cast Stormkeeper",
        "/cast Chain Lightning",
        "/cast Elemental Blast",
        "/cast Lava Burst",
        "/cast Lava Burst",

Earth Shock is not in the AoE macro because it doesn’t belong there, eats up your maelstrom and generally pointless, it’s only reserved for the ST version. It’s also not included in Ascension as you don’t want to be casting anything other than Lava Bursts.

I have Flame Shock as an @mouseover macro so you can just quickly mouseover your targets unit frame or their nameplate and allows an easier way to spread it to other targets too. Unfortunately i can’t add in Earth Shock the same way so it’s still removed from the macro for the time being.

I have also removed the Fire Elemental, you can add it in again however by looking at Page 3 in this section.

The build has gone back to Totem Mastery as it provides more resources than Path of Flame although at times the spread of Flame Shock was good.

I like this. Need to try it out. Thanks for your time into making these for the community, Cymiryc

I’m gonna try this out tonight. With the flame shock concerns, gse 2 has a sample elemental template that seems to manage flame shock fine. Might consider combining the two. Right now I have the basic sample rotation and then key in game ascendance and stormkeeper macros as they come available. Although, I can’t get elemental blast to work in any of the macros I’ve tried to run.

Really nice macro. Great dps! Keep me updated.

I dont quite understand why, but on the single target macro, it wont accept elemental blast in the second row. I delete and recopie, i switch position and stuff or put the " or , in it but nothing work. Any idea ?

nice, very nice

[quote quote=40338]I dont quite understand why, but on the single target macro, it wont accept elemental blast in the second row. I delete and recopie, i switch position and stuff or put the ” or , in it but nothing work. Any idea ?

When you say it won’t accept it on the 2nd line what do you mean?
That it stays white in the macro?

If so that is perfectly fine it will still fire off when it’s available.

I was having a similar experience with my own macros, but seemed to work in the choco builds. Probably operator error. Still not sure why the flame shock refreshes well and at appropriate intervals on the sample, but not when I put it into the choco ones.

I did find something not working in the ascendance macro. It’ll trigger ascendance but not go further into lavaburst. Not sure why, but I’ll play around with it later.

So far unfortunately since I’ve switched to gse2, the best option I’ve found is one macro (the gse2 sample) for a general lvb lb fs rotation and keeping simple in game cast sequence macros, one each for ascendance/lvb, stormkeeper/lb, and elemental blast on its own. Combined with my intro macro (828gs), I pull a burst of 200k dps that settles down to the 140s. Still have a long way to go.

All of a sudden, the ascendance cycle works now. Nice and useful. Though I question the use of elemental blast in the main rotation as you are only supposed to sneak it in there once during each ascendance. Gonna play around with it on a cycle.

It can only fire off once in the ascendance cycle due to it’s timer and how long ascendance lasts so it fits just fine.

It’s fine to use in the main macro because using it gives you a buff and it’s a DPS cooldown to use it.

so i try this macro for fun to see if i could actually dps as elem, i can pull 235k with this macro at ilvl 875,
weapon is 887 but my weapon is only at lvl 20.
is the lvl 20 weapon what is killing my dps, does this macro pull good numbers for anyone

[quote quote=40980]so i try this macro for fun to see if i could actually dps as elem, i can pull 235k with this macro at ilvl 875, weapon is 887 but my weapon is only at lvl 20. is the lvl 20 weapon what is killing my dps, does this macro pull good numbers for anyone

My Ilvl is 863
Weapon is 876
Weapon Artifact level is 16 (my alt)

So all of my stats are way lower and I’m bursting on the main raid target dummy in The maelstrom for 430k and then after around 50mil damage I’m down at around 200k I took the artifact points off of icy veins and the only other macro I have is a stopcasting macro to fire off Earth shock when it procs.

This macro is the Bomb! I use ascendance macro til I pop out and then use the ChoCele for the single target until the cool down is off ascendance and repeat.

[quote quote=41013]

so i try this macro for fun to see if i could actually dps as elem, i can pull 235k with this macro at ilvl 875, weapon is 887 but my weapon is only at lvl 20. is the lvl 20 weapon what is killing my dps, does this macro pull good numbers for anyone

My Ilvl is 863 Weapon is 876 Weapon Artifact level is 16 (my alt) Armory So all of my stats are way lower and I’m bursting on the main raid target dummy in The maelstrom for 430k and then after around 50mil damage I’m down at around 200k I took the artifact points off of icy veins and the only other macro I have is a stopcasting macro to fire off Earth shock when it procs. This macro is the Bomb! I use ascendance macro til I pop out and then use the ChoCele for the single target until the cool down is off ascendance and repeat. [/quote]

Just out of curiosity, how are you popping these?. One button per cast, hitting it over and over, or using a synapse delay?

Thanks for that Johnny.

The way you’re using the Ascendance is how it’s supposed to be used. Pop it when you need/want to use it, continue using it until it’s exhausted then quickly switch back to ST/AoE.

Stopcasting macros interfere a lot with the flow of the macro so it’s not something i would normally use. I padded Earth Shock into the end of the sequence so it should fire off at 80+ maelstrom so you shouldn’t need another macro for it but if that’s what is working for you then great :slight_smile:

For casting purposes it’s best to use a delay approach, i prefer 140ms / 0.140 in synapse for this one

im using synapse on a .080 delay

under Ascendance…

Talents = “1,1,1,2,3,3,1”,
Help = “Talents - 1212211”,

what talents are we going for ? :smiley:

Yeah… so i used an older macro when those talents were… OK to to use… pre 7.1.5

Talent section is correct help section is still showing the old talents, i will update it!

I try to import these macros and I get

Macro unable to be Imported

pop up with a close button and then in the chat log it says

Storage [string “Storage”]:2 unexpected symbol near ‘?’

are these not for GSE?

[quote quote=43427]I try to import these macros and I get
Macro unable to be Imported
pop up with a close button and then in the chat log it says
Storage [string “Storage”]:2 unexpected symbol near ‘?’
are these not for GSE?
[/quote]Do you have the addon updated? I just imported it and it gave no error. But it has done on older versions.

[quote quote=43427]I try to import these macros and I get
Macro unable to be Imported
pop up with a close button and then in the chat log it says
Storage [string “Storage”]:2 unexpected symbol near ‘?’
are these not for GSE?

Try this:

If you use Edge or IE it can cause strange text encoding on blank spaces, you may need to remove the spacing at the front of each line.

Chrome and Firefox are generally ok.