Affliction Seed

So for AoE:

Hit target with drain Soul til explosion

I want to try this again. Keep switching between Destro and Demo.

If I’ve already build up mostly Destro gear with Demo pieces here and there, am I gonna be way behind the ball if I swap to Aff?

[quote quote=39995]So for AoE:
Seed Hit target with drain Soul til explosion Repeat?
I want to try this again. Keep switching between Destro and Demo.
If I’ve already build up mostly Destro gear with Demo pieces here and there, am I gonna be way behind the ball if I swap to Aff?

Mostly, yes. Choose the beefiest bad guy, seed, pop, seed, pop, etc. Do this until there are 2 or 3 left, then use the macro to finish of the rest. But, since I’m lazy and a fan of ease, I keep doing it until there’s one left, and then use the macro.

Destro and Demo are all haste right now. Aff is mastery. But, 7.1.5 was supposed to make secondaries less important. I’ll wager it comes down to artifact talents, really.

Thanks for the reply man. I’ve generally found your macros to be the smoothest and some of the highest preforming macros out there. Need to try out your DK ones!

I got it to upload and made the Icon and i moved it to bar but when i click on the macro it doesn’t do anything? any help would be appreciated

Same for me

[quote quote=40009]I got it to upload and made the Icon and i moved it to bar but when i click on the macro it doesn’t do anything? any help would be appreciated

[quote quote=40025]Same for me

Type /m to bring up your macro screen. Go to your character tab. Click NEW.
Name the macro whatever you want.
In the body add:
/click EX_Aff_GSE2

Good news! Now that simulation data is getting good again, I can begin tweaks and adjustments to squeeze out that sweet, sweet DPS.

Try this one out. It got me 20k more DPS and brings me within 4% of simulations. Note the talent change. It’s using Absolute Corruption.

Sequences['EX_Aff_GSE2'] = {
  Talents = "3212213",
  Helplink = "",
  Help = "Run at 80ms",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy  [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [nopet][target=pet, dead] Summon Doomguard",
        "/use [mod:alt] Drain Soul",
        "/castsequence  reset=target  Agony, Corruption, null",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction, Reap Souls",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat  Agony, Drain Soul, Drain Soul, Life Tap",

Okay, okay, I take it back. I made an AoE macro. Again, the sims allowed me to see exactly what kind of dps I should be pulling and after it was brought up I felt I could make things more simple. Give this one a shot.

Sequences['EX_Aff_AoE'] = {
  Talents = "3212213",
  Helplink = "",
  Help = "AoE - Run at 80ms",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy  [noharm][dead]",
        "/cast [nopet][target=pet, dead] Summon Doomguard",
        "/use [mod:alt] Drain Soul",
        "/castsequence  reset=target  Agony, Corruption, null",
        "/castsequence Seed of Corruption, Seed of Corruption, Seed of Corruption, Agony, Life Tap",

If these perform just as well for you guys as they do for me I’ll update the OP and HP macros.

[quote quote=40119]Good news! Now that simulation data is getting good again, I can begin tweaks and adjustments to squeeze out that sweet, sweet DPS.
Try this one out. It got me 20k more DPS and brings me within 4% of simulations. Note the talent change. It’s using Absolute Corruption.

<table class="crayon-table"><tbody><tr class="crayon-row"><td class="crayon-nums " data-settings="show">
</td><td class="crayon-code">
<span class="crayon-v">Sequences</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-s">'EX_Aff_GSE2'</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">Author</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-s">"Exlynn@Perenolde"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">SpecID</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-cn">265</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">Talents</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"3212213"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">Helplink</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">""</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">Help</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"Run at 80ms"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-st">Default</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-cn">1</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">MacroVersions</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-cn">1</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">StepFunction</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"Sequential"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">KeyPress</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/cast [nopet][target=pet, dead] Summon Doomguard"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/use [mod:alt] Drain Soul"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/castsequence reset=target Agony, Corruption, null"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">}</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">PreMacro</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">}</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/cast [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/castsequence [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction, Reap Souls"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat Agony, Drain Soul, Drain Soul, Life Tap"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">PostMacro</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">}</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">KeyRelease</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">}</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">}</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">}</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-sy">}</span>
Okay, okay, I take it back. I made an AoE macro. Again, the sims allowed me to see exactly what kind of dps I should be pulling and after it was brought up I felt I could make things more simple. Give this one a shot.
<table class="crayon-table"><tbody><tr class="crayon-row"><td class="crayon-nums " data-settings="show">
</td><td class="crayon-code">
<span class="crayon-v">Sequences</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-s">'EX_Aff_AoE'</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">Author</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-s">"Exlynn@Perenolde"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">SpecID</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-cn">265</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">Talents</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"3212213"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">Helplink</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">""</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">Help</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"AoE - Run at 80ms"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-st">Default</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-cn">1</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">MacroVersions</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-cn">1</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">StepFunction</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"Sequential"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">KeyPress</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/cast [nopet][target=pet, dead] Summon Doomguard"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/use [mod:alt] Drain Soul"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/castsequence reset=target Agony, Corruption, null"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">}</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">PreMacro</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">}</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/castsequence Seed of Corruption, Seed of Corruption, Seed of Corruption, Agony, Life Tap"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">PostMacro</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">}</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">KeyRelease</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">}</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">}</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">}</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-sy">}</span>
If these perform just as well for you guys as they do for me I’ll update the OP and HP macros. [/quote]

