Fated Discipline

EDIT 12/12/18: 8.1 patch! The Universal DPS macro has been updated accordingly. Enjoy your faster automatic shields!

Your allies need you. Your enemies fear you. You are the sin eater and their pain bolsters you.

dyK5laakvQKoLkfLzb6wQuK2fIOFHunmvQGJHiSmQu6zifAAQuLUgsr2MkvvFtLkY4uPcDovQeRtf6EQuunqeCqQuSqKI6HiKMOkOlIusBufyKIcNuu0kri6LQufZeHYnriStQKHIelfHQNcyQIsxvLQYwvPs9vvknwvkI3QsURkAVs1Frk1Gv6WOwmvQEmftMsxM0MrsFwIrtvNwsVgPeZwk3wKDd9BIHJOoUkfwUQEoqtx46uX2rK(UOQXJuW5fvwVkvu7xXDs0Z2DrIoaTEtO9Hzcq0dPaq77ZvM3nTP5dCt3LB7z7azOnYTkslDaFeKbpsNEEjFJVZ5sS5fqsAKeDQY7KaPhc5QHovou7n1wbnvYTkQ07az5MIbyhWnyUoqgAJChGwPbAFyf0CifaAFFyLu9b5gTPzQUziYS8x0yw5N9aX4aoB41zdgPLzVRYpBEVOKQ)S5RT2SURZgmTuXYSCP8YnBwgTZ(o4SHVcoBInVqYzZmMnFT1MLDcjXr1WTwUzPi51F2BL3ECwaFvB2zz0oltMCl3SUjeutkgZk4SHxNL6xv02YnBWFrJzZ7RnD2dPauXYSHxR)SkQPCZg8x0GKZc4fNMD2WRZQOMYnBWFrJz5zrn)Su)QI2wo4SHxNnXMxMnFT1MLDcjXr1WTwUzb9vTzNLr7SCiOoB410ScoB41zrLgIzb8vTzN1WGbjhImdPzN1nel7SHmRHbJzpubjRph6SuEoN(ZYODwqMuD2CIZdQnQKCiYmKMDwGmY8GSZgYSSjQKYHolXzYHZRZYODwkCfNfWHm5xbbRcoBiZcYKQZMtC(ztIdOkKQpC2G)IgWzLFwQIXbC2koB45yw5T6tYHiZqA2zjAwItSzZxBTzP48vQ5MnN48ZMehqvivF4Sb)fnGZMtCEqTrfoR8ZsvmoGKSdCOsLDAr3fj6aebBE5U1hSkiypB3fj6z7UirhGUHbJzVie8x0i4VOrWFrdikE(tqumEgrTvXceLKyHgj5ohNxec(lAe8x0aIIN)eefJNruBvSarjjwOrsUZX5SuK86p7TYBpolGVQnB3LB7a0nmym7fbQIXbm4VOrWFrdikE(tqumEgrTvXceLKyHgj5ohNZsrYR)S3kV94Sa(Q2SDx0yhGUHbdq9gokA0zVie8x0i4VOrWFrdikE(tqumEgrTvXceLKyHgj5ohNxec(lAe8x0aIIN)eefJNruBvSarjjwOrsUZX5SuK86p7TYBpolGVQnlCwapBL8ZsuHufzm6UU3oaDddgG6nCu0OZErGQyCad(lAe8x0aIIN)eefJNruBvSarjjwOrsUZX5SuK86p7TYBpolGVQnlCwapBL8ZsuHufzm6UOPoaDddgZEri4VOrWFrdON)eefJNruBvSarjj2Zlcb)fnGE(tquSkBHOy8mIARIfikjXEErGQyCad(lAa98NGOy8mIARIfikjXEolGNTsEQvfTDx3FhGUHbJzVie8x0i4VOb0ZFcIIXZiQTkwGOKe75fHG)Igqp)jikwLTqumEgrTvXceLKypViqvmoGb)fnGE(tqumEgrTvXceLKypNfW4RGPUR7uhGUHbJzVie8x0i4VOb0ZFcIIXZiQTkwGOKe75fHG)Igqp)jikwLTqumEgrTvXceLKypViqvmoGb)fnGE(tqumEgrTvXceLKypNLIKx)zVvE7XzbKgB0UR7yhGUHbdq9gokA0zVie8x0i4VOb0ZFcIIXZiQTkwGOKe75fHG)Igqp)jikwLTqumEgrTvXceLKypViqvmoGb)fnGE(tqumEgrTvXceLKypNfWZwj)S3kV94Su4kcNLIImAu4SuuKrJcNfWZwj)S3kV94Su4k2DDx6a0nmym7fHG)Igb)fnGE(tqumEgrTvXceLKyHgj5ohNxec(lAa98NGOyv2crX4ze1wflqusIfAKK7CCErGQyCad(lAa98NGOy8mIARIfikjXcnsYDooN9WkPvuNfi4V7Ie3HoaDddgZEri4VOrWFrdON)eefJNruBvSarjj2Zlcb)fnGE(tquSkBHOy8mIARIfikjXEErGQyCad(lAa98NGOy8mIARIfikjXEolqQgAhGyIqMy1un6aDakcyqeS5LE2E0bUhnhLxbb7z7UirhGUHbdq9gokA0zVie8x0i4VOb0ZFcIIXZiQTkwoVie8x0a65pbrXQSfIIXZiQTkwoViqvmoGb)fnGE(tqumEgrTvXceLKypN9vqnU5b)fnMDwapBL8ZER82JZsHRiCw0P16UCBhGUHbJzVsI9i3cikgpJO2Qy5C2dvqY6ZHolLNZPF3fn2bOByWy2RKypcKrMhK9CwIZKdNx7UU3oaDddgZErijoGQqQ(qV2idrXQSfMe7rGmY8GSNxETrgIIvzlmj2JazK5bzpViqUX50hIs5fhYWKypcKrMhK9CwkCfNfWHm5xbbRc2DrtDa6ggmM9IavX4acrXZFcIIXZiQTkwGjXEeiJmpi75Su4kolGdzYVccwfShDaGqjFGdAIQGDaa9gokgvU1bO8krWMx6z7rh4E0CexBkdQ9SDxKOdq3WGXSxesIdOkKQp0RnYquSkBHjXEKOzjoXoV8AJmefRYwysShjAwItSZlcKBCo9HOuEXHmmj2JenlXj25SuC(k1CDxUTdq3WGXSxeOkghqikE(tqumEgrTvXcmj2JenlXj25SuC(k1CDx0yhGUHbJzVmsYDoGOy8mIARILZzpGTAp6rp6aaKvtMh2D5wA6(7aUXj8Y3bOvAO5yQmbk6RO0SAhGiy0HBzIH(KQyufStZ9Oh9oaUsage Information
Target or Focus the tank (or whoever will be taking aggro) and run this macro. It will automatically Power Word: Shield and apply Atonement on the friendly target while DPSing their enemy target. Should the enemy target a new friendly, the macro will automatically shield and atone them on the next Shield cast.
Hold ALT to cast Desperate Prayer and save yourself.
Hold SHIFT to activate Rapture and Pain Suppression to save your mouseover, target, or focus in that order.
Hold CTRL will Purify your mouseover, target, yourself, or focus.

