7.3 Enh Macro Using Earthen Spike 1.8 million DPS

Pulling consistent 1.8 million over 5min test on dummy unbuffed using the FOA version, I was getting 1.5 previously with out he gloves…
Many thanks to those who helped with the formation of the macro Cymiryc, Parrot, Tstone and of course the original architect of the macro before it was modified SPITZ.
If you prefer not to use a 4 key macro and would like to just use 3 i have added a 2nd macro that parrot came up with that fires off RB and ES on CD use it if you want***
current stats
951 ilvl
19.8 crit
34.29 haste
74.56 mast
11.89 vers
75 points in weapon
weapon ilvl 980
920 mastery trinket and 950 Golganneths Vit
leg are gloves and Ring
4 Piece t21
updated macro as of 12/19**
*updated Macro 12/29 removed ES from main macro since its on Secondary also added a extra crash Lighting
Updated 12/31 Added FOA MAcro

Sequences['MainES'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Talents = "3,2,1,2,1,1,3",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Blood Fury",
        "/castsequence [combat] Flametongue, Lava Lash",
        "/castsequence [combat] Feral Spirit, Crash Lightning",
        "/castsequence [combat] Crash Lightning, Flametongue",
        "/cast [combat] Crash Lightning",
        "/castsequence [combat] Crash Lightning, Flametongue",
        "/cast [combat] Doom Winds",
        "/cast [combat] Berserking",

2nd macro to be used for RB and ES along with the other 2 keys

Sequences['RB_&_ES'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Talents = "3112313",
  Help = [[testing only]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast Earthen Spike",
        "/cast Rockbiter",

***** Added Macro for those who have the gloves and the ring seems to work well (use the following 3 macros if you are gonna use FOA)******

Sequences['MainFOA'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Talents = "3,2,1,2,1,2,3",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Blood Fury",
        "/cast [mod:shift] Fury of Air",
        "/castsequence [combat] Flametongue, Lava Lash",
        "/castsequence [combat] Feral Spirit, Crash Lightning",
        "/castsequence [combat] Crash Lightning, Flametongue",
        "/cast [combat] Crash Lightning",
        "/castsequence [combat] Crash Lightning, Flametongue",
        "/cast [combat] Doom Winds",
        "/cast [combat] Berserking",
Sequences['RB_&_ES'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Talents = "3112313",
  Help = [[testing only]],
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [mod:shift] Fury of Air",
        "/cast [mod:alt] Crash Lightning",
        "/cast Earthen Spike",
        "/cast Rockbiter",
Sequences['StormStrike'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.03.
  Talents = "3212123",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/cast [mod:shift] Fury of Air",
        "/cast [mod:alt] Crash Lightning",
        "/cast Stormstrike",

SO what you would do is use 3 buttons for this to work, you would have
in this sequence
button 1 stormstrike (macro if you are using FOA)
button 2 the RB and ES macro
button 3 the original macro

if you prefer not to use 2 macros then you can have it set up like this
button 1 stormstrike
button 2 RB
button 3 Macro
button 4 ES

ill try and answer any questions you may have.

Don’t know the spec well but how important is its priority?

Cast now and again or keep it on cooldown?

keep it on cd for now, its best in the middle of SS procs but with macros its hard to time it so on cd would be fine

Might give it a try but i would have changed some of the priority around.

Basically the higher it is on the list the more priority it would take

"/castsequence [combat] Feral Spirit, Crash Lightning",
"/cast Earthen Spike",
"/castsequence [combat] Flametongue, Lava Lash",
"/castsequence Rockbiter, Rockbiter, Lava Lash",
"/cast [combat] Crash Lightning",
"/cast Rockbiter",

you want it just after Crash Lightning at most times so it would be best suited there for now if you want it automatic.

I am curious how it would look like

"/cast Rockbiter",
"/castsequence [combat] Flametongue, Lava Lash",
"/castsequence [combat] Feral Spirit, Crash Lightning",
"/cast [combat] Crash Lightning",
"/cast Earthen Spike",
"/castsequence Rockbiter, Rockbiter, Lava Lash",

im in the middle of a raid so i just tossed it in like u have it on the 1st example, ill have to test them both. See which flows best
thanks for the quick help

I played a little and moved a couple of things just for the main macro minus Earthen Spikes.

This was a 30k DPS increase for me…

I am ONLY 845 with 0 relics and 0 points spend and geared as Mastery in Elemental but the increase on running the original without the use of procs was rather large from the original you posted, to this one.