What kind of stats do you have and what kind of dps are you pulling?

unable to port

[quote quote=38153]EDIT 1/10/17: 7.1.5 Patch Day has resulted some major changes to our optimal talents. Read below.
Wither and waste away your foes by turning their own souls against them. Their agony is your triumph.
Gnome Sequencer Enhanced 1.X Version

<table class="crayon-table"><tbody><tr class="crayon-row"><td class="crayon-nums " data-settings="show">
</td><td class="crayon-code">
<span class="crayon-v">Sequences</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-s">'EX_Aff_715'</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-v">author</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-s">"Exlynn@Perenolde"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">specID</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-cn">265</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">version</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-cn">24</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">source</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"Local"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">helpTxt</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"Talents: 3112213"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">icon</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-s">'INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK'</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">lang</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-s">"enUS"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">PreMacro</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span>
<span class="crayon-o">/</span><span class="crayon-i">cast</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-v">nopet</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-v">target</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-v">pet</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">dead</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-e">Summon </span><span class="crayon-v">Doomguard</span>
<span class="crayon-o">/</span><span class="crayon-st">use</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-v">mod</span><span class="crayon-o">:</span><span class="crayon-v">alt</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-e">Drain </span><span class="crayon-v">Soul</span>
<span class="crayon-o">/</span><span class="crayon-e">castsequence </span><span class="crayon-v">reset</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-e">target </span><span class="crayon-v">Agony</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">Corruption</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-i">null</span>
<span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-s">"/cast [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-s">"/castsequence [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction, Reap Souls"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-s">"/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat Agony, Corruption, Drain Soul, Life Tap"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">PostMacro</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span>
<span class="crayon-o">/</span><span class="crayon-i">targetenemy</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-v">noharm</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-v">dead</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span>
<span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-sy">}</span>
Gnome Sequencer Enhanced 2.0 Version
<table class="crayon-table"><tbody><tr class="crayon-row"><td class="crayon-nums " data-settings="show">
</td><td class="crayon-code">
<span class="crayon-v">Sequences</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-s">'EX_Aff_GSE2'</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">Author</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-s">'Exlynn@Perenolde'</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">SpecID</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-cn">265</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">Help</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-s">'Run at 80ms'</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">Helplink</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-s">""</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">Talents</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-s">"3,1,?,2,?,1,3"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">Icon</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-s">'INV_MISC_QUESTIONMARK'</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-st">Default</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-cn">1</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">MacroVersions</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-cn">1</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">KeyPress</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/cast [nopet][target=pet, dead] Summon Doomguard"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/use [mod:alt] Drain Soul"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/castsequence reset=target Agony, Corruption, null"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">}</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/cast [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/castsequence [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction, Reap Souls"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat Agony, Corruption, Drain Soul, Life Tap"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">}</span>
<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">}</span>
<span class="crayon-sy">}</span>