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.02.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence:

KeyRelease: Contains various utility functions.

dauwgaalvDlLI0Uuk8lsyyuL4ykLwMs0ZuQAAuL01eQSnsuFtjyCGiTojAGkPdIOwijspKQuteb1fjrSreYijPojiSseKxcIQzcs3uj0ojjdvPYsrOEQunvISvqe9vqeglikVvi3LQAVe(lc0GHCyflwPO8yjnzGltzZufFwcJgkNgQETsr1SfCBPSBr)g1WjQLtQNtLPJ01b12fkFxOQXJaopISELIy)QSyRqsOAROReiJGegIU3QvczOeuPerwOAPqs0vBb5aEU5IogLk7kvOiEo(WSjKAtvZUnQCtHhwd3CkOSmEvHNHAGnfG7Q4Yb80ui6stWsQt0jNKeDcBEg4avOAROR2cYIUsGmcsyCxvTnbcQupKpcrmCEO2u18H48qKyy9HAmSZ4yM2DikFO64OhAhhVPpeKG1GYd1XWTa4qCEikM124iKAoaoezOshIYhc2zhQJnao(dTOLGdnj4q7SCYQDikFimBchIedRpuJHDghZ0hI1hIo6cJ624iKAoaouxneejDikFOPsXJnu7qepYuyTDOjbhA3GNhQdllRnNdNZdr5d5My2HiXW6d1yyNXXm9Fi6Olm6FiwFipCf2Di88quSHEiwdm9ghHuZbWH8wIyOhkE8q4q7G14EiDismS(qng2zCmt)hIo6cJ(hIedRDwWZFiwFipCf2THOV4u1mK00oCoDcjHQTcjHQTIUI64OhkATXWoJJz6hZcYFYaBaFYng4hHzb5pzGnGp5gd8JwPJUWO0rxy0hZcYFYaBaFYng4hT6HRWU3iaUJ6(Kb2a(KBmWpAvomKm9NCJb(hA7ccvlfDf1Xrpu0AJHDghZ0pMfK)Kb2a(gdkjdv6tUInzAb8SWpcZcYFYaBaFJbLKHk9jxXMmTaEw4hTshDHrPJUWOpMfK)Kb2a(gdkjdv6tUInzAb8SWpA1dxHDVraCh19jdSb8ngusgQ0NCfBY0c4zHF0QCyiz6VXGsYqL(KRytMwapl8p0wiv5LkVxOAVOROoo6HIwBmSZ4yM(XSG8NmWgW3yqjzOsFYvSjtlGNf(rywq(tgyd4BmOKmuPp5k2KPfWZc)Ov6OlmkD0fg9XSG8NmWgW3yqjzOsFYvSjtlGNf(rRE4kS7ncG7OUpzGnGVXGsYqL(KRytMwapl8JwLddjt)ngusgQ0NCfBY0c4zH)H86cX5vVi6qUrIylyJZescvBfDf1Xrpu0AJHDghZ0pMfK)Kb2a(gdk9wIyO(rywq(tgyd4BmO0BjIH6hTkhgsM(tUqZWYFJbLElrmu)df3YfeQwk6kQJJEOOvpCf29jJn623yqP3sed1)qXTCbHQ9IUI64OhkQYTnBOFYvSjtlGNf(hkoivzbv07utMi4SsX5u03PXznoLKOd5gPDAZ5escvBfDf1XrpuuJbLD1qqKK)H86cXTxzHQLIUI64OhkATXWoJJz6hZcYFYaBaFJbLD1qqKKFeMfK)Kb2a(gdk7QHGij)Ov5WqY0FYfAgw(BmOSRgcIK8p0(9l9IYcv7fDf1Xrpu0QhUc7(KXgD7BmOSRgcIK8p0(9l9IYcQOVtBlovnlKeurFh7OlovnlKeubvqf9USvHGWcvlJtzrNmmfJ1IUsiqaUIpR7mTLCayI(ItcpbisQPJzjfNtHsfubviaUsage Information
Run macro on your mouseovers to cast Power Word: Shield on them.
Hold ALT to use Shadow Mend and Penance to heal your mouseover or targets.
Hold SHIFT to activate Rapture and Pain Suppression to save your mouseover, target, or focus in that order.
Hold CTRL will Purify your mouseover, target, yourself, or focus.

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.10.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

