Asbobunny 8.3 BM Macro V3!

Of course Patchwork is going to simm much much higher…it sets you up with full raid buffs and optimal food / flasks / potions / augment runes

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So I did the test with the dummy and it ended up around 35k-36k.

Actually I also had the problem that the Flame essence wasn’t fired up so I just added it in the sequence without combat and it works like a charm. I may do it even more now. Dummy sim puts me at 36k so I’m happy. I just need to get the Crit higher and grind for better gear.

A number of folks have mentioned that they cannot get Heart Essence to fire in the macro.

I have the same problem and cannot get the thing to fire either (using the Flame essence).

Any idea what may be going on? Tried to insert it into the main sequence but that didn’t help.

Open GSE - find the macro you want to use - hit Edit - click on Tab one - on the right side there will be a column of boxes ( head, neck, rings, trinkets…ect ) make sure that the trinket ones are checked with a GOLD check mark ( 1 click silver, 2 gold 3 clears ) then in the macro itself, in the Pre Macro section add the line /cast Heart Essence ( make this the last line).

That should be all you need to do.

If for some reason it still isnt firing, then in the main macro itself, just before the first cast sequence, add the line /cast Heart Essence.

Happy Hunting.

First post on here just want to say thanks for your work! was hitting 23-25k dps before using gse , I put your macro in set up 3 x DoD on armor …BOOM 38-43k DPS. thanks again awesome macro!

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Idk whats going on, Im only getting like 30k dps for single target at a 463 ilvl, Simmed at 67k. like a week ago I was getting AWESOME dps, now I dont know whats going on… Version 1.0 seems to grant me a little higher dps, but nothing like it was at 454 ilvl. Please help!

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if u simmed and it show u 67k its whit all raids buff

At 463 ilvl he’d probably be close to 67k - I am at 459 and sim at 60k on target dummies with no buffs on a 5 minute fight.

stop…simming…with…the…Target Dummy…setting!!

It does nothing for you as far as showing you what gear to use and what talents / stats are most important. If you are using the Target Dummy setting and complaining that you dont get the numbers you want then thats the problem…you cant improve gear if you only fight things that just sit there and take it…nothing in the world of warcraft does that.

if you raid or mythic +…use the Heavy Movement w/ no buffs

If you only do PvE…use the Light Movement w/ no buffs

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Thanks, I’m sure most of us are aware of the settings and changes needed to sim characters - I was just using that as a reference for the above comments. At any rate movement doesn’t affect BM hunters at all as we can cast and move with no negative effects.

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really? if you’re using Worldvien, moving 25 yards every 25 sec doesnt effect your dps?

having to run from a boss cone effect or silenceing? ( Maut heroic ) doesnt?

how about target switching such as Hivemind?

standing around such as Prophet…ect-ect

so lets see whats effected by movement -

Essence of the focusing iris minor…switch targets and its gone
Worldvien…move out of range of the crystals and its gone
Formless void minor…move more than 40 yards from others and its useless

There are lots of ways that movement effects a BM’s dps, thats why you simm using light / heavy movement / heavy cleave ect… not a Target Dummy setting.

Thats also why when you simm with those your numbers are different as are the essences and trinks / gear it tells you to use. Thats also why good hunters have different setup for different scenerios…like one for PvE and one for raids.

No54A2, thank you for that info. Simmed and its about what i normally get. i didnt know about the settings portions til now.

To start, thank you for taking the time to put together the macro and share it with us. In NO way is the following a criticism of your macro.

I’ve been using your macro (old version I suppose) since you released it, and at the time was getting near sim numbers (if not better). However, ever since 8.3 my DPS is all over the place, and I’ve noticed a few people had the same issue.

I’m wondering if this is a GSE, Macro, or Blizzard problem?

My DPS will start really, really low and (slowly) work it’s way up to my sim’d numbers and then fall back down substantially, and quickly.

I’m currently simmed at 45500DPS with 1 boss, no buffs, and slight movement. In game it gets up there for a short moment and goes down to low 30’s.

Previously I was getting sustained DPS in the high 30’s to low 40’s and my ilevel was lower at the time.

I know it can be a range of different reasons as to why this is the case. However, I just thought I’d mention it in case anyone else has come across this as well, and has found a resolution. To be honest it feels like almost all my alt macros have been doing more poorly which leads me to think perhaps it’s a GSE or Blizzard issue.

My stats are:

Level 434

36% Critical Strike
15% Haste
32% Mastery
5% Versatility
10% Leech
4% Speed

3 x Dance with Death
3 x Overwhelming Power

MS (World): 22 to 25
I have a razer orbweaver chroma firing at 0.35ms (or sometimes 0.50ms) - although changing this doesn’t seem to help though.


You sim however you want dude - we are just talking about a baseline number. Like I said most of us know how to sim and how movement affects things. I was simply saying that movement doesn’t affect a hunter’s rotation.


The factors that are going to effect your dps right now is the low haste ( you want 20% or better - no focus, no shots ) and Overwhelming power isn’t what it was…if you have Gutripper in any of those slots, use that instead.

If you would like, shoot me a copy of a Simulationcraft capture ( /simc if you use the addon) and I’ll run some numbers for you.

I simm the way I do so I can be ready for different scenerios…thus the numbers I can get…just have a look at my setup, not anywhere near the cookie cutter Essence or trink normals…yet I rank in the top 5 Heroic Ny for my ilvl - my guild has done ( only 6/12 so far )

Like the ALMOST 76k dps on Heroic Hivemind, where there’s a lot of movement constantly and a crapton of target switching.

my toon is “Wombshifter”

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Thank you for replying, that makes sense. More than likely the new 8.3 armor drops I got changed up my haste stats from prior and hence why I’m having a hard time in the new patch.

Let me get some new haste stats, and if that doesn’t work I’ll gladly take you up on your offer.

Thanks again.

So finally got a piece of Azerite gear with DoD. 2 see how long it takes to get 1-2 more. lol

Can you do me a favor? Can you define what each version is different from each others. There is no text in game that says 1, 2 or 3 does. From what I see 1 and 3 auto target, but 2 doesn’t. Can you clear this up?

well from what i can see is either 1 or 3 or both is for soloing, so it auto targets. and 2 is for instances, mythics, raids and keeps you from being the person that pulls when dont need to. I let Asbo know you asked.