BM Raiding - ST and AOE [High Performance]

i also have the same issues, too much cobra, KC no used on CD.
BW also not used on CD. Will take 1 x cobra shot than it will trigger BW even when off CD, same goes for KC.


I am having the same issues. Anyway to to proc Kill Command more often?

I checked out the use of /cast bite in pre with a simple cobra shot macro and sure enough, over 2 mins, there were 38 bites with or without the /cast bite so it looks like no difference now. A .6s delay would have shown up as only 32 bites.

One question, why have Cobra Shot in /castsequence 3 times and not simply have /cast Cobra Shot? More to do with seeing if its worth testing or you just have the cast sequence in with another ability that has since been removed.

I was having the same issue to where it felt like it wasn’t doing kc enough but if it helps anyone here is my logs for using this macro on the new raid for normal. My name is Pershizzle in this.

WoWAnalyzer and
Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft

With zero disrespect to @anon80944990:

If you love his macro then add whatever spells/abilities to them to see if they’re firing off more/less by testing it out, make your own with giving him or whatever macro creator credit and post it (preferably in a separate thread).

Managed to do a bit more testing re having a bite in KeyPress versus not, so over two minutes you get a couple more bites from the pet (39 vs 37) with just a simple cobra shot macro nothing else. Ran it multiple times to check. So this:
/targetenemy [noharm] [dead]
/use Smack(Basic Attack)
/use Bite(Basic Attack)
/use Claw(Basic Attack)

is better than this:

/targetenemy [noharm] [dead]

or this:

/targetenemy [noharm] [dead]

/petassist or /startattack /pet attack versions are the same. Removing abilities your pet doesn’t use, in my case my pet had bite not smack or claw, makes no difference.

So insummary, include the pet abilities, they will marginally improve your dps, and significantly improve it if you have turned off autocasting of them by mistake.

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I believe that only /petattack is enough to reduce the rotation because, currently, all pet skills, except family and exotic skills, cast automatically

I even suggest, if possible, when in [raid] or [party] and [instance], ignore the ‘Mend pet’ but just keep on the fixed rotation for pure survival XD

Alright I did a lot of testing and changes. This is customized to me with certain keypresses so you may have to change it but it seems to gain 200-500 more DPS single target although using the dummy is inconsistent. Here it is if anyone would like to test it out or make some modifications. My ilvl is 187 and I run 80ms


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Per Icy Veins:

" Important Note: Because the in-game “auto-cast” system for Hunter pets is very slow, it is recommended to put these 3 lines into macros for all of your offensive spells.

  • /use [@pettarget]Claw
  • /use [@pettarget]Bite
  • /use [@pettarget]Smack

We recommend adding these 3 lines to the end of your macros, in order for the #showtooltip part of your macros to work properly. Functionally, it makes no difference where you put them.

This ensures that you will always cast your pet’s Basic Attack on cooldown, since Blizzard’s automatic cast will delay each cast by up to 0.6 seconds."


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let me have a go too, i will update here.
thanks alot for the effort

Used in raid tonight 10/10 normal. Got 94% parse overall, 189 ilvl. Perfect macro. Thanks. Will check tomorrow in hc on resetday.

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Sorry for the late reply, sadly my computer crashed so I haven’t been able to get back online yet.

Using just /cast Cobra Shot will make it fire off 5-8 times more. Even in the position that it is in. Since Cobra Shot does not have a cooldown, it will continue to spam Cobra Shot and not do the rest of the rotation.

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/petattack and /petassist are 2 different commands.

I use /petassist because you don’t want your pet attacking another mob that your not on. This was changed in 8.x. Pet Assist will always assist the target that you are on.

As for Autocasting, this is up for debate with how pet actions are done. Even on DKs and Warlocks have the same problem. I normally manually cast them and the only one I keep auto casted is Spirit Mend so it can heal me if I pull ago off my pet, or even if some AOE is hitting me and a healer would rather DPS than heal.

The system might be a little slow, but its not dreadfully slow. Your pet will do the attacks that are set for auto, and it will be just as good as manual or in the macro. Maybe off by a few. Its not a big deal.

The bigger deal is Kill Command.

Hey everybody,

An update, not so much to the macro but to the talents. I spoke with a Blizzard GM, Scent of Blood is bugged. For some reason it does not allow me to put 2 BS on the target during BW. I even tried it without the macro and manually performed it, and still had the issue.

One with the Pack might give you a slight edge in DPS situations, honestly raiding as BM doesn’t seem to be good this portion of the expansion compared to Marks. I’m still doing some tweaks. I’m sorry I haven’t been online, honestly my PC crashed.

What did you change? Sorry I can’t import it in game right now.

what latency are u running it on?

having 4ms world, 13ms home ingame. Using Corsair iCue on 50ms.
Doing HC atm downed 5 bosses, 3 orange parses, 1 purple and died on one so thats an grey one.

Great macro Thx for the hard work as normal-hc raider having trimmed not AOI is nice . i want manually control the rest. The only problem like others seems have to is skipping to many KC, have no clue why. Tried all kind of speed still sometimes is locking up for 5-8 sec before fire KC. tried your aoe macro to break the change and it helps fires kc as 1st thing.
Anyone have a salutation for missing KC .ideas. it can do easy 500+ more dps if is working

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