KeyPress: Rapture, Pain Suppression

Main Sequence: Penance, Shadow Mend, Power Word: Shield

KeyRelease: Purify, Fade

dmK)faakvQ0PKQkZIIDjI6xsLggq4yIkltQYZqQmnvQ6AiW2qQ6BsvX4KQQohqQ1rOgicDqvslue5HiOjcu1frK2iIyKIKtQsSsGsVuLkMPkLBcKSte1pfbAOIQwQuXtLYufLTkvL8vriJvQk1BLO7kP2lO)cumyQoSIflc1JbmzuDzHnJu(mHmAj50i51IGMTsUTk2nk)gA4eCCralNONtPPRQRRuBxK67avgpq05LW(jnmhmdsohSrAFdgWFPr41eKuWKejxHK7bZGTSzfS3cBxzfWg4dAZE9qY5GTuXsa2ifKGb8uwGRiPGjjAxvW2zZu)r1bg7REEeCHu9eHsUy17mCQHbeQ)O6jWMciHQxfZs9cClvxKe3cQpmU6JGWQq9RpYItW(KvNqK9uSDO(JQxHlU6pQoWyF1jn9Weflk7r97srt9cCR(JycvN67Nr9HXv)RcM6PMfQ(DPOPEbUv)rmHQt99lz1tkuhyKbT9YO(yvVa3QFOev9QBfMJ6d4Mc1tm(vQxGBP6avJuuyvhPPE(ejw9odNAyarYkytHlU6xVLP(JQdm2x98i4cP6jcLCXQN0iLuHuDKPEbUL2yrlzfSPWfx9wQlKKP(JQpapv65d17mc)wgQpmU65hkM6TTGGmSwkKP(JQBN0H6f4wQ(b32athsJ6)iffVrDuQoneyBvNIP(xnV6OKhYKvWMcxC1jmRZn1bh1APE(TKIwH6f4wQ(b32athsJ6)iffVr9cClTXIMrDuQoneyBtg2a1aiX(kKwkKzHzqY5GzqY5GTUaJ9vVK4b32athstvSemmKhd3WWdYRlRILGHH8y4ggEqEDjXFKII)hPO4nvXsWWqEmCddpiVUKineyBnbiPSV1WqEmCddpiVUKOWAkcPHHhKxREoqFpbGa0qY9GTUaJ9TrcSdgqOEjXdUTbMoKMQyjyyipgUHHhKxxwflbdd5XWnm8G86sI)iff)psrXBQILGHH8y4ggEqEDjrAiW2AcqszFRHH8y4ggEqEDjrH1uesddpiVw9CG(EcabOnQNAwiSDdrHBuhQh2ia2YJ2hudGeHzqY5GTUaJ9vN00dtuSOSh4dB3jkYldRfMbjNd26cm2x9YdYfF9wMHOWAkczT603J(C9hsUhS1fySV6LhKlUL6cjz1QFFFiGo6HKPd26cm2x9sIhCBdmDinvXsWWqEmCZb5IBPUqswDzvSemmKhd3CqU4wQlKKvxsuynfH0WqrsClyoixCl1fsYQvNo66bc6HKVh26cm2x9sI0qGT1WWQrEmhKlUL6cjz1QthD9ab9Wh2AFiqYMb8uid2YlPqj1xaB3jk6eRySbmdsohS1fySV6Lep42gy6qAQILGHH8y4MdYftywNB1LvXsWWqEmCZb5IjmRZT6sIcRPiKggksIBbZb5IjmRZTA1jOxFGK7bBDbg7REjrAiW2Ayy1ipMdYftywNB1QtqV(ajthS1fySV6La4jXZByiq1WyXIIjQwDc6p9Wh2YldqnaseMbFyJq8K45HjbF4dBnHa4c4HK7ra9W219xHsyJuqU2audX8Hmy4IhWgOg2EwxyFithSNczWKGp8HqaUsage Information
Run to cast Power Word: Radiance to quick heal your group and apply Atonement. Continue to hold to cast Evangelism (if you took it), and then Halo (if you took it). Be careful, as you might spam away both your charges of PW: Radiance.
Hold ALT to cast Power Word: Barrier on yourself.
Hold SHIFT to activate Rapture and Pain Suppression to save your mouseover, target, or focus in that order.
Hold CTRL will Purify your mouseover, target, yourself, or focus.

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.3.10.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

KeyPress: Rapture, Pain Suppression, Power Word: Barrier

Main Sequence: Power Word: Radiance

KeyRelease: Purify, Fade

Post Macro:

These macros will allow you to effectively protect your party or raid while contributing solid and needed DPS on your enemies. It does this by breaking up your role into three macros, one for DPS, one for spreading around Atonement via Power Word: Shield and spot healing, and one for AoE emergency healing. These macros are coded in such a way that you can spend more time watching health bars than micromanaging your abilities. Unfortunately, due to the sheer kit of abilities available to a Disc priest, a one-button macro would be impossible.

