@XamXam - Short Version: if you are chaining macros you need to turn off the sound protection option in GSE as when chaining you are introducing a race condition that GSE has no control over
Long Version:
Now the thing to consider with chaining macros is that there is the problem of a race condition. A race condition is that something finishes after something else and has unintended consequences.
One of GSE’s options is to turn off the Error spam of “I dont have enough energy” etc. When you turn this function on what it does is add some code to your macro to take the current state (on or off) and store that, turn it off, run the macro, put back the initial state.
When you chain macros you have two macros doing that BUT the first macro doesnt wait for the second to complete so you get: get current state and save it, turn it off, call second macro, second macro overwrites that the current state is off, turns it off, first macro turns it back on and finishes, second macro executes, and turns off the sound as it started with sound off.
As neither macro knows about the other macro they compete. the best idea is to turn off error sounds and disable the option in GSE If you are planning to chain macros