Izzi misty fists macro package updated 12/17/2022

This is my Mistweaver macro set. I use the first macro for fighting and the second macro when I need more direct healing.

Note I prefer to use target of target healing, so the majority of my heals go to who has aggro. If you prefer @focus healing let me know I can modify it and add another version if you like, just let me know.

As I been doing all my macros will be updated at curseforge you can get this macro here MONK, or you can use the curseforge app and search GSE or izzi in find new addons. If you need more instruction on how to use plugins click here and I have it explained in the comments there.

talents are

Fight macro is here and will have to scroll down for the heal macro.


Usage Information

version 1 lvl 10 [rising sun kick] lvl 11 [enveloping mist]
lvl 12 [improved vivify] lvl 13 [renewing mist]
lvl 14 [improved vivify]
version 2 lvl 15 [essence font]
lvl 16 [improved roll] lvl 17 [invigorating mist]
version 3 lvl 18 [vivacious vivification] lvl 19 [mastery of mist]
lvl 20 [tiger’s lust] lvl 21 [llife cocoon]
lvl 22 [vigorous expulsion] lvl 23 [teaching of the monastery]
lvl 24 [gare of the crane] lvl 25 [thunder focus tea]
version 4 lvl 26 [chi wave] lvl 27 [rapid diffusion]
lvl 28 [improved detox] lvl 29 [rapid diffusion]
lvl 30 [ferocity of xuen] lvl 31 [revival]
lvl 32 [ferocity of xuen]
version 5 lvl 33 [zen pulse]
lvl 34 [spear hand strike] lvl 35 [echoing reverberation]
lvl 36 [chi torpedo] lvl 37 [dancing mist]
lvl 38 [fast feet] lvl 39 [dancing mist]
lvl 40 [fast feet] lvl 41 [inoke Yu’lon, the jade]
lvl 42 [profound rebuttal]
version 6 lvl 43 [refreshing jad wind]
lvl 44 [transcendence] lvl 45 [mist of life]
lvl 46 [ring of peace] lvl 47 [yu’lon’s whisper]
lvl 48 [eye of the tiger] lvl 49 [spirit of the crane]
lvl 50 close to the heart]
version 7 lvl 51 [faeline stomp]
lvl 52 [close to the heart] lvl 53 [ancient concordance]
lvl 54 [save them all] lvl 55 [ancient concordance]
lvl 56 [save them all] lvl 57 [awaken faeline]
lvl 58 [summon jade statue] lvl 59 [ancient teachings]
lvl 60 [wind walking]

This macro contains 7 macro templates. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.21.

  • The Default macro template is 7

Heal macro


Usage Information

version 1 lvl 10 [rising sun kick]
version 2 lvl 11 [enveloping mist]
lvl 12 [improved vivify] lvl 13 [renewing mist]
lvl 14 [improved vivify] lvl 15 [essence font]
lvl 16 [improved roll] lvl 17 [invigorating mist]
lvl 18 [vivacious vivification] lvl 19 [mastery of mist]
lvl 20 [tiger’s lust] lvl 21 [llife cocoon]
lvl 22 [vigorous expulsion] lvl 23 [teaching of the monastery]
lvl 24 [gare of the crane] lvl 25 [thunder focus tea]
lvl 26 [chi wave] lvl 27 [rapid diffusion]
lvl 28 [improved detox] lvl 29 [rapid diffusion]
lvl 30 [ferocity of xuen] lvl 31 [revival]
lvl 32 [ferocity of xuen] lvl 33 [zen pulse]
lvl 34 [spear hand strike] lvl 35 [echoing reverberation]
lvl 36 [chi torpedo] lvl 37 [dancing mist]
lvl 38 [fast feet] lvl 39 [dancing mist]
lvl 40 [fast feet] lvl 41 [inoke Yu’lon, the jade]
lvl 42 [profound rebuttal] lvl 43 [refreshing jad wind]
lvl 44 [transcendence] lvl 45 [mist of life]
lvl 46 [ring of peace] lvl 47 [yu’lon’s whisper]
lvl 48 [eye of the tiger] lvl 49 [spirit of the crane]
lvl 50 close to the heart] lvl 51 [faeline stomp]
lvl 52 [close to the heart] lvl 53 [ancient concordance]
lvl 54 [save them all] lvl 55 [ancient concordance]
lvl 56 [save them all] lvl 57 [awaken faeline]
version 3 lvl 58 [summon jade statue] lvl 59 [ancient teachings]
lvl 60 [wind walking]

This macro contains 3 macro templates. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.21.

  • The Default macro template is 3

This is currently a 60 macro will be updating them all soon when I have my classes leveled to 70. Please give me time to level my toons, I play with my wife and only level them when she is willing and able to play. I also have a friend that is returning to wow, he has been gone since Wrath and I am helping him also move along in the game. So the updates are not going as fast as I would like, with limited playtime I have had up until now. But am moving forward currently so expect some updates soon.
I will continue to add 10-60 plugins more often, since I rarely sleep and have plenty of time to work on those. I need to get those built anyways and why you are seeing more of those getting added and not updated lvl 70 macros.

I hope that makes sense and apologize for not getting the lvl 70 macros out faster.


are these 2 separate macros?

yes, one is for fighting the other is to just heal if needed


ok thank you i get confused about multiple macros is a post-- where some use them to pull into the parent

So I notice the jade statue, is this more of a mistweaver build or actual fistweaver? Like you say heal macro when needed, but how much is it needed? 60% of the time, etc. I just ask cause jade statue on benefits from soothing mist cast correct?

yes jade state is more mistweave then fist. I am not 100% but I thought I had jade coming out if you had to heal with heal macro. I will have to look at it.

As for a % it is used, that can’t be quantified. That totally depends on the tank, the number of mobs pulled, strength of the mobs and other effects that cause damage.
You should be able to do the majority of the healing with the normal macro. And only need the heal macro if the tank or target getting hit is taking more damage then you are putting out as heals.

I wanted jade statue in the build because if you had to resort to the heal macro, I wanted the passive heal of jade serpent to tick smoothing mist for a while longer as I went back to the fighting macro. Because I needed the extra healing at that point anyways.

I will be looking at this macro in the next few days, and adding 70 talents and will do some more fine tuning. I was planning to have brewmaster done this evening but real life got in the way, but hope to have both updated and done in next couple of days.

I am totally up for suggestions on talents and how to make the macro better, just let me know your suggestions. Just trying to explain what I did and the reasoning.

Hey izz when I try to use the healing macro it wont do anything the fist weaver macro is great

well check it out, I been down with migraine all day. Really wanted to get this and brewmaster updated.

I figured it out
your sentex was wrong
it should have the group or nogroup before the target so the macro knows what to do
[nochanneling, group,@targettarget][nochanneling,nogroup,@player]

Now it works perfectly

I also added renewing mist to it

yeah, never put renewing mist in because it interrupts soothing mist.
or it used to, not sure if something changed. let me know how that works.

I never had an issue with the sentex on the macro. But if rearranging the order worked for you, then that is all that matters

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I have now tested the macro it is a very good macro, I play it with 150ms the only thing I have to criticize it that an indispensable skill is missing and that is the renewing fog in the fist build can you build the one in addition, because this one you always have to keep on cooldown for example something like that only I do not know where to build it ^^

/cast [@mouseover, exists, help, nodead, nochanneling] [@focus, exists, nodead, help,nochanneling] [nochanneling] renewing fog

Good Macro Good job

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I will be updating this macro to lvl 10-70 hopefully in the AM tomorrow. So some of the spells will change and talents as I tweak it a bit and add talents to this 10-60 macro.

And thank you. I will post here when the update is done.

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macro updated and now lvl 10-70

You can download the newest version of the macro here [Monk] or you can find the plugin in your curseforge app. Select get more addons and search either GSE or izzi

To use plugin after it is downloaded, open your GSE addon in game by typing /GSE,
Select Options
Then select plugins
And then click one plugin you want to load.
Close the option window and the macros should be loaded there for you to use by dragging the icon to you action bar.

All future updates will be through the curseforge app.

downloaded plug in to give it a try, sorry first time uisng this way. I went into plug ins and nothing there. Shows GSE2Library and Samples. Nothing happens when either clicked.

Does the zip need to be extracted to a certain folder, etc?

it should put them in your plugins on gse. Easiest way is using the curseforge app and typing gse or izzi after selecting get more addons there it will install them where they need to be.

found it on curseforge. Ill give that a try. Out of curiousity. Possible to make just a dps rotation version for soloing content and dont need all the heals pumping?

Got it working, immediately loaded all into GSE, didn’t even need to goto plugins. Final question, are the 7 different versions needed instead of just one? I see the talent choices listed in descriptions with associated talent, so wasn’t sure.

versions on my macros are purely for leveling reasons, when you hit a certain level you would switch to that version. Why there is a super long discription on what talents to take at what level

yeah I could make a pure dps rotation, honestly never even thought about it. It will be a few days, since the list of things I want to get done is super long.