7.3.5 ASSASSINATION VANCLEEF; MAX Combo Points / Finisher always

Added the Opener Macro from Nobody to the 1st Page.

Ok…i have read thru 5 pages of technical discussions by you guys that really know your shit…and i am a little confused…if i understand correctly thru your hard work and testing the opener discussed is the regular macro listed as an opener macro on the 1st OP and entered manually in the macro maker… then the second OP macro if for the build 1,2, 1 or 3, 2 or 3, 2,1,1 …then the Assass 7.3.5 is a separate macro with build 1,1,3,3,1,1,1. Did i finally translate all this or am i still lost…lol…thanks guys for the assist.

Yes that’s right, the only changes to the assass 7.3.5 would be the ones I posted here for the modifiers. Make sure that no other actions are bound to whatever the modifier is and the key you have the macro on. Example modifier being ctrl and macro on key 1 then you would need to make sure nothing is bound to ctrl 1 in your keybindings. If there is a conflict in the keybindings wow will default to the keybindings and ignore the macro.

By all means give the vancleef macro a try with the opener, for me that one was a dps loss mainly due to talents. We kind of jacked the OP which I apologize for.

[quote quote=59749]

Ok…i have read thru 5 pages of technical discussions by you guys that really know your shit…and i am a little confused…if i understand correctly thru your hard work and testing the opener discussed is the regular macro listed as an opener macro on the 1st OP and entered manually in the macro maker… then the second OP macro if for the build 1,2, 1 or 3, 2 or 3, 2,1,1 …then the Assass 7.3.5 is a separate macro with build 1,1,3,3,1,1,1. Did i finally translate all this or am i still lost…lol…thanks guys for the assist.

By all means give the vancleef macro a try with the opener, for me that one was a dps loss mainly due to talents. We kind of jacked the OP which I apologize for.[/quote]

The new opener is stronger but as you said, sustainability is a loss with the talents.

I’ve been running both of yours in addition to the one I’ve edited, I run his at 20ms, yours at 10ms and the one I edited at 9ms.

I added FoK to his for AoE, which I’ve been using in Mythic ABT. Works great but I still swap between yours and mine for 99% of boss fights.

I’ve been working on a BfA assassination rogue for the last couple of days, trying to prepare for the release. Testing it in beta and it’s doing exceptionally well. I’m planning on making some changes to SomeRogues and relisting it here once I’m done, sometime after I’m bored with BfA beta. Will keep you all updated.

[quote quote=59753]

Ok…i have read thru 5 pages of technical discussions by you guys that really know your shit…and i am a little confused…if i understand correctly thru your hard work and testing the opener discussed is the regular macro listed as an opener macro on the 1st OP and entered manually in the macro maker… then the second OP macro if for the build 1,2, 1 or 3, 2 or 3, 2,1,1 …then the Assass 7.3.5 is a separate macro with build 1,1,3,3,1,1,1. Did i finally translate all this or am i still lost…lol…thanks guys for the assist.

By all means give the vancleef macro a try with the opener, for me that one was a dps loss mainly due to talents. We kind of jacked the OP which I apologize for.
The new opener is stronger but as you said, sustainability is a loss with the talents. I’ve been running both of yours in addition to the one I’ve edited, I run his at 20ms, yours at 10ms and the one I edited at 9ms. I added FoK to his for AoE, which I’ve been using in Mythic ABT. Works great but I still swap between yours and mine for 99% of boss fights. I’ve been working on a BfA assassination rogue for the last couple of days, trying to prepare for the release. Testing it in beta and it’s doing exceptionally well. I’m planning on making some changes to SomeRogues and relisting it here once I’m done, sometime after I’m bored with BfA beta. Will keep you all updated.[/quote]

DPS loss only seemed to happen on the VanCleef macro if I switched it to Nightstalker over Subterfuge. I’ve actually been waiting to see what Andrew Hodgson’s results are if he switches his talent to Subterfuge and then tries the macro, because the only time my dps was ever as low was when I went Nightstalker instead of Subterfuge.

You CAN go Nightstalker over Subterfuge, but it will result in a dps loss.

That’s why the set up is pretty much 1/2/1or3/2or3/1or2/1/1 Most things are interchangable from the 3rd, 4th, and 5th talents, but the 1st, 2nd, and Final talents give the highest dps output for the macro. That’s essentially what I’ve come to discover.

Uncrowned macro only work once on 1 target and i need to swap target to make it work again is it normal ?

Uncrowned macro (Finishers) should run the rotation on all targets you target with it. It will reset whenever you switch targets, but it will never work only once, it will continue working on whatever target you’re on.

If you switch targets it will start back at Rupture and go through the rest as usual.

[quote quote=59783]

Uncrowned macro only work once on 1 target and i need to swap target to make it work again is it normal ?

Uncrowned macro (Finishers) should run the rotation on all targets you target with it. It will reset whenever you switch targets, but it will never work only once, it will continue working on whatever target you’re on. If you switch targets it will start back at Rupture and go through the rest as usual.[/quote]

I see but against a dummy it only work the first time i press the macro and after that i does nothing so what should i do to make it work ?

[quote quote=59789]

Uncrowned macro only work once on 1 target and i need to swap target to make it work again is it normal ?

Uncrowned macro (Finishers) should run the rotation on all targets you target with it. It will reset whenever you switch targets, but it will never work only once, it will continue working on whatever target you’re on. If you switch targets it will start back at Rupture and go through the rest as usual.
I see but against a dummy it only work the first time i press the macro and after that i does nothing so what should i do to make it work ?[/quote]

Just a guess - but are you then using the VanCleef macro to re-build your combo points? The process is to build CP’s with one macro, and spend CP’s with the other.

[quote quote=59790]

Uncrowned macro only work once on 1 target and i need to swap target to make it work again is it normal ?

Uncrowned macro (Finishers) should run the rotation on all targets you target with it. It will reset whenever you switch targets, but it will never work only once, it will continue working on whatever target you’re on. If you switch targets it will start back at Rupture and go through the rest as usual.
I see but against a dummy it only work the first time i press the macro and after that i does nothing so what should i do to make it work ?
Just a guess – but are you then using the VanCleef macro to re-build your combo points? The process is to build CP’s with one macro, and spend CP’s with the other.[/quote]

yes so against the dummy i start to spam the opener and then i spam VanCleef and when i have full CP i press Uncrowned and it work so after that i start spamming VanCleef again and at full CP i press Uncrowned and nothing happen unless i switch target to make it reset

I could be wrong, but try this reset=1/target

@ OP thanks for the credits :slight_smile:

[quote quote=59552]Keep in mind too, as I haven’t seen it in ANY of the assassination macros, a large portion of damage both in opening AND longevity is lost due to no macros being accommodating of Mantle of the Master Assassin. Primarily because it would be rather hard to implement, but there is probably a 10-20% DPS loss on every macro here because of the poor/no utilization of Vanish with Mantle of the Master Assassin.
I don’t think three macros is too much, especially if it’s giving you more damage.
Good luck, if you find something you like and post it, I can’t wait to try it! ???[/quote]

not true mine used to, however, I got a lot of whinging for solo use in WQ etc as it would reset the fight when vanish fired so I removed it

To compare this macro to mine its hard to say on my Rogue which is well geared now 965+ I open burst way past 3-4 mill but will dip down to half that but will jump up again depending on poison bomb procs and when stuff comes off CD will get close to my opening burst. I tried this macro and opening it pushes 3 if I’m lucky but while it also dips it’s not as severe keeping me closer to 2 mill but will stay around there at a more constant rate. so it has a less spiky damage track which some prefer. there is no best one IMHO as i found this mine and papas all average about the same in a 5 min window based on my toon, but for my head is stuck in BFA atm playing with my macros there and I must say the GCD thing has made macroing finishers using max combo points a lot easier. be interesting to see what the community can make

[quote quote=59552]Keep in mind too, as I haven’t seen it in ANY of the assassination macros, a large portion of damage both in opening AND longevity is lost due to no macros being accommodating of Mantle of the Master Assassin. Primarily because it would be rather hard to implement, but there is probably a 10-20% DPS loss on every macro here because of the poor/no utilization of Vanish with Mantle of the Master Assassin.
I don’t think three macros is too much, especially if it’s giving you more damage.
Good luck, if you find something you like and post it, I can’t wait to try it! ???[/quote]

not true mine used to, however, I got a lot of whinging for solo use in WQ etc as it would reset the fight when vanish fired so I removed it