Sequences['SpitzBoss'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.03.
  Talents = "3,2,1,2,1,1,2",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Blood Fury",
        "/castsequence [combat] Flametongue, Lava Lash",
        "/cast Rockbiter",
        "/castsequence [combat] Feral Spirit, Crash Lightning",
        "/cast [combat] Crash Lightning",
        "/castsequence Rockbiter, Rockbiter, Lava Lash",
        "/cast [combat] Doom Winds",
        "/cast [combat] Blood Fury",

so would u suggest using earthen spikes in the macro or just using on a separate key, and if you put it in the macro where do u think its the best

Put it in the macro , if your keeping the original macro just leave it above the crash lightning line and it will be fine

Ok so this is the macro that turned out to pull the most dps by about 30k more

Sequences['SpitzBoss2'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.03.
  Talents = "3,2,1,2,1,1,2",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Blood Fury",
        "/castsequence [combat] Flametongue, Lava Lash",
        "/cast Rockbiter",
        "/cast Earthen Spike",
        "/castsequence [combat] Feral Spirit, Crash Lightning",
        "/cast [combat] Crash Lightning",
        "/castsequence Rockbiter, Rockbiter, Lava Lash",
        "/cast [combat] Doom Winds",
        "/cast [combat] Blood Fury",

it was the one you reworked, i stuck earthen spike in there.
pulling 875k avg over a 350 million damage test unbuffed on the dummy. So it will do for now till i can get the gloves.
Thanks for the help

Put your earthen spikes in the macro but bind to a keypress function.

        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [mod:alt] <spell name>",

Add your spell you want to key-press, and substitute alt for your key of choice

When the sequence is running and your earth spikes is on cd press/hold the key you’ve bound and it will fire. Might take a few ticks, but it will fire.

I use this on my hunter to cast aimed when lock-n-load is up or getting focus capped, as well on my shaman my shift is bound to cast rainfall @ player.

so where would u put that in the macro

[quote quote=50630]so where would u put that in the macro

pay attention to line #14… I don’t know if this will import, I copied your last macro into wordpad and added line #14 & removed Earthen Spikes from your sequence. If it doesn’t import, simply add cast [mod:alt] Earthen Spike into your GSE Sequence editor under the “keypress” box…

Sequences['SpitzBoss2'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.03.
  Talents = "3,2,1,2,1,1,2",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Blood Fury",
       "/cast [mod:alt] Earthen Spike",
        "/castsequence [combat] Flametongue, Lava Lash",
        "/cast Rockbiter",
        "/castsequence [combat] Feral Spirit, Crash Lightning",
        "/cast [combat] Crash Lightning",
        "/castsequence Rockbiter, Rockbiter, Lava Lash",
        "/cast [combat] Doom Winds",
        "/cast [combat] Blood Fury",

so i finally got the macro put together and working really good many thanks to all that helped me with the ideas and for Spitz with the original base for the macro but i am getting over 950k on a dummy unbuffed over a 5 min test with this macro so im happy with this for now.
Final version

Sequences['SpitzBoss'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.04.
  Talents = "3,2,1,2,1,1,3",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Blood Fury",
        "/castsequence [combat] Feral Spirit, Crash Lightning",
        "/cast Earthen Spike",
        "/castsequence [combat] Flametongue, Lava Lash",
        "/castsequence Rockbiter, Rockbiter, Lava Lash",
        "/cast [combat] Crash Lightning",
        "/cast Rockbiter",
        "/cast [combat] Doom Winds",
        "/cast [combat] Blood Fury",

it actually works decent with the 4 piece T20 with out using crash lightning on seperate key i usually get about 10-13 stacks that build up before crash lightning goes off so if you want more controll with the 4piece you can use a Alt modifier and remove crash lightning from the macro but other wise it does real well, if you have any question ill try to answer them, and if you are unfarmilair with my previous macros stormstrike is macroed to a seperate key
918 ilvl
944 weapon
58 points in weapon

I’ve tried this macro, I really like it a lot, but I do not see much change from my previous macro.

I was using this one 7.2.5 all in one enhance macro made with record function on

I test it on a Dummy for a 5 min

7.2.5 all in one enhance macro made with record function on
5 min Dummy
5 min no Dummy

7.25 Enh Macro Using Earthen Spike
5 min Dummy using Stormstrike on Cooldown
5 min Dummy using Stormstrike on Cooldown

I do not know if I can improve the DPS with this macro by pressing the button with a certain time, or not.

Hmm not sure i have tested both and mine are about 125k apart. 825 with the all in one and 950 with mine, maybe it comes down to gear at that point.
im sitting with the following stats
ilvl 918
weapon 944
points in weapon 58
2 piece T19 4 piece T20
maybe as your item level increases the gap in dps will increase

*****UPDATED OP with updated Macro *****

Why isn’t Stormstrike in the rotation?

To understand how this is working you may want to go back to one of the original posts from Spitz.

Basically this is using a multi-key press function, either with a programmable keyboard, mouse, or Auto-Hotkey.

[quote quote=52499]Why isn’t Stormstrike in the rotation?
ya if you look at the link from Parrot you will see an explanation how its set up. But i have it set up to where the main macro spams on key num 1 and stormstrike on key num 3 i have it set up on a razer mouse and the settings are as follows
down 3
up 3
down 1
up 1
0.100 sec delay
i have it set up to repeat as long as im holding the button down
i dont know alot about auto hot key youll have to look at some post for info on that.

Thanks guys for the response!
I’m using this with AHK as shown in Parrot’s link and it works great.

Will not live the ability to blow the storm … please add