Yes i guess just put your macro to binded key thats all

I absolutely loves this macro. Using Punchkey 3.0 on 100 ms and rockin it. Boosted a brand new paladin and been using it the whole time.

Two questions:

  1. How do you know from looking at a macro string, what the talents they are using are?

  2. Raidbots sims are not telling me to keep my mastery above 50 percent. Should I ignore this?

Thank you for your time and effort on this! YOU ARE AWESOME!

[quote quote=57439]I absolutely loves this macro. Using Punchkey 3.0 on 100 ms and rockin it. Boosted a brand new paladin and been using it the whole time.
Two questions:

  1. How do you know from looking at a macro string, what the talents they are using are?
  2. Raidbots sims are not telling me to keep my mastery above 50 percent. Should I ignore this?
    Thank you for your time and effort on this! YOU ARE AWESOME![/quote]

What do you mean by talents?

Talents = “1312112”
It means:

  1. Final Verdict
  2. Greater Judgment
  3. Hammer of Justice
  4. Blade of Wrath
  5. Justicar’s Vengeance
  6. Divine Intervention
  7. Crusade

And for your second questions yea ignore it :slight_smile:
I’ve updated talents of macros by the way.

Hi there,

Thanks for your macros. I get an error when trying to import any of them:

"Storage [string “Storage”]:5:unexpected symbol near “?”

There are free macro slots and no problem importing other macros

Thanks for any suggestion.

I am unable to import these macro strings.

Each time I copy and paste I receive:

Macro unable to be Imported.
(In Chat window) Storage [string “Storage”]:5: unexpected symbol near ‘?’

I am unable to import these macro strings.

Each time I copy and paste I receive:

Macro unable to be Imported.
(In Chat window) Storage [string “Storage”]:5: unexpected symbol near ‘?’

please help

[quote quote=57463]I am unable to import these macro strings.
Each time I copy and paste I receive:
Macro unable to be Imported. (In Chat window) Storage [string “Storage”]:5: unexpected symbol near ‘?’[/quote]

I’ve fixed it now.

[quote quote=57468]I am unable to import these macro strings.
Each time I copy and paste I receive:
Macro unable to be Imported. (In Chat window) Storage [string “Storage”]:5: unexpected symbol near ‘?’
please help[/quote]

I’ve fixed it now.

Thanks !!


Hi again TMUAR.

Using your string and I think I found the reason why my dps is quiite low. I did compare my dps with other pallys and seems the difference comes from using Templar’s Vrdict, when your string did X-amount of that then the others did 60+ times more.
So, here is my question, how I can adjust the string to cast Templar’s Verdict more often or even out of cd. Is there that I can priotirize it somehow?
I’m running it at AHK 75 ms
Thank You in Advance!

Have reworked your Macro a little so if you press ALT and hold while running Macro you enter AOE Mode
I dont know if its worked with AHK because there are some issues with the modifiers.

Sequences['R2-S'] = {
Talents = "1312112",
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = "Sequential",
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
"/cast Shield of Vengeance",
"/cast [talent:5/2]Eye for an Eye",
"/cast Wake of Ashes",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast [nomod] Templar's Verdict",
"/cast [mod:alt] Divine Storm",
"/cast Blade of Justice",
"/cast Crusader Strike",
"/cast Arcane Torrent",

[quote quote=57540]Hi again TMUAR.
Using your string and I think I found the reason why my dps is quiite low. I did compare my dps with other pallys and seems the difference comes from using Templar’s Vrdict, when your string did X-amount of that then the others did 60+ times more. So, here is my question, how I can adjust the string to cast Templar’s Verdict more often or even out of cd. Is there that I can priotirize it somehow? I’m running it at AHK 75 ms Thank You in Advance![/quote]

Guys updated current macros. Also took a little code from @Julian Raine Try it.
I’m doing +15 Mythic Keys with these now and results are pretty good :slight_smile:
Also as i mention and remind everytime Keep your Mastery atleast %60 or more and %30 Haste.
Crit can be around %25-28
You can see my stats from:

I want to thank you. I am currently using this macro for my daughter who has MS. Just letting you know you are having an impact.

I’m glad you liked it :slight_smile:
Have fun


I did some testing and the outcome was: your rotation 1) Templar’s verdict 164, Judgment 64 and BoJ 45, overall dps done 1,6 m (5 min fight on dummy)
Second rotation was TL’s: 1) Templar’s Verdict 180, Judgment 62 and BoJ 47, overall dps 1,68 m.

I’ts getting better the cap is not that big anymore, some tweeking and it’s in tip-top shape:p


Hi, can you rewrite me your script for autohotkey for keys “1” single target and “2” Aoe ?
When i change the keys in the script nothing happens… but i thinks it is my fail

Thanks a lot, great Macro !!

Is there a high risk off banning when i play gse + ahk ? What is with the detection from ward… and co ?

You will not get banned from using Gse + AhK


Hey Guys… real quick…
How can I make the modifier be the down arrow button?