To compare this macro to mine its hard to say on my Rogue which is well geared now 965+ I open burst way past 3-4 mill but will dip down to half that but will jump up again depending on poison bomb procs and when stuff comes off CD will get close to my opening burst. I tried this macro and opening it pushes 3 if I’m lucky but while it also dips it’s not as severe keeping me closer to 2 mill but will stay around there at a more constant rate. so it has a less spiky damage track which some prefer. there is no best one IMHO as i found this mine and papas all average about the same in a 5 min window based on my toon, but for my head is stuck in BFA atm playing with my macros there and I must say the GCD thing has made macroing finishers using max combo points a lot easier. be interesting to see what the community can make

[quote quote=59801]

Keep in mind too, as I haven’t seen it in ANY of the assassination macros, a large portion of damage both in opening AND longevity is lost due to no macros being accommodating of Mantle of the Master Assassin. Primarily because it would be rather hard to implement, but there is probably a 10-20% DPS loss on every macro here because of the poor/no utilization of Vanish with Mantle of the Master Assassin. I don’t think three macros is too much, especially if it’s giving you more damage. Good luck, if you find something you like and post it, I can’t wait to try it! ???

not true mine used to, however, I got a lot of whinging for solo use in WQ etc as it would reset the fight when vanish fired so I removed it To compare this macro to mine its hard to say on my Rogue which is well geared now 965+ I open burst way past 3-4 mill but will dip down to half that but will jump up again depending on poison bomb procs and when stuff comes off CD will get close to my opening burst. I tried this macro and opening it pushes 3 if I’m lucky but while it also dips it’s not as severe keeping me closer to 2 mill but will stay around there at a more constant rate. so it has a less spiky damage track which some prefer. there is no best one IMHO as i found this mine and papas all average about the same in a 5 min window based on my toon, but for my head is stuck in BFA atm playing with my macros there and I must say the GCD thing has made macroing finishers using max combo points a lot easier. be interesting to see what the community can make[/quote]

How fast were you firing this one versus how fast do you fire yours?

I haven’t tried yours. I’m in bed so I can’t but I will in the morning and compare it to this one. I’m pretty sure you posted a BFA assassination macro too? I need to try that as well, I’ve been working on my own for there. I’ll save the trouble of asking on there - how fast are you firing the BFA one too? :slight_smile:

I run this one @10ms for the best possible outcome. Additionally, I manually use the new opener he added which is a standard macro. That new macro allows me to open about 700K+ more than what I was initially getting when SomeRogue first posted his macro.

I was using the most recent 7.3.5 for mythic ABT but I’ve recently transitioned into using SomeRogue’s macro (this one). I haven’t really had to time compare why it’s giving me more sustained damage, but right now it is.

That makes me happy to hear :slight_smile:

`Sequences[‘Opener’] = {
– This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.08.
Talents = “1133111”,
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = “Sequential”,
“target [@focustarget, harm, nodead”,
“targetenemy [noharm, nodead]”,
“/cast [@focus,exists] Tricks of the Trade”,
“/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Stealth”,
“/cast Garrote”,
“/cast Mutilate”,
“/cast Mutilate”,
“/cast Rupture”,
“/cast Vendetta”,
“/cast Toxic Blade”,
“/cast Kingsbane”,
“/cast Vanish”,
“/cast Envenom”,
“/cast Mutilate”,
“/cast Envenom”,
“/cast Mutilate”,
“/cast Mutilate”,
“/cast Envenom”,
“/run PlaySound(9632)”,

I have taken the Opener normal macro and created a GSE macro and I start off with this as the Opner -> Uncrowned -> VanCleef

Please offer any suggestions on the opener (good or bad) and improvement suggestions would be great. Right now the the sound plays once but once is all you need as you will only use it once and after that you are using the VanCleef/Uncrowned GSE

cant import this … need proper code…i will see if i can get it to work… thanks.

Im new at this I’ll try to import this again.