CURRENT - New Macros for Christmas!

[quote quote=56587]I also having some disconnects (I am using petattack…).
Can u describe the disconnects you have?[/quote]

I haven’t had any in a while, but I did in the past and discovered it was /petattack and /startattack causing the issues. When i removed lines like those from the macro, the latency and disconnects went away.

I am not sure what description you are looking for regarding disconnects. Basically I would get disconnected from the game, but nothing else. Voice chat, websites, etc. all continued working fine. The issue was solely occurring within WOW.

I am taking a gamble that using a higher timing for my macro spam also eliminates the problem. I am currently using 150ms, but testing using even higher (250ms) to see how it impacts my DPS.

It would be quite complicated to go into the details about why exactly I do this. So let me instead turn it around…

Why NOT do this? Is there some issue with this configuration that causes you to prefer a single instance of DB? If so, I would very much like to know what it is.

No, not really. I do have very good reasons for having multiple lines in the way I do it. But it is somewhat complex to explain.


Thank you for the updates and the logic behind them.

Happy New Year Gween !!!

Thank you anyway, i ll try right now the new logic and i ll tell my findings :slight_smile:

Don’t want to answer my question?


ruthless macro 1.45 mk 20 minute test.

Thanks a bunch Gween. I added /petattack [exists] yesterday, and it seems to be working. I understand the pros of manually Using pet attack and will thy it both ways next time I get in a raid. Have a good new year.

[quote quote=56594]

Thank you anyway

Don’t want to answer my question? Gween [/quote] I am just trying to understand the use of it. As far I can see is works the same. Maybe I can't fully understand the logic of this, that's the reason of all of my questions.

With today’s testing latest macro @2 minutes fight (only one aotb cycle) and w/o any flask pot bersek I drop 1.4m dos to dummy, but with the outdated (other post) it can be up to 1.55m…
Still trying to figure out why…

Thanks for the updates, trying them and will have a look on the amount of Kill Command. You’re right, wowanalyzer is more theorycraft than ingame measurement. Nevertheless the given recommendation seems to be useful to write about it.
Another question about focus: Is there a good method or recommendation to check or measure the “focus usage”?
How do I determine best if the original version or a customized one with deleted line (3 cobra shots) is overall better?

[quote quote=56604]I am just trying to understand the use of it.
As far I can see is works the same.
Maybe I can’t fully understand the logic of this, that’s the reason of all of my questions.

With today’s testing latest macro @2 minutes fight (only one aotb cycle) and w/o any flask pot bersek I drop 1.4m dos to dummy, but with the outdated (other post) it can be up to 1.55m…
Still trying to figure out why…[/quote]

Which macro specifically?


Thanks for the updates, trying them and will have a look on the amount of Kill Command. You’re right, wowanalyzer is more theorycraft than ingame measurement. Nevertheless the given recommendation seems to be useful to write about it.
Another question about focus: Is there a good method or recommendation to check or measure the “focus usage”?
How do I determine best if the original version or a customized one with deleted line (3 cobra shots) is overall better?

Sorry, double post

[quote quote=56606]

I am just trying to understand the use of it. As far I can see is works the same. Maybe I can’t fully understand the logic of this, that’s the reason of all of my questions.
With today’s testing latest macro @2 minutes fight (only one aotb cycle) and w/o any flask pot bersek I drop 1.4m dos to dummy, but with the outdated (other post) it can be up to 1.55m… Still trying to figure out why…

Which macro specifically? Gween [/quote] The "OUTDATED BM Macros 12/11/2017" BM Macro without modifiers.

I agree. With the proper context.

I more or less monitor my focus when testing to determine if I run into extended periods where I am focus starved or focus capped. IF I am rarely ever starved and rarely capped, I view this as ideal.

Test multiple iterations of each under different environments. I frequently use Nightspire LFR a one of my testing grounds since it has predictable single target fights.


Comparing it to the ‘current’ NoModsBM macro?


[quote quote=56612]

The “OUTDATED BM Macros 12/11/2017” BM Macro without modifiers.

