BM Raiding - ST and AOE [High Performance]

Interesting, I need to look further into this. I don’t play BM much, not a huge fan of it this time around.

I will look more into this weekend.

Running a macro too fast, can hurt you in the DPS issues. Running all macros at 70 is good, or up to 100 as many have posted on this forum.

using solid 80 and was upp to 110 even not helping whit the kc sadly

I was using this today, after I did a KC my focus went down to 20-30. Not enough to cast another KC when it comes off CD after 6 seconds. The macro is doing it correctly because there isn’t enough focus to cast a second KC on the CD.

Blizzard either A) Needs to lower the overall cost of KC, B) Cobra Shot needs to regain focus.

For now, maybe eliminating somethings in the macro like an extra Cobra Shot might help.

I have looked into this, there are BM Hunters who have mentioned that BM is focus starved currently. I think BW and AOTW is supposed to help with that.

Strange, for me seems not focus problem is skipping even when im almost full. and i waching mine focus and stop pressing the macro when i getting low and just auto shooting. Gonna try get more haste gear and see what happens… Don’t take this comment as whining plz .already using the macro in raiding . just going to try make it better…
Again thx for your hard work m8

Your welcome mate, I’m glad there is feedback.

If you run it at 100 ms which is what Tim Luke wants, it seems to perform a bit better. So it maybe the speed. If you don’t have a macro keyboard like iCUE, in GSE there is an option to run the macro a desired speed in the options. Put 100 ms and it works.

I do get about 1.7k - 2.3k DPS depending on haste and crit. Hunters should focus on both for Barbed Shot.

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Got new gear little more haste. moment it was 80ms gonna try 100 see what happening,
btw got the legendary too for the trap and working great whit the macro

I’m glad the trap is working in the macro.

I need to look over the macro more once you get more haste. As haste increases focus regeneration.

Hi everybody

I made a slight change, that might bring more DPS but it will require changing the macro to 100 MS.

I will post the macro tomorrow (Sunday).

  • Change: No more Scent for Blood talent, went with One with the Pack. Not because of low DPS numbers, Scent for Blood doesn’t synergies well with everything currently. I still think this is a bugged talent, and others in the forums have said the same thing.

  • Change: I added another Kill Command to the end of the macro, this way it will try to perform 2 Kill Commands instead of 1. Though this change requires you to have the right amount of haste. Anything lower might cause an issue with focus generation.

  • Change: Took out one Cobra Shot / Multi-Shot in the macro, this way Kill Command is more of a priority.

  • Update: Kill Shot now performs more, same place in the macro but again based on haste.

  • Update: Tar Trap / Flare macro is the same but execution needs an explanation. You can not do both at the same time, you need to fire tar trap first, wait for the mobs to go into the tar trap before you can fire off flare. I don’t know if this is a bug, because during Torghast the mob doesn’t need to step into the trap first. I am reporting this to Blizzard, I hope to get a reply.

One last final thing, the macro is not firing off fast enough. This is again due to haste on the character. If we want any BM macro to fire off better, it’s going to depend on haste.

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hello Moonsorrow_1414 i have been able to test all the current macros for hunter bm, and unfortunately all suffer from the same problem slow often cumbersome do not use cd spells and often skip. one thing is true how much haste we have that often determines the success of a macro. known problems in macros:
) barbed shot is often not able to keep it up, but i think it depends exclusively on the fact that we are at the beginning of the expedition and without gear stat hunter bm always suffers.
) kill command delays, this is a bad thing because now more than ever must be used fixed at 100% as rotation is all about that.
) aoe aimè deleterious the blizzard has ruined our maximum damage aoe limiting it to 5 targets and not having more traits or other benefits of the kind. but often i notice in macro spell aoe as cobra shot that should not be used.
another huge mistake in my opinion is wanting to write a long macro, the longer it is the more it will jump, just a few and effective enough to be good. the bm thank god is great for this
1 kill command-2 cobra shot to reset it and again kill command. stop the rotation is this
the 2 cd to use in macro as i do that is (aspect of wild+high fae convenant macro) and gg .

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Hello gamers, I will look more into this tomorrow before posting.

BM always at the beginning of an expansion always suffers because the Haste and Crit numbers are not there for the damage.

Switching Scent of Blood to One with the Pack actually insures Barbed Shot uptime more. I see it now refreshing at 5 seconds in some cases, and for now that is ok.

The Kill Command delays also should be fixed tomorrow as I added one more Kill Command to the bottom of the list. It should work better and smoother.

AOE is an issue for BM and MM right now. Multi-Shot is a garage AOE mechanic, that needs work. Volley was there and is there now to help out but on a CD. Survival doesn’t suffer from this issue as their bombs are all AOE. Blizzard hasn’t really fixed BM or MM since MOP to be honest. This is something I do hope in future expansions they look into fixing.

Can i just add that I’m casual and iLvl just under Mythic lvl. Absolutely miles ahead of everyone in DPS meter using this macro, Thanks again!

Yea in the main sequence it should say

/cast Kill Command

Take one of the Cobra Shots out, push enter and type /cast Kill Command.

Do the same for the AOE macro. Change your talent to One with the Pack. You should be done. That’s the majority of changes I have made.

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Hey! Thanks so much for your macros. Looking forward to your updated version tomorrow.

/cast Kill Command
/cast Barbed Shot
/castsequence Cobra Shot, Cobra Shot
/cast Kill Command

Is this essentially what its going to look like?


I use this raiding Heroic Castle Nath and my Barbed Shot uptime is consistently at 93-98%.

THE main reason your Kill Commands are being skipped is not due to the macro, it’s from your focus being too low…if the focus isn’t there, the macro moves on…that simple.

But surely by tweaking the macro slightly that should be able to get fixed? I completely agree the macro is ultimately just going through its process, cast a b c , cant cast d so skips to e etc. What generates our focus for example?

Sorry how can i use macro at 80ms or 100ms ?, is it AHK or something ?, i see people mention the delay all over the forum but dont know what is it for or what is it about.

Really??? Haste increases your attack speed and Focus regeneration.

So the macro will be fine as we gear then. Theres nothing that needs changing with it.

Also, too, the macro is tailored and hopefully tested by the OP. So they’re Haste might be higher resulting not as much Focus capping for anyone else.

If you’re using the Icy Veins guide to socket Gems-which you should be-Agility can be replaced with Haste Gems, but I’d Sim them first to see if it’s that much of a DPS loss/gain.