💤 Lutechi 9.x+ Enhancement Macro All-in-One

Welcome to my AIO Macro Series, it covers every possible talent combination. Give this smart lazy macro a try and look for my other classes or specs if you enjoy this one.

Tell me while I stream if it worked for you or ask questions: Lutechi@Twitch

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Usage Information

Mod:Alt - Hold for AOE Chain Lightning | Mod:Ctrl - Refresh Windfury Totem | Mod:Shift - Hold to Buff up Shield and Weapons
Rarely see a Lightning Bolt/Chain to cast unless instant, if you move constantly it helps with Maelstrom.
Have questions or suggestions? Jump on my stream and say hi! :wink:

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.36.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

KeyPress: Windfury Weapon, Lightning Shield, Flametongue Weapon, Windfury Totem

Main Sequence: Frost Shock, Lightning Bolt, Flame Shock, Feral Spirit, Primal Strike, Stormkeeper, Chain Lightning, Crash Lightning, Lava Lash

KeyRelease: Feral Lunge


I noticed too, but im not sure its mind games / placebo hehe

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Can’t cast if you are moving :wink:

Right now the macro is broken the moment you get Windfury Totem. Just keeps re-casting it until all mana is gone. You might want to revisit that part :slight_smile:
I just deleted the part where it casts Windfury Totem and apply it by hand.

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Hey Adary,

That indeed is really weird, especially I had a friend beside me last night on the stream trying it out and did not present this behavior.

I will try it to make sure of course, but all I can think of is perhaps check if your CTRL key might be stuck?

The macro refreshes Windfury Totem when CTRL is hold.

My ctrl is definitely not stuck. If it was the rest of the macro wouldn’t work properly

I just ran it for a bit and could not reproduce the issue you are having.

Maybe someone else that has tried the macro can chime in or might be experiencing the same behavior and knows how to correct it?

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I tested it too for about 15 min, and did not have the issue at all.

I keep entering exiting combat with tanking & DPS dummies, and cycling through targets with no problem.

Like @lutechi is saying, its probably your keybinds ( maybe not shared ticked ) or that new function to live binding abilities.

Wich speed are you running the macro at? whats your AHK scripts? mouse software? are you alt tab out of game?


Logitech mouse software, 100ms, no binds that would mess this up.
I solved the problem I had. Just wanted to mention that I ran into it. No need to go head over heels to ‘help’ me solve something i already solved.

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I’ll just leave it here for russian users:


And yeah, thx for the macros - it works GREAT

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need it in german XD

I’ve tried to add the vesper totem (Kyrian ability) to the macro to with [@player] as condition but for the moment it’s a fail. Can somebody help me on that ?

Much like what Sven is asking for but is there anyway someone could help weaving in the covenant abilities for this macro? Also bloodlust if that’s possible as well. Thanks in advance.

Okay figured it out on my own so i’ll share. The macro portion where you have /cast [combat,exists] followed by a list of skills. I added bloodlust and primordial wave (which autocorrected to covenant ability) to the tail end of the list and it seems to be working properly. Final list looks like this

/cast [combat,exists] Primal Strike
/cast [combat,exists] Crash Lightning
/cast [combat,exists] Lava Lash
/cast [combat,exists] Feral Spirit
/cast [combat,exists] Bloodlust
/cast [combat,exists] Covenant Ability


I had the same issue, but then saw the setting to clear common keybindings and it works perfectly after that

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Does not seem to use Lava Lash when you proc Hot Hands :confused:

You can only guesstimate proc abilities. If you would like to fire at specific times, set it on demand by turning that ability into a modifier.

How do I add the Macro Icon to my ui with ElvUI I can not click and drag it to my action bar in my ui, Am i the only one having this issue or are other people as well?

Hello gollem15,

Is it a book icon or question mark?

If is a book icon, select the macro again in the viewer and click on create icon.