This macro focuses on the up-time of your most important dots, filling in the downtime with powerful Drain Soul. Since target switching and multi-dotting are the hallmarks of the Affliction spec, this macro prioritizes your ability to do just that, all while keeping your mobility options open. Macro Notes This macro uses talent choices that are designed to work best in all situations. Other talents, such as Writhe in Agony or Soul Effigy have been passed over in favor for a more solid kit whatever you are doing, eliminating the need for talent changes. This means you might find better numbers by choosing these talents, but only in certain situations, and will experience an overall loss of DPS compared to my setup. I have also designed this macro to be spammed at 80ms, or manually tapped. If you find yourself low on health, hold ALT and spend a cycle Draining Soul. Talents and Explanation Malefic Grasp – Our new stand out talent. While Writhe in Agony has some merit in council or AoE fights, Malefic Grasp has superior targeted DPS. It also reduces your ramp up time, pops Seeds of Corruption faster, and can help generate Soul Shards. Contagion – Of the talents listed here, Contagion’s DPS is superior when using the macro. Absolute Corruption only pulls ahead in long AoE fights if you get Shard starved. (Your Choice) – Choose what you prefer. Demonic Circle is my choice. Sow the Seeds – Seed’s damage cannot be overlooked, and in dungeon/mythic difficulty fights strong AoE is required. The loss of Siphon’s Life’s DPS is of small consequence when Sow the Seed evens out the AoE fights. Since a Shard is required for Seed now, might as well maximize it. (Your Choice) – Choose what you prefer. Burning Rush is my choice. Grimoire of Supremacy – This is your versatility. Both the Doomguard and Infernal beat the other talents here in Single Target and AoE, respectively. Speccing into this talent not only utilizes that DPS, but allows you to adjust between ST and AoE by choosing the pet instead of the talents. Soul Conduit – Shards are far more important now then they used to be. This talent is a must, and in a fight of any length it will outclass either other talents quickly. Known Issues 1. None. Please report any issues in the comments. DPS Numbers Giving my numbers, in most cases, is not helpful. You will have different gear, different Artifact talents, or different buffs. Instead, I sim my character and attempt to get my macros as close to “Expert” level numbers as possible, which should translate accurately for everyone. Right now, this macro is now OVER 5% of “Expert” level sims (Pre 7.1.5), meaning your DPS should be higher than simulated. BONUS – ADDONS Advanced Interface Options (POSSIBLE DPS INCREASE) Users have reported that by installing this addon and unchecking the item “Secure Ability Toggle” you will see a DPS increase. Your mileage may vary. Weak AurasEnslave Demon Timer If you have Weak Auras and would like to have a handy timer for an enslaved demon, import this code.
<table class="crayon-table"><tbody><tr class="crayon-row"><td class="crayon-nums " data-settings="show">
</td><td class="crayon-code">
<span class="crayon-v">Import</span><span class="crayon-o">:</span>
<span class="crayon-v">dOtceaGAQk0Uuv8AQkAMcuZwHBsvj</span><span class="crayon-sy">)</span><span class="crayon-v">svs9njYTfXoHQ9s2Tk7xi</span><span class="crayon-sy">)</span><span class="crayon-e">uGmmf53u60qgQsyWc1WvfhuvIplHJHQohvv1cfqlLQkTyLulhLhQK8uWYePNlQjsvPMkftgkth5IkrxvvLll11L0gfupwPSzQY2vQ</span><span class="crayon-sy">(</span><span class="crayon-e">OQK8xuX0uuFxvQrsvvgNay0uvW4vv6Kcq3IQkUMe15rLEMGCyQSnvvT4Lras48H</span><span class="crayon-sy">(</span><span class="crayon-e">ZxEwqwq6N0pPFMfKiataMmc</span><span class="crayon-sy">(</span><span class="crayon-e">gKNxUjHp9zAAIpnDQ0ui</span><span class="crayon-sy">(</span><span class="crayon-cn">0Yc4gKNxUjHpxEsGN9OWdxrwqq</span><span class="crayon-sy">)</span><span class="crayon-v">mbhq8LcQ52yTdc9OafS2XwzhwMmcNxHdaF6m</span><span class="crayon-sy">)</span><span class="crayon-cn">8u5P50s</span><span class="crayon-sy">)</span><span class="crayon-cn">59Fi55NYZcpvHdWCPsH</span><span class="crayon-sy">(</span><span class="crayon-v">ppnnp</span><span class="crayon-sy">)</span><span class="crayon-v">pLFY</span><span class="crayon-sy">)</span><span class="crayon-v">YZpLlj8qcNxKGH1HjJaYn6JKrqsDqizejsagYZdTvhexzeKuhesgrIeWSJwgbj1bHKrKibp7pKB0hjJGK6GqYisKap3gHSNmcsQdcjJircyUTwgbj1bHKrKircyDbYEgUpTaxL5w7ycqhI4SztEgn1ycNxa1FPkRfSCS</span><span class="crayon-sy">)</span><span class="crayon-v">lGrXVAyZzbu</span><span class="crayon-sy">)</span><span class="crayon-e">LcBpsWctum4UCumUJXSVfqOKMf2EKGfMOyWD5OyChJzFladL9X6TrO9wGBme42i0EByOIIM5llwl8jbedvu0mzeSvZKnHJpGWAbekPXeyFFbDdUkqb1drcEAsqn3CYp9gYdTXPEisRfCUKolJW5fS8Yd3Ehf77oXEcpvWk7rm7ik</span><span class="crayon-sy">(</span><span class="crayon-cn">3H1omrcW61vppd3NwG</span><span class="crayon-sy">)</span><span class="crayon-e">EXV</span><span class="crayon-sy">(</span><span class="crayon-v">k8VGfjaRZBccBzrXeZT5t0vefZ1wzrXx</span><span class="crayon-sy">)</span><span class="crayon-e">okM6KhlZX4gf7Xq9H9rqMCB</span><span class="crayon-sy">(</span><span class="crayon-v">mh2EKGfMOyWD5OyChJzFlWHHHiK9Cdoedvu0SSmcNxgbedvu0mzeqCFAbzYr1SG6179rcCvYkO37JeSYEyiczVSGCDDV3hTG1EOVcGfldoyb1CZPEisbkixx379rq1Zd9vaNvVagoG5f</span><span class="crayon-sy">)</span><span class="crayon-v">AeuZnh</span><span class="crayon-sy">)</span><span class="crayon-cn">5YlAsbkOEisWZWXTzIeupIHkkAMmIejsactWYlpC79RxzpIzhcUAIHHkkAww4PIe4KrWYlpC7DuSV7e7jC</span><span class="crayon-sy">(</span><span class="crayon-v">q</span><span class="crayon-sy">)</span><span class="crayon-cn">5lplyL9iMDef</span><span class="crayon-sy">)</span><span class="crayon-cn">7WAhMWtdvkTuirc2fo</span><span class="crayon-sy">)</span><span class="crayon-v">CkVija</span>
MY OTHER MACROS Death Knight – Unholy Warlock – Affliction Warlock – Demonology [/quote]