Comparing it to the ‘current’ NoModsBM macro? Gween [/quote] Yeap. I think I will add logs to warcraftlogs to those testings for more investigation :)

What is the best testing time for you?
A boss fight can be from 4 to 8 minutes.
(And as u can understand English is not my mother language)

So I did some quick testing on the Killer Cobra macros without MODs, the older one and the newer one. The parts that are different are as follows:


/castsequence reset=0.5 Dire Beast, Titan’s Thunder
/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot


/castsequence Dire Beast, Dire Beast
/castsequence Kill Command, Dire Beast, Titan’s Thunder
/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot
/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot
/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot

The old one is simple and elegant. It has everything you need in just 2 lines.

The new one is longer, mainly because of some replication. But it is more or less the same macro.

So what is different?

First, let’s deal with the duplicates to understand the logic of doing it this way:

/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot
/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot
/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot

With these lines what happens is that whether the macro casts Kill Command OR I do it manually, it acts as if Kill Command was cast on all three lines and it will move to the next item which is Cobra Shot. For example, if I create a macro with ONLY these line and then press Kill Command and then run the macro, it will not attempt to cast Kill Command. It is counted as already having been used, despite the fact that it was NEVER used (yet) as part of the castsequence.

The net effect is that in terms of casting abilities, the duplicate lines do nothing. So why use them?

To artificially create a priority for these lines. By forcing the to at least attempt to execute all three of these lines it should, in theory, cause the macro to spend MORE time attempting to use these abilities, and create a higher probability for the ability to be used if available.

I don’t want another line containing Dire Beast to be used ahead of Kill Command, when Kill Command is available. So why not simply put the Kill Command/Cobra Shot lines on top of (before) the Dire Beast lines?

Well, because I also don’t want the macro to get stuck casting Kill Command->Cobra Shot->Kill Command->Cobra Shot without utilizing Dire Beast until focus is so low that it cannot cast either Kill Command or Cobra Shot.

Additionally, since a lot of our DPS with this build is created by causing as many burst phases as possible, I want to ensure that we don’t ‘lose’ any Dire Beast casts.

Essentially, to attempt to boil down, what might be a complicated loop of logic, Dire Beast gives us the following:

1 - Stomp damage (aoe)
2 - Dire Beast Damage (minor)
3 - 12 second cool-down reduction on Bestial Wrath (Major)

and the Kill Command -> Cobra Shot rotation gives use:

1 - Damage during non-burst phase (minor)
2 - Damage during burst phase (major)

If there was a way to automatically prioritize Dire Beast/Dire Frenzy during non-burst phases, and prioritize Kill Command->Cobra Shot rotation during burst phases, without losing Dire Beast casts and without using a MODifier, I would do that. But I can’t, or at least I haven’t yet figured out a way.

So I attempt to strike a balance by prioritizing Dire Beast at the top of the macro, but creating an artificial priority for the KC->CS rotation with those extra lines.

To be perfectly honest, I cannot really tell if those extra lines actually has only effect. To the best of my knowledge, it should, but since it cannot be ‘simmed’, the only way to test it is by using it, and there is sufficient RNG to render most real-word testing moot. At least for something like this.

On the other hand, doing it the new way, allows me more flexibility for manipulating modifiers, for that macros that use them.

You might also ask, how can you ‘lose’ a Dire Beast cast?

Simple. If you are sitting at 2 stacks and proc Wild Calls, it will not go up to 3 stacks. The net effect is that you lose the damage you would have had if you had only had a single stack and you also lose the 12 second cooldown reduction. You also potentially lose Titan;s Thunder damage for that Dire Beast and the damage of the Dire Beast itself.

My Priority list looks like this (not counting DPS cooldowns like AOTW and others):

1 - Dire Beast - when BW not active or when 2 stacks
2 - Kill Command - anytime
3 - Cobra Shot - to reset KC cooldown
4 - Dire Beast - When BW is active
5 - Cobra Shot - when BW is not active, or when KC cool-down is 2 seconds or less.

All that being said, my testing had similar results on a Raider’s Training Dummy. Under actual raiding conditions, I expect the newer macro to be similar or better.

If you get worse results using the newer macro, I would be surprised, and curious if you notice anything unusual. You can also use the analyzer to see what it tells you about how to improve your damage.


