BFA - Outlaw - Bhaal Lord of Murder Build

look at the rotation I posted

go do a dungeon and you’ll see what it’s capable of

look at my latest video … that’s what it does for me all day everyday

if your one-two shotting things then no you won’t see spice and dice

@clash Negative. If i use your talents with this macro it will fire off Slice and Dice and doesnt do anything Roll the Bones. If i actually want it to use Roll the Bones i have to take off the slice and dice talent.

i posted a screen shot of my macro …

cast sequence … everything …

no where doesn’t have roll the Bones … look at the picture

I have no clue what you are referring too

you are right my man. For some reason when i updated to your newest version it never cleared the old one out.

hrmm maybe that’s causing others hangs … thanks for letting me know … but I could of sword previous versions of GSE rewrote code - like I could put in

:::Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Slice and Dice, :::

but GSE would change it to

:::Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Roll the Bones, :::

and it wouldn’t matter if you chose Slice and Dice or Roll the Bones as your talents … the macro would fire off whatever you chose …

[quote quote=64550]hrmm maybe that’s causing others hangs … thanks for letting me know … but I could of sword previous versions of GSE rewrote code – like I could put in
:::Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Slice and Dice, :::
but GSE would change it to
:::Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Roll the Bones, :::
and it wouldn’t matter if you chose Slice and Dice or Roll the Bones as your talents … the macro would fire off whatever you chose …[/quote]

It would be wise to throw Slice and Dice on a modifier to control when you want to use AOE and it’s not wasting on trash.

I was actually thinking about making two different macros one for long fights (this one) and another just for trash ones … but this one works just fine for trash too

Added Killing Spree, put it on a mod, solved RTB being shit.

little bit confused as to what the rotation is supposed to be for outlaw, lots of places ive looked at now including icy viens and bloodhammer have between the eyes as part of the rotation, just wondering why none of the macros here have it ? is it because gse messes it up or something ?

my alt rogue is only 115 atm , so not really a major concern just yet for me, but im just curious as to why these sites are adding this into the rotation and the macros here dont

fyi thom the macro for me seems great, killing 120’s that are average gear with it so im happy :D, again this is more of a curiosity

Mat, why don’t you get the addon “TellMeWhen” TMW, and install the Rogue scripts/macros located here:

It will take you through the rotation key press by key press, you can learn it using a training dummy.

Have fun.

Clash, great macro!! Very good sustained damage (over 9k), best macro I’ve tried.

On the issue of Roll the Bones, its in the macro for me, and yes, it does not and should not fire off, but its in the castsequence:

/castsequence [reset=combat] Sinister Strike, Roll the Bones, Blade Flurry, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Pistol Shot, Roll the Bones

Is that what you intended (in case someone wanted to switch out of Slice and Dice)?

Anyway, great macro.

Oh, any reason you don’t have at least one Between the Eyes? (yes, its perhaps less than Dispatch but one?). One of our Azeroth talents (Deadshot) is to improve next Pistol Shot, and since its “the NEXT Pistol Shot”, timing don’t matter just as long as a Pistol Shot is done.

RTB ??

[quote quote=64573]Clash, great macro!! Very good sustained damage (over 9k), best macro I’ve tried.
On the issue of Roll the Bones, its in the macro for me, and yes, it does not and should not fire off, but its in the castsequence:
/castsequence [reset=combat] Sinister Strike, Roll the Bones, Blade Flurry, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Pistol Shot, Roll the Bones
Is that what you intended (in case someone wanted to switch out of Slice and Dice)?
Anyway, great macro.
Oh, any reason you don’t have at least one Between the Eyes? (yes, its perhaps less than Dispatch but one?). One of our Azeroth talents (Deadshot) is to improve next Pistol Shot, and since its “the NEXT Pistol Shot”, timing don’t matter just as long as a Pistol Shot is done.[/quote]

if you see “Roll the Bones” in your macro … something is wrong or you have an older version … delete it … then re-import

no where in my sequence does it say “Roll the Bones”

if you see “Roll the Bones” in your macro .. something is wrong or you have an older version … delete it … then re-import

This was a fresh import just a day or so ago, so my feeling is that there is a issue with GSE, I will report this to the GSE admin, if he has a Rogue or a friend that has one, they should be able to reproduce it.

But in the mean time, what should the castsequence be, I can just change it manually (can you copy/past the castsequence from your macro).


p.s hard for me to read the pic you posted and it may not be up to date as this is your v.4

Clash, now I’m bit confused, on the first page (where you have the macro data, you say:

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.04.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Tricks of the Trade

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence: Roll the Bones, Blade Flurry, Crimson Vial, Pistol Shot, Blade Rush, Dispatch, Blood Fury, Adrenaline Rush, Sinister Strike</blockquote>

So, you say that you have Roll the Bones and I see that in the macro, is the macro data string on the first page CURRENT?

I don’t see any other data string anywhere else so I assume that you have updated the one that is on page 1 of this thread, along with all your pics and show.
I reported this issue to the GSE admin, I hope that its your data on the first page that is wrong and not GSE, PLEASE CHECK IT OUT, PERHAPS RE-POST THE DATA STRING.

/cast [mod:alt] Crimson Vial; Blood Fury
/cast [mod:alt] Crimson Vial; Adrenaline Rush
/cast [mod:alt] Crimson Vial; Blade Rush
/castsequence [reset=combat] Sinister Strike, Roll the Bones, Blade Flurry, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Pistol Shot, Roll the Bones, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Pistol Shot, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Blade Flurry, Dispatch, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Pistol Shot, Dispatch, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Pistol Shot, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Dispatch, Sinister Strike, Pistol Shot, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Pistol Shot, Dispatch, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Pistol Shot, Dispatch

Above is whats in the sequence part of the macro.

like I’ve told others here … look at the picture I provided … the picture show the exact macro i wrote… if for some reason when I “export” it to post in forums it says “roll the bones” then that’s a GSE problem

and I don’t know why it does that

I dunno

ok when I get home I’ll just copy and paste the sequence make it easier

[quote quote=64602]

Added Killing Spree, put it on a mod, solved RTB being shit.

RTB ??[/quote]

Roll The Bones .


Clash, its a great macro, the pic is too small to read properly, you cant ask folks to try and use a magnifying glass to read something that can easily be solved by a cut and past.

But bottom line, if the macro data is correct, than GSE has problems but if its not current/up-to-date, than its best to export your macro again and paste it in again, simple as that.

Something is just not right, I’m beginning to believe that the macro data on the first page is wrong/out-of-date.

p.s I may have to notify the GSE admin to “nvm”, problem is elsewhere.


I posted everything new August 27th, 2018

(I think - but I have slept since then so … )

when I get home tonight I will upload again see if its different … not on page 1

edit: I don’t expect people to be able to copy my macro from the pic provided but they should be able see for themselves that “roll the bones” is nowhere in the macro