got this to port

[quote quote=40139]What kind of stats do you have and what kind of dps are you pulling?

I shy away from posting numbers because they don’t really help for a lot of reasons that you’ll see in a second, but I’ll bite this time to show you.

In an Ursoc-style fight, an Affliction lock in my gear should pull 266k if executed perfectly (0.5% error rate) with no buffs whatsoever.

Me in my macro does 256k with no buffs.

That’s a 10k difference, but that’s only a 4% difference over the course of the whole fight and represents an expert player being able to change something on the fly during an encounter, which a macro can’t do.

When buffed with an augment rune, 375 mastery food, and Heroism/Bloodlust the sims say an expert should do 298k.

In an actual Ursoc fight, with an augment rune, 375 mastery food, and someone popping Hero, I pulled 310k.

This is an overshoot of 4%, meaning that I somehow performed better than all the math running hundreds of simulations says I should do. Why? RNG is a factor. I likely had more Soul Shard procs than the average of all the sims did, which meant more Unstable Afflictions and more DPS. Other factors could be positioning and how the tank handled the fight, keeping me in range more than the average. Could also be other buffs not figured into the sims that boosted me while the macro actually under-performed, but still resulting in a net gain.

Point is I don’t know. No way I could tell you what it was when you are geared like me but didn’t get my numbers. But, there is one thing that is consistent: +/-4%. My macro performed within 4%, both better and worse, than the average of 500+ simulations. 4% of sims with my character item level, gear, artifact traits, etc.

That’s why I say percentage instead of hard numbers.

Hi EnixLHQ, great job, your macro is definitely the best one available for affliction!
It works very well and flawless in dungeon and M+, however if you are aiming for more ST damage at boss, you definitely need Contagion, since the difference is pretty consistent with AC.
I’ve made some changes accordingly with my playstyle, please let me know your feedback:

Sequences['Aff_ST'] = {
  Author="Belthozar@Pozzo dell'Eternità",  
  Talents = "311?213",
  Help = "Talent: 311?213",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy  [noharm][dead]",
        "/petattack  [@target,harm,exists]",
        "/cast [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] Unstable Affliction, Drain Soul, Reap Souls",
        "/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat  Agony, Corruption, Drain Soul, Life Tap",

Your choice between SoS, for burst AoA, and SH for burst single target

[quote quote=40227]Hi EnixLHQ, great job, your macro is definitely the best one available for affliction! It works very well and flawless in dungeon and M+, however if you are aiming for more ST damage at boss, you definitely need Contagion, since the difference is pretty consistent with AC. I’ve made some changes accordingly with my playstyle, please let me know your feedback:

Your choice between SoS, for burst AoA, and SH for burst single target

You you definitely see more DPS with Contagion over Absolute Corruption? How long were those boss fights lasting?

My thinking is that if a fight lasts less than 2 minutes, Contagion with a ton of Unstable Afflictions will certainly beat out anything else. But over 2 minutes we start seeing Absolute Corruption winning. Especially in fights with movement.

Would you say that’s what you see?

Nope. Ran a bunch of tests and you’re right. My OP macro is better for both short and longer fights. Nothing to see here, folks.

[quote quote=40230]

Hi EnixLHQ, great job, your macro is definitely the best one available for affliction! It works very well and flawless in dungeon and M+, however if you are aiming for more ST damage at boss, you definitely need Contagion, since the difference is pretty consistent with AC. I’ve made some changes accordingly with my playstyle, please let me know your feedback:
Your choice between SoS, for burst AoA, and SH for burst single target

You you definitely see more DPS with Contagion over Absolute Corruption? How long were those boss fights lasting? My thinking is that if a fight lasts less than 2 minutes, Contagion with a ton of Unstable Afflictions will certainly beat out anything else. But over 2 minutes we start seeing Absolute Corruption winning. Especially in fights with movement. Would you say that’s what you see? Nope. Ran a bunch of tests and you’re right. My OP macro is better for both short and longer fights. Nothing to see here, folks. [/quote]

Yeah, all my tests were on fight longer than 2 min and your OP macro was defo the source for mine, so all the credits to you :slight_smile:

Giving this macro a try at the moment. Just a general question, how do i stop GSE2 from auto selecting targets?
I know in GSE1 i just ticked the box require target to use, but in this new version it doesnt seem to be working.

I am concerned about pulls in m+

Is it an issue in GSE2 or is it this macro?

many thanks

[quote quote=40259]Giving this macro a try at the moment. Just a general question, how do i stop GSE2 from auto selecting targets? I know in GSE1 i just ticked the box require target to use, but in this new version it doesnt seem to be working.
I am concerned about pulls in m+
Is it an issue in GSE2 or is it this macro?
many thanks

The very first line in the macro, “/targetenemy [noharm][dead]” is what is targeting things. You can remove it.

Thanks Enix

Is that just a ‘work around’? as in the interface there is the option to ‘require target to use’

That option worked in GSE1

If you and others are running this new version, without removing the /targetenemy line, how is it that you are not having target switching problems?

Something is wrong with new gsse2. I added macro now but not working. also other macros not working right now. dunno what happened :S

[quote quote=40210]

What kind of stats do you have and what kind of dps are you pulling?

I shy away from posting numbers because they don’t really help for a lot of reasons that you’ll see in a second, but I’ll bite this time to show you. In an Ursoc-style fight, an Affliction lock in my gear should pull 266k if executed perfectly (0.5% error rate) with no buffs whatsoever. Me in my macro does 256k with no buffs. That’s a 10k difference, but that’s only a 4% difference over the course of the whole fight and represents an expert player being able to change something on the fly during an encounter, which a macro can’t do. When buffed with an augment rune, 375 mastery food, and Heroism/Bloodlust the sims say an expert should do 298k. In an actual Ursoc fight, with an augment rune, 375 mastery food, and someone popping Hero, I pulled 310k. This is an overshoot of 4%, meaning that I somehow performed better than all the math running hundreds of simulations says I should do. Why? RNG is a factor. I likely had more Soul Shard procs than the average of all the sims did, which meant more Unstable Afflictions and more DPS. Other factors could be positioning and how the tank handled the fight, keeping me in range more than the average. Could also be other buffs not figured into the sims that boosted me while the macro actually under-performed, but still resulting in a net gain. Point is I don’t know. No way I could tell you what it was when you are geared like me but didn’t get my numbers. But, there is one thing that is consistent: +/-4%. My macro performed within 4%, both better and worse, than the average of 500+ simulations. 4% of sims with my character item level, gear, artifact traits, etc. That’s why I say percentage instead of hard numbers. [/quote]

I am really thankful that you took time to write this.
I am sorta lazy and will boost a character to high ilvl and was wondering what class to choose.
I have some trouble with my fingers not being able to play the game as should and rely very much on the great work of all you macro writers.

I like warlock but only have a low level warlock and it is hard to say how it will perform on higher levels because I did pull very low numbers with this macro when tested on a low level character.

I understand that stats and weapon make a huge difference here and just wanted exactly that input that you wrote that it is really able to pull high numbers and having an exceptional high % towards sims.

Thank you very much for making my game a hell of a lot more enjoyable!

Just ran HoV.

Everything melted with this macro!

I removed the pet code and ran with the sacrifice talent.

I removed the /targetenemy line, as for me at the mo, GSE2 seems to be bugged on the ‘require target’.

Apart from the annoying ‘i need a target’ voice spamming me, the instance went very well.

Was top dps, and all i did was dot everything i saw.

Macro is butter.