GSE still workng for me. just ran my mythics for the week with it.
can consecrated blade block be disabled (or replaced?) it is a passive spell, right?
I left “Consecrated Blade” in the macro in case someone were to choose not to use that talent as I believe it should update to Consecration or Divine Hammer.
And yes, you can definitely disable that block
ah that makes sense and thank you.
nice-- im at owrk atm ill give it a go when i get home.
In the the meantime your previous macro has been working for me too, with a spec i haphazardly put together yesterday.
Hi Oak, thanks for the macros, works really well.
My knowledge of GSE being limited, do you know if we could put the AOE on a modifier in order to have a single macro (e.g. whenever I want to aoe I just keep shift pressed as well)?
If it is indeed possible, how would you advise to tweek your macro to achieve such goals?
Dear @OAK first of all thanks for your work, macro is solid and very good.
2 things:
i think should be used more ofter Templar Strike, it s a big source of damage now, seems to me that both macros fires it rarely or maybe it is not optimised in the rotation to make combo
st macro sometimes get stuck for 3/4 seconds, it s only me or someone else?
Thanks again
I mean… really the only difference between the two is Single Target uses Final (Templar’s) Verdict and AOE uses Divine Storm
So, you could replace Final Verdict blocks with
/cast [mod:shift] Divine Storm; Final Verdict
For it to actually work tho, you’d likely have to remove all the [nomod]'s or change them to [nomod:alt/ctrl] I dont know exactly, but it’s possible, it would take some finagling
As for the Templar Strike combo, you could move it up in the macro, but it’s still not meant to be used as THE ability… there are others that take priority.
i havnt had this issue. might need to turn up your MS.
in this case i have to lower or increase?
And @OAK what if i replace the passive block (consecrated blade) that i disabled with Templar Strike?
what are you running it at?
i am running at 100ms with icue/rewasd and i have a latency of 35
try going up a lil. just to test it. if you hit 250 (i know its a long way from 100 lol) and still getting the issue. let us know.
i will try soon and let you know, thanks!
Great macro. thank you very much
Before 10.0.7 this macro used to be a beast however after testing it on herotic raid today the dps seems to be lacking, the other pallies were doing alot more dps than me, i will try to do some mythic + and see how that goes, i think the problem lays within not able to spam final verdict on 5 power sometimes, is it safe to move final verdict from the macro and use it manually?
the old macro will work fine too
94k overall academy 17. Works fine
Did u make some changes or manually cast something? May I ask your ms speed for the macro?
Macro works fine for me, however, my pally is currently going on the back burner until 10.1
Feel free to make whatever changes/edits you want
No macro will be perfect, you will very likely need to manually hit some things if they are not firing off as often as you’d like. You can toy with the intervals of the repeat blocks, I’ve noticed when exporting the macro, some of the intervals get reset to 1, which is not ideal.
Good Luck