P.S. I forgot to mention that doing a castsequence that include Dire Beast twice is more for lining up abilities logically then for any actual DPS increase.

The macro portion of the current macro:

/castsequence Dire Beast, Dire Beast
/castsequence Kill Command, Dire Beast, Titan’s Thunder
/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot
/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot
/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot

The second line has Dire Beast as second in the sequence, and the first line has Dire Beast second also to line them up. Not for visual purposes, just for logic reasons. It’s simply easier for me to keep track of the logic flow of the macro when I have it lined up this way.

For example, in the macro above, ti might look like this:

Cast Dire Beast (from first line)
Cast Kill Command (from any remaining line)
Cast Titan’s Thunder (from second line since DB is marked as used)
Cast Cobra Shot or Dire Beast (depending on where the macro has progressed which is dependent on the spam timing)
Cast Dire Beast or Cobra Shot (depending on what is left)

After this initial opening it now comes down to timing and cool-downs and buffs. If you watch the macro progress, it should, if the logic is sound, largely use the ability that you would likely use next if you were doing it manually. If not immediately, at least pretty soon thereafter.

Again short of using 2 macros, or a modifier, creating 2 different priority system for BW phases and non-BW phases isn’t really possible. I try to emulate it as close as possible.

Really appreciate this analysis…
I will stay at this

If there was a way to automatically prioritize Dire Beast/Dire Frenzy during non-burst phases, and prioritize Kill Command->Cobra Shot rotation during burst phases, without losing Dire Beast casts and without using a MODifier, I would do that. But I can’t, or at least I haven’t yet figured out a way.

I might have an idea to make this happen…
Loops. I need some time to create it and test it.
I will post the first version of this loop here

The fallthru logic doesn’t work in a way that I am able to figure out 100%. For example the following does not work:

/cast Kill Command
/castsequence Kill Command, Dire Beast
/castsequence Kill Command, Dire Beast, Cobra Shot

This also does not work:

/castsequence Kill Command, Dire Beast, Cobra Shot
/castsequence Kill Command, Dire Beast
/cast Kill Command

This works better but still fails:

/castsequence Kill Command, Kill Command
/castsequence Kill Command, Dire Beast
/castsequence Kill Command, Cobra Shot

Long ago there use to be a way to do a real fallthru macro *in a different marco system in wow before it was blocked, in which it looked something like this:

/cast 1,2,3,Kill Command
/cast 1,2,Dire Beast
/cast 1,Cobra Shot

The logic with the preceding numbers (could also be zeros) worked like this:

it would try to do the first line and ‘fallthru’ the 1, fallthru the 2, fallthru the 3, and then cast Kill Command if available. IF KC was NOT available, it would move to line 2 and skip the numbers and attempt to cast Dire Beast if available. IF DB was NOT available, it would skip to the next line and cast Cobra Shot (always available).

Therefor, it would also cast Kill Command if ready, if not cast Dire Beast, and only when KC and DB were both not available would it cast Cobra Shot. It would not process the entire macro at once like the current system does (not an issue with GSSE). Each line would be tested separately.

This made macro creation VERY simple and extremely efficient for pretty much any spec. There were some max character limitations, but other than that…

Obviously this no longer works. But what isn’t clear is how precisely the macro gets processed under all conditions. It took me a LOT of trial and error to come up with a method that was sound, efficient and worked under the unstated ‘rules’ of making macros.


I remember that option in castsequence…Litch king…right?
I miss that Survival kill shot…

Gween, awesome job with these, as usual. We all really appreciate the hard work you put into these as well as the meticulous research! I have no coordination w/ my fingers like some of these young whippersnappers, and I was wondering if you could post separate single target and multiple target versions of your Z-AOTB-Boots (with legendary boots) macro? Thanks in advance. Happy New Year!

3 – Z-AOTB-Boot – Uses MODs – Talents – 21x1x33 or 31x1x33. Intended for those wearing legendary boot.

im not sure what i can do im using 31x1x33
it skip a lot of dire beast, and cast cobra shot, instead of casting kill command,
what should i do