There are some ALT, CTRL and SHIFT commands available if you want to use them. Each macro’s mod commands are different and listed above in their blocks, so I won’t detail them here. They will require a little practice if you want to use them effectively in any given “OH SH#T!” moment.

Macro Notes
This macro attempts to accommodate any talent choices you want.

Pay special attention to the notes in each macro’s notes section. They will explain how each macro is supposed to be used. These aren’t choices between different macros, you will need all three to play effectively.

Each macro also has support for @focus targets. You can focus your tank and by default always DPS their target. If you need to select another party member (like if your tank is being a lampost back at the last encounter), you can do so and continue DPSing your selection’s targets without having to clear focus. In addition, your heal macro will default to your focus if you have one. In all cases @focus is the least priority target, so if you mouseover or target something else the macro will intelligently understand you need to help/harm them first.

I have also designed this macro to be spammed at whatever milliseconds that works for you or manually tapped.

Talents and Explanation
(Your Choice) - I would recommend Schism for some stronger DPS windows, which in turn translates into stronger healing windows. The DPS macro will fire it on cooldown if you take it. Twist of Fate, however, is a great progression talent.
Enix uses: Schism

(Your Choice) - I prefer Angelic Feather here for the moment choices it provides. Masochism can save your life, however. Either talent you take, place it on its own key.
Enix uses: Angelic Feather

(Your Choice) - If you take Power Word: Solace, you will want Schism from tier 1 above. The macro will make use of both on cooldown if you do it should return more mana than the other options. However, if you are a PW: Shield spammer, Shield Discipline might be a good choice for you.
Enix uses: Power Word: Solace

(Your Choice) - I prefer Shining Force here, though you are free to choose what you like.
Enix uses: Shining Force

(Your Choice) - Sins of the Many is the talent of choice for many Mythic and Mythic + healers, and finds some utility in raids when you’re on tank duty. The added DPS it brings translates into more HPS like every other damage buff you can take advantage of, but it loses potency with the more Atonements you have floating around. For particularly hard content you can switch to Contrition if you can remember to always use Penance defensively.
Enix uses: Sins of the Many

(Your Choice) - We received a secret, undocumented buff to Purge the Wicked, which prompted me to redesign the macro. As a result, Purge becomes the superior talent in all situations, even in single target if the fight will last longer than two applications (40 seconds). In AoE situations, this can become king as you will spread Purge to a new target on every Penance, which allows the dot to contribute to your passive healing. Divine Star is the next best choice here as it is still strong for both damage and heals, but requires you position yourself to make the best use of it. Halo I do not recommend except in raids, as it will also do damage and pull enemies not in combat at a huge range. This is suicide in a Mythic.
Enix uses: Purge the Wicked

(Your Choice) - Evangelism is built into the AoE macro if you take this talent. It will synergize extremely well with PW: Radiance, giving all targets longer Atonements. If you prefer either of the other talents, however, Lenience is a passive buff really plays well against Sins of the Many if you take that from above. Together they add a very dynamic style of play that is passive and powerful.
Enix uses: Lenience

Known Issues

  1. None

DPS Numbers
DPS seems strong at the moment. It comes over sims.

AMR’s auto-balancing and itemization engine should not be overlooked. Squeeze out your best stats.


I think you also accidentally put your demon hunter macro here too :slight_smile:

No, you grabbed it as I had it here as a placeholder so I could add the links to the macros. I even had a big ol DO NOT USE at the top of the post.

The right ones should be there now.

Hi there
First off, thank you so much for taking the time to put out these macros and update them so quickly.

Your shadow macro is amazing currently, and does the job and more.
This macro although it does definitely work, it seems to be like it could be damaging the target more?

I have done what you suggest by targeting the tank, and hitting the first macro but it doesn’t seem to be doing too many attacks on the mob itself… even when the tank has kept the same target for a while.

