My Vengeance Macro with logs to back it up

So I have been using this macro I made for my raid. I have used bits of others to include EnixLHQ to make this macro as perfect for me as possible. I use it at a speed of .07ms on the razer synapse program.

My Character rankings in heroics based on Warcraft logs using only this macro.

As you can see I have been able to hold between 75 to 95 percental for the class.

With the end of Legion happening soon I figured I should post these for people to show what this macro can do

Sequences['Dhshawn'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.08.
  Talents = "1,2,2,2,1,3,1",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/castsequence  reset=target  Throw Glaive, nul",
        "/use [talent:7/3][reset=30] Soul Barrier",
        "/use Spirit Bomb",
        "/use Spirit Bomb",
        "/use Immolation Aura",
        "/use Fracture",
        "/use [@player] Infernal Strike",
        "/use Soul Carver",
        "/use Immolation Aura",
        "/use [@player] Sigil of Flame",
        "/use Shear",
        "/use Soul Carver",
        "/use Empower Wards",
        "/use Demon Spikes",
        "/use [talent:7/3][reset=30] Soul Barrier",

Please let me know what you think and what you think could make this even better.

I am working on a BFA Macro so that it will be up and running come BFA launch

For my part… This is the best macro i have tried it suits my playstyle…

Thank you for that it’s appreciated

i gotta ask why abyssal strike ? agonizing flames gives you more mobility and more damage ?

Concentrated sigil is a trash talent but i use flame crash so it auto puts down a sigil of flame.

" I use it at a speed of .071ms on the razer synapse program, between 250 to 500 ms in the game "

Can you eloberate on this because i just click my screen and are you saying you have 250 to 500 ms ping ? if so seams a bit unplayable

@Thomas Fraser, I based my rotation on what the top raiders are doing in mythic and heroic raiding. That’s why I have the talents I have. As for the ms in Game, I play on a US server but live in the Philippines so that explains why I have high ms in the game and since the new patch, I have had lag spike doing raids that shot up to 500 ms on bosses. But with the setting in razer synapse setting of .071ms, I am still able to get the DPS and tanking done. That setting work perfect for me. it just means you have adjust the setting for yourself to what works best for you.

Hey just wanted to say I’m really enjoying your script. And I was wondering did you have any other ones like maybe a good blood dk one? or any other class. So I started multiboxing my dh’s again after testing out this one. So ya thank you.

@Buck the best Blood Dk in this forums is from John Mets Blood DK this is the macro I use. John has worked on this macro for years and he keeps it updated


I don’t use AHK. I use Razer Synapse and have it set to 0.071 ms.

I agree, it’s by far the most effective DK macro for me.

You have a very different approach than I with this macro…and I like it! I tweaked it a bit to fit my own talent preferences, but am really liking what you did, especially the casting [@player] for the sigil and Infernal Strike. Casting those automatically vs. targeting with the mouse saves a lot of time and really boosted my damage.

Thank you!

@jeffrey Glad you liked i would love to see what you macro looks like

WOW…havent been on the forums in a bit and been using the EX_Veng macro…tried this one out and DOUBLED my DPS…went from mid 700’s to 1.4MM…this is running dungeons, ilvl 952. THANK YOU! have a havoc macro?

Here’s what I’m using right now…the macro is written for the classic GnomeSequencer.

Sequences['Veng-S'] = {
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
	if step == limit then
		limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/run SetCVar("Sound_EnableErrorSpeech","0")
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
"/cast [combat] Immolation Aura",
"/cast [combat] Fracture",
"/cast [combat, @player] Infernal Strike",
"/cast [combat, @player] Sigil of Flame",
"/cast [combat] Immolation Aura",
"/cast [combat] Shear",
"/cast [combat] Soul Carver",
"/cast [combat] Soul Cleave",
"/cast Throw Glaive",
PostMacro = [[
--/use [combat]11
--/use [combat]12
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/cast [combat]Demon Spikes
/run SetCVar("Sound_EnableErrorSpeech","1")

@Jeffery thanks for showing me your macro. I like to look at what others have to help make my macro even better. I have been testing out adding Throw Glaive for fights with adds IE Portal Keeper, High Command, Eonar, and for doing Mythics+.

So I have been asked if I have updated my macro in which I have updated in the OP and I’ll post it also here for people to test out and let me know.

Sequences['Dhshawn'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.05.
  Talents = "1,2,2,2,1,3,1",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/use Spirit Bomb",
        "/use Spirit Bomb",
        "/use Immolation Aura",
        "/use Fracture",
        "/use [@player] Infernal Strike",
        "/use Soul Carver",
        "/use Immolation Aura",
        "/use [@player] Sigil of Flame",
        "/use Immolation Aura",
        "/use Shear",
        "/use Soul Carver",
        "/use Demon Spikes",
        "/use Empower Wards",
    [2] = {
      StepFunction = "Sequential",
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
        "/castsequence  reset=target  Throw Glaive, null",
        "/use Spirit Bomb",
        "/use Spirit Bomb",
        "/use Immolation Aura",
        "/use Fracture",
        "/use [@player] Infernal Strike",
        "/use Soul Carver",
        "/use Immolation Aura",
        "/use [@player] Sigil of Flame",
        "/use Immolation Aura",
        "/use Shear",
        "/use Soul Carver",
        "/use Demon Spikes",
        "/use [@player] Infernal Strike",
        "/use Empower Wards",

awesome macro. logs show me in the upper purple rankings

Holy Mother of GOD! I had used my own hacked together script. For some reason today it started to act up, so I looked on here and found yours. God DAMN that’s a nice macro!

So, I’ve never understood the key release command in these macros. Is it exactly what it sounds like? It executes the commands when you aren’t pressing the macro button?

@mike thanks for the praise i worked hard on this macro and i’m happy you enjoy.

@Steffan Von Dollen Key press is for when you press the button the spell or spells cast in that order, key release it the same thing but will try to cast what ever spell is there.

Thank you for the response. Love the macro and I’m using it now. Nothing I love more than being able to solo the elites while doing the dailies in Argus. With the macro and being a ven DH, I never get low on hp or die. Now, with my low dps, due to my equipment, it might take me awhile to down the elite solo, but I still solo it without fear of dying. :wink: