Classic Arms Warrior Leveling

updated 9/26/19


This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.16.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro:
/cast Charge
/cast [combat] Bloodrage

/cast [nocombat] Battle Stance

Main Sequence:
/cast [mod:shift] Sweeping Strikes
/cast [combat] Berserker Stance
/cast Execute
/cast Mortal Strike
/cast Whirlwind
/cast [nomod] Overpower
/castsequence reset=target Rend, null Remove Rend when your lvl 40 or More
/cast [nomod] Heroic Strike
/cast [mod:shift] Cleave
/castsequence reset=target Hamstring, null Remove Hamstring In Dungeons


Looks like a nice macro, thanks.

talents? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Does not matter, Use what ever is recommended in a leveling guide for now. make sure you are raining correct skills and so on also.

Can you make one for Fury Leveling? Icyveins also covers it.

Leveling as fury is not recommended - Dual Wield misses far to much before endgame to be useful.
Level Arms with a 2H

But it doesnt refresh rend does it? not working for me it only uses it once

I do wonder… Can I go with these modifications in linked image Skjermbilde hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB and simply leave my mouse spamming when using targetprotection on in gse?. I see that not all classes seem to be fit for ahk or other autoclick measures, specially not hunter as I noticed… Or is is for some reasons unwise at all in classic?. Toughts?. I would really have a minimum with interaction on instant casts as long rotation is right and resets right taget/combat wise. I like to use a opener on my mousethumb with targetenemy/startattack/and charge (alt mod stoneform as dwarf). So convinient for lvling I feel. If I changed the macro wrong for my need please advice. :wink:

Here is my opener if anyone want :slight_smile:
/targetenemy [noexists][dead][help]
/cast charge
/cast [mod:lalt] Stoneform

You can do anything that works for you that’s the fun of gse

I’ll build on for you tomorrow night sorry I’m to tired now and have to work in morning

the reason why rend doesn’t repeat is because it is a priority based if you have it repeat it will just repeat over and over again

Thank you for the reply. There is no rush sir. I am very happy to get macros to work with. Can be very creative myself. Sometimes I get a real headace when it messes up and delays my lvling , lol. But thats the cost of beeing technical interested. :slight_smile: I have a starter macro now at lvl 6 and was thinking to use your as inspiration to gradually add, try and test my own version. I would still be greatful if you made some version that works that i can work with. What I got now on my lvl wich that works well for lvl 6…

/cast [combat] Charge

/cast [nocombat] Battle Stance

/cast [combat] Heroic Strike
/castsequence [combat] reset=target Rend, null
/cast [mod:ctrl] Thunder Clap

Something I do not understand fully is how to use the modifiers for nocombat together with reset for time or target. I have been trying forex… /cast SPELL [combat] reset=target and tried /cast SPELL reset=target/combat (or visa versa) , but I dont always get it to work unless turning gse target protection on. You think the commands dont work fully in Classic or…?, just curious. Anyhow it is okay how it works now. I mentioned the last thing is that even with your macro and set to [combat] it targets new mob when looting what’s killed, and it charged me straight to a new mob, wtf I was thinking. Not what I wanted. :wink: Just curious what’s maybe causing that behaviour, gse setting maybe. Anyways, see u later. Sorry long post, but this talk can help others when us geeks figure things out for them, hehehe. :smiley: Peace.

is there any possibility to implement target ddebuffs?

@AZIDTRIP I think this is what you wanted, but I need to inform you that if you leave a button spamming it sounds like you might be breaking the rules. We have to hit the button ourselves for it to be alright. but don’t quote me

Talents Classic Warrior DPS Spec, Builds, and Talents - WoW Classic - Icy Veins

This macro contains 2macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.14.

  • The Default macro is 1
  • Normal Dungeons use version 2
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro:
/cast [nocombat] Battle Stance

/targetenemy [noharm,nodead]
/cast Charge
/cast [combat] Bloodrage
/cast [mod:lalt] Stoneform

Main Sequence:
/cast [mod:shift] Sweeping Strikes
/cast [combat] Execute
/cast [combat] Overpower
/cast [combat] Whirlwind
/castsequence [combat,mod:ctrl] Rend, Hamstring
/cast [combat] Mortal Strike
/cast [nomod] Heroic Strike
/cast [combat,mod:shift] Cleave

/cast [combat] Attack.

Macro Version 2
Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro:
/cast [nocombat] Battle Stance

/targetenemy [noharm,nodead]
/cast Charge
/cast [combat] Bloodrage
/cast [mod:lalt] Stoneform

Main Sequence:
/cast [combat,mod:shift] Sweeping Strikes
/cast [combat] Execute
/cast [combat] Overpower
/cast [combat] Whirlwind
/cast [combat,mod:shift] Thunder Clap
/castsequence [combat,mod:ctrl] Rend, Hamstring, Null
/cast [combat] Mortal Strike
/cast [combat,nomod,mod:Alt] Heroic Strike
/cast [combat,mod:shift] Cleave

/cast [combat] Attack.

@MIstaPlex I have updated macro so that you can apply Rend and Hamstring by hitting the Ctrl Key with the macro button, but the addon does not have the ability to monitor the buffs and debuffs of the game. All it can do is spam the spell in the sequence that we tell to.

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Here you go Jordan

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Thanks for this, why is nobody using AHK?

Don’t you have a mmo mouse? most have macro keys.

i use logitech g502 buttons are keybindable

Thank you so much Barbarach. This will be a good base to tinker with. I probably only change the modifiers. About legality for spamming the answer is a greyzone. Blizzard might not officially approve autospamming, but also they say 1 click per action as long the user attent the keys on the keyboard. They even prize out gear with these functions. Honestly not sure where the line goes. That’s why I don’t recommend people to use it (at least not senselessly. I always fight 1-2 fights and disable the macro between the packs of mobs. Don’t dare to leave it running for to long. Been okay so far and never been banned for several years (doubt it, but warning and tempban might happen first offens). This is what I have been reading in blizzard forums and gms replied to people about it vaguely.Remember also, they allow AHK, and holding the key in and release as it spams seem to be ok. There I think the line goes. But as long its not left on to long they cant detect the difference (if they check further for AHK detects, since they allow that). Have a good one. Thanks so much. :slight_smile: Check this link if anyone curious. :slight_smile: Can I be banned for using Autohotkey? - #5 by Drakuloth - Technical Support - Overwatch Forums