If played with a macro that I just focus the mob and attack, or even by hand I am able to top DPS meters currently (lo) but with this I am barely breaking 800-1k dps at 240ilvl

Perhaps I am doing something wrong but could you shed some light on this, is this the way the macro is meant to work? Focusing on the heals, even with atonement.

No, it’s something I have to fix with the macro.

Power Word: Shield no longer has a cooldown, so the first macro would never attack since it’d be spamming the shield on the enemy’s target. In order to fix that I had to add an artificial cooldown in the form of sequencing it with Penance. It’s the only other ability with a cooldown in an acceptable range. Doing this allows the rest of the macro to work as intended, except that Penance now heals your tank instead of damaging your enemy target.

I’ll be working on this for some time to come and I hope to come up with a better solution, eventually. My next test will be to InnerLoop the Shield for the first macro.

Quick question would it be possible to just use a ctrl modifier for Power Word:Shield in the dps macro? So it attacks the target more.

Substantial update. One of the talents is MANDATORY for now. If you grab these new macros and use my talents, you can reliably be around 4th in the group’s meters, assuming everyone else is also doing really well.

This works quite a bit better now, again I love your work and appreciate the effort.


This and the spriest macro, HOT DAMN!

Thank you

Updated all macros on the OP to be automatically translatable via GSE for non-English users.

Hey, healers! Apparently none of you Purify your party members. ಠ_ಠ

Uploaded a fix to allow you to Purify your mouseovers and targets with shift.


Complete redesign of all three macros. This should allow for higher throughput with DPS and healing, as well as tackle Disc’s weakest area of AoE healing.

With these new macros Disc healing should be much more intuitive and effective.

[quote quote=62136]Hey, healers! Apparently none of you Purify your party members. ಠ_ಠ
Uploaded a fix to allow you to Purify your mouseovers and targets with shift.

Thanks for that, I was wondering why it wasn’t working, I had to bind another key, no biggy. Thanks for your efforts, appreciated.

Definite increase in DPS with the changes.

Enix, thanks for helping us out.

I’m running into a new problem. I’ve played /GSE and macros on several characters, but this is the firs time I’ve successfully imported macros and nothing happens when I press the button.

I’ve loaded the DPS, Heal and AoE macro’s but when targeting a mob or myself (not tried this in a party until I can get it to work solo) and nothing happens. Mobs just knock my health down until I run away.

Any idea what step I’m missing? Again, for my Arcane Mage and Warlock I’ve never seen this behavior with /gse + macros.

Sorry to be such a noob but I just don’t know how to debug my issue. Thx.

@jimbo i had something similar happen to me and i had to delete gse and install again. hope it works. Make sure u save some macros

Personally for dungeons disc healing i set the tank to focus saves accidentally targeting something else etc.

I for DPS I added made an addition of [@focustarget,harm,nochanneling,nomod] to prioritize the focus’ target

I find setting the MT as focus more reliable then having them as target.

[quote quote=62526]Personally for dungeons disc healing i set the tank to focus saves accidentally targeting something else etc.
I for DPS I added made an addition of [@focustarget,harm,nochanneling,nomod] to prioritize the focus’ target
I find setting the MT as focus more reliable then having them as target.[/quote]

I agree in raid and mythics where your tank will engage on their own. Unless you let target override focustarget, though, you will run into issues with the macro in dungeons or other content where the tank is being a lamppost and your DPS is trying to tank the next group without waiting.

Unless you rather they just bite it for not waiting on the tank. Both are good scenarios.

EnixLHQ, I notice in the DPS macro you have Divine Star (understandable) but are recommending Halo, so Which is the preferred? Yes, I can switch to Halo in a raid/grp.

The AOE macro has Halo but the Heal is just Penance, so in raid do you just spam AOE and Heal?

Seems like for just running around, you would just use DPS with Divine Star and for raids/grps switch to Halo, which is fine.

So, can you explain the sequence of events when in a raid/grp

  1. set focus on Tank
  2. ?
  3. ?
  4. ?

I tried the DPS on a 110 mob, works fine, I was in no danger, but I am uncertain as to the sequence of play using your macros in a raid/grp.

Thanks for all the work:)