Moon's WW with Strike of the Windlord and Chi Burst

That would be for PVP which won’t work in PVE situations. My TOD right now is hitting for about 225k, trash mobs typically die after I do it. Bosses are different because of their armor. Secondly, you can do TOD twice if you have that talent.

The other issue is the bug with TOD right now on live servers including not firing correctly (non-macro related), or not doing damage to adds in a cleave situation. Also, it seems like the talents that work with TOD are not working as intended either and the passive bonuses are not being applied.

I think a FB + TOD as a separate macro could work, but not one like this. Probably would have to be a non-GSE macro similar to Tiger Statue.

It gives you that warning but you can edit it. I don’t know why it keeps doing that though.

As for placement, trust me on this, that was the biggest issue I had with it. I tested out all other authors here as well, and the issue was chi generation that caused the biggest issues. Eventually, when we don’t have 40 spells to control, it might be easier, WW is a class that could use some pruning. In comparison, if you look at Evokers, who only have at most 6 spells to cast, and DHs have roughly 5-6, WW is due for a pruning maybe at the next expansion. This recently happened to Survival Hunters in 9.2 (if I remember right) where the spec got pruned a little to not have so much bloat.

In our case, there are a lot of talents and spells linked to abilities like Chi Wave or Chi Burst that do nothing for us really. Chi Burst does a small heal, and that’s about it. SEF eventually might get replaced once theory crafters are getting more into the expansion. There will be a more optimal rotation, but for now, this is the best we got until the updates to the class happen.

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I was thinking just a couple of days ago about how busy this spec is compared to others such as DH. It reminds me of how busy pally’s were - I’ve no idea how that class is now as I don’t play it much but I do remember the number of spells and abilities needed to do a rotation always seemed excessive. The WW monk is an incredibly busy spec, but your macro takes a lot of that busy-body work away, lets me concentrate on other things, and makes life much easier. I also hope they prune this class a bit!

While the class is easier to play than let’s say Rogues or Kitty Druids, it’s a very complicated spec in general and most are CD-dependent and chi-dependent. Energy isn’t the issue for WW Monks, unlike Rogues or Druids.

MW seemed to get some pruning in this expansion, so the direction over the next couple of patches looks like Blizzard might end up pruning the spec more.

how please tell me i barely break 20k dps and in aoe i barely break 30 -40k dps as a lvl 70 i have icue running macro at 100ms what am i doing wrong ?

What are you simming at because with the macro, or the software it shouldn’t be a problem. What are your settings in iCUE?

simming? am playing the real game against heroic mobs in dungeons… would it be easier to use auto hot key? or just spamming the key manually? am definitely doing something wrong because i also used the druid feral and getting really bad dps in raids and m+

In iCUE I use a “toggle” so I have it set to turn on and off. As for DPS, I ask for sims because it could be a gear issue and not a macro issue. When I sim I’m in line with the sim results. You can easily do this by searching SimCraft and comparing the results to a dummy in the game for 5 minutes and see what you get. You should match at 92% which for us is very good.

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I too notice a dropoff in dps when I run the macro at 100ms vs 250(using G-Hub),tis weird. i didn’t know about the expel harm change until today so i disabled it. i changed to chi wave i know neither are better but hated having to manage chi burst especially in M+ as i had a few rogue pulls.

Yea Expel Harm is weird, I think it’s getting fixed in 10.0.5 though as it seems like a lot of things are getting fixed.

Some people just don’t add it to the rotation, I add Chi Burst because for some reason it helps smooth out the time for certain abilities. I know strange but Monks got changed since the pre-patch. We didn’t have half these issues during the pre-patch.

Hope you will consistent update this as it’s the best one out there after testing other :slight_smile:

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Thanks @robo-lee

Yes, this one and my Rouge are probably going to be the ones I work on the most, to get right, I feel both are in good shape. My Druid on the other hand I have to wait for Blizzard to fix some issues. My Mage one works well already, no real adjustments are needed minus a few new spells.


actually having a blast with “your” monk. Thank you (and all your “colleagues” here) for all your work! Very awesome!

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I’m glad you like it. I am hoping for some improvements in 10.0.5 once released early next year according to the Blizzard timeline.

Woops, somehow deleted my post. Showing my noobness lol. For your macro since the WDP is not working right do we need to delete the section of the macro with it in, or is it ok to just leave it in? Once again thank you for the awesome macro and for taking the time and energy to share with us.

You can leave it in, the reason I left it in is that after 10.0.5 there will be a change to WW, and we will need to re-evaluate.

The jury is still out on WDP that is on the PTR.

What about expel harm? i see you mention that it should be disable in elf thread.
Well i did disable expel harm and it’s much smoother but not sure if i should disable it.


The issue with Expel Harm, is that it is used as a chi generator, other than Tiger Palm. This was changed in between weeks, so for now you have to use Expel Harm to generate more chi. I do agree the rotation is a lot smoother without it, but again this was a change that Blizzard did sometime during the pre-patch to recent patches. At 60 to 69 this isn’t an issue with Chi Generation, but at 70 it becomes an issue.

Now 10.0.5 is expected to change somethings, so I wonder if this will also be fixed to where we don’t need to use Expel Harm.

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the 10.0.5 has no note on WW monk sadly. I feel the ST of this kind of weak, anyway to improve it?

ST is good but could be better, I agree, but that’s not the fault of the macro but more so gear or other factors.

I say that because I’m getting some Heroic gear, and I’m on top of both overall damage and bosses. RSK can hit like a truck. Run those Elemental Storms that you see on the map, you’ll get a full set of 359 gear in no time.