💤 Lutechi 9.x+ Assassination Macro All-in-One

Welcome to my AIO Macro Series, it covers every possible talent combination. Give this smart lazy macro a try and look for my other classes or specs if you enjoy this one.

Tell me while I stream if it worked for you or ask questions: Lutechi@Twitch

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Usage Information

Mod:Alt - AoE and talents related | Mod:Ctrl - Cheap Shot | Mod:Shift - OH SHIT BUTTON Includes Heal, Evasion and Cloak | Auto cheapshot with talent 5/3, auto Kidney Shot with 5/1 and 5/3. Auto Fan of Knives with talent 7/2. Auto Ambush with talent 1/3.
Have questions or suggestions? Jump on my stream and say hi! :wink:

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.26.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Garrote, Fan of Knives, Cheap Shot

Main Sequence: Slice and Dice, Kidney Shot, Shiv, Fan of Knives, Sinister Strike, Ambush, Exsanguinate, Eviscerate, Garrote, Rupture, Crimson Vial, Feint

KeyRelease: Eviscerate, Shadowstep, Shiv, Marked for Death, Tricks of the Trade, Cone of Cold, Evasion, Vanish, Cloak of Shadows, Stealth, Vendetta


Thank you for your amazing work,
However, I can’ t get kidney shot to work… any idea?
(I set the 3rd talent on the 5th line)

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Hello Imyet,

At work hours at the moment.

However, I just tested it during my lunch break, and still works on my end. What are all the talents you are using? Are you playing on English client?

Maybe someone else might be able to test or give ideas about what might be happening.

Have tested and kidney shot firing off for me also, see screenshot showing kidney shot on target dummy, i am playing on English client.

kidney shot seems to fire ok on target dummy but not firing in open world pvp, pve etc tried both of the talents i’m level 50 also tried talents 5/1 and 5/3 maybe Lutechi can shed some light on it

Hello Nigel,

Not at home to check at the moment, but that is very odd if it works at dummy for you and not in pvp.

I did not added a condition for not to work in pvp or enemyplayer. It could be those random things of cast sequences not working when it wants to.

Yes sounds like that.
your sub rogue auto cheap shot works perfect. Also i would like to add cheap shot opens up perfect in the opener sequence for Assassination and that is in pve and pvp, but then it doesn’t use auto-kidney shot in the rotation which is strange. hope you can fix buddy other than that very good macro’s. my item level 116-118, level 50 i mainly pvp with him.

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so i feel like im missing something… How do i get the modifiers to work?? Do i need a specific AHK script?

Hello Somix,

Check if you have to clear the keybindings like on this reply:

awesome! and 1 last question…is this the right Script to use for 1 key? #IfWinActive World of Warcraft
GetKeyState, state, 1, P
if state = D

Send {1}
Sleep, 100
Send {1}
Sleep, 100
Send {1}
Sleep, 100
Send {1}
Sleep, 100
Send {1}
Sleep, 100
Send {1}
Sleep, 100

I don’t use AHK, there is a channel in our Discord that you can get more help on that.

Here is what I use with AHK to repeat keys.

You can set a random repeat rate. Set to 100-150ms in this scripe to simulate a human repeatedly pressing a key. And this script uses keys 2 and 4 to repeat Easy to edit which keys you want to use and works for all the mod keys also.

#^F1::Suspend ; ctrl + F1 ; Activate or deactivate script
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft ; Only run if window ‘World of Warcraft’ is active
$2:: ; If 2 is pressed
$^2:: ; If 2+control is pressed
$+2:: ; If 2+shift is pressed
$!2:: ; If 2+alt is pressed
Loop ; If any of the above is true then loop below
if not GetKeyState(“2”, “P”) ; If 2 is not pressed then break the loop
if GetKeyState(“LCtrl”, “P”) ; If left control is pressed then send control+2
Send ^2
else if GetKeyState(“LShift”, “P”) ; If left shift is pressed then send shift+2
Send +2
else if GetKeyState(“LAlt”, “P”) ; If left alt is pressed then send alt+2
Send !2
Send 2 ; If 2 is pressed with no other modifiers send 2
Random, SleepAmount, 100, 150
Sleep, %SleepAmount%
;sleep 80 ; Time in milliseconds between key repeats
$4:: ; If 4 is pressed
$^4:: ; If 4+control is pressed
$+4:: ; If 4+shift is pressed
$!4:: ; If 4+alt is pressed
Loop ; If any of the above is true then loop below
if not GetKeyState(“4”, “P”) ; If 4 is not pressed then break the loop
if GetKeyState(“LCtrl”, “P”) ; If left control is pressed then send control+4
Send ^4
else if GetKeyState(“LShift”, “P”) ; If left shift is pressed then send shift+4
Send +4
else if GetKeyState(“LAlt”, “P”) ; If left alt is pressed then send alt+4
Send !4
Send 4 ; If 4 is pressed with no other modifiers send 4
Random, SleepAmount, 100, 150
Sleep, %SleepAmount%
;sleep 80 ; Time in milliseconds between key repeats

I have a noob question due to the fact of not knowing how to write scripts at all but which line is the ms on just asking as I will be using for other toons that I’m running on a script that was written for me to where I know what line you change the numbers for ms

Hey findstewie,

You are asking about ms as in milliseconds?

If it is, there is no line, the whole macro runs at same speed.

Sorry do not understand your question. Perhaps you meant an ability?

You change the MS numbers run speed etc in GSE options they must be the same speed as your mouse click speed or (AHK) auto hot key script speed usually run at 100 MS or more

Okay to start off with I as asking about the AHK Script not the macro itself sorry that bot of y’all didn’t understand the question and this is the AHK script that I’m using now

SendMode Event
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

; set your delay here
Delay := 100

SetTimer, Toggle, %Delay%
Send,% t>0?t:

#IfWinActive World of Warcraft
$1::r:=SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,0),t:=r=t?0:r ; press key1 to toggle pressing 1 repeatedly
$2::r:=SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,0),t:=r=t?0:r ; press key2 to toggle pressing 2 repeatedly
#ifWinActive ; to end the WoW key binding

^End::ExitApp ; press Ctrl+End to terminate script

Press 1 once, and 1 will press repeatedly. Press 1 again and it stops.
Press 2 once, and 2 will press repeatedly. Press 2 again and it stops.
Delay is 100, but u can change it.
Press Ctrl+End to terminate script.

You will notice the line that states Set your delay here and also say Delay := 100
that is the exact thing I was asking about as I know that much about AHK Scripts it can be changed
also would like to know where the person who wrote the Script would changing the 2 to a 1 be what he/she was talking about changing to change the keys used

To change the ms of the repeat key script it is this line for each key

Random, SleepAmount, 100, 150
Sleep, %SleepAmount%
;sleep 80 ; Time in milliseconds between key repeats

This will set the random key strokes to a random number between 100ms and 150ms
If you do not want it to be random. Add and remove the semicolon as below

;Random, SleepAmount, 100, 150
;Sleep, %SleepAmount%
sleep 80 ; Time in milliseconds between key repeats

This will set it to 80ms

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Thank you sir that helps out a lot

toggle = 0
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 3
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
$f:: ; If f is pressed
$^f:: ; If f+control is pressed
$+f:: ; If f+shift is pressed
$!f:: ; If f+alt is pressed
Toggle := !Toggle
While Toggle{
if GetKeyState(“LCtrl”, “P”)
Send ^f
else if GetKeyState(“LShift”, “P”)
Send +f
else if GetKeyState(“LAlt”, “P”)
Send !f
Send f
sleep 100