[nTx] IMA FIRIN MAH LAZOR [Level 70] [Demon Hunter] [Havoc]

I think i might be struggling with other issues causing this however, im using a controller with a built in turbo button, perhaps its too fast because i feel like it’s often casting throw glaive then blade dance as an opener? (returning to wow since cata, so sorry this is all new to me)

Rn im outside computer, but as far i can remember throw glaive on the v2 was on opener (no combat, cast sequence on null) so… Gotta check it

no problem, ive tried manually pressing the button and it does appear its only on the opener. would you suggest my issue of it using blade dance as the second move before even felblade is down to my ms settings or turbo controller button?

Its supposed to be on opener because youre not on melee so thats the Attack you do before you get in with fel Rush or fel blade, If theres no enemy on your melee rsnge that blade dance gonna fail hehe

Great job with this macro. Quick question its not casting felblade for me is that normal? Not sure what I’m doing wrong. Doesn’t seem to matter if its version 1 or 2. Also neither one appears to be using throw glaive or meta. I’m trying it on dummies, not sure if that matters at all

Updated my copy of the macro but on opening it in GSE in the game there are no tabs at all?
Only config and weak aura tabs are there. Tried everything I could to no avail.
Could you check and see if its been exported correctly please?

Did u press the button? Read disclaimer

I did say I tried everything lol.
I will away and try again for you…

Its read only, and editor disabled. I said it twice on disclaimer.

U can use the macro not Edit it.

you are missing my point I think. There are NO tabs to read however the version before this update I could at least see the tabs and what was in them (I could also adjust the macro as I placed " - -" in front of the target line to stop auto targeting the next npc). I did get the macro to work and was just trying to be helpful. Sorry to have bothered you for wanting to see the macro layout as in the prior version.
I do appreciate you for putting it together and in no way am trying to diss you. Thank you

You still dont get it… Read disclaimer…

Its on READ ONLY and YOU CANNOT SEE TABS ON READ ONLY. Read only and editor disabled, its on caps, bold… You cannot miss i

Disclaimer is there for a reason

Too bad people have pissed you off. I tried the macro and only a few spells go off. Unable to see what the issue is due to the read only. Your macros where doing great. Well guess I’ll go and build my own. Thanks for the previous work you have done. Piss on those that pissed you off.

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any chance, you could create a v3, without the trinkets activation, would love to try your macro.

Ill try to update this afternoon with editor so you can tweak as you like. Updated yesterday vengeance one.

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hey thx for your macro !
i have try to update it but it looks like that now she doesn’t work anymore (maybe a problem with the fact that i play in french)
could you do something for it ?

Unlocked it, fix the skills that are in wrong language.


Gonna update as soon as I reach level 70 with dh (was focused on warr)

Thank you sir, I do use your vengeance one also with minor tweaks for my play style. Found out why the macro was hanging up. You had under the Step Function Repeat was 22 instead of 2. Fixed that and it works good.

Just did a Quick update on veng one because i found it very clumpsy, its working way better now

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any chance u can add trinkets to press if needed , dont know if hard but like to have trinkets press on needed on use plz , thanks again for the hard work

Its not locked anymore, u can